GTW Game 18

I thought about it...

.. But then I thought about dealing with Shlimazel and JacaByte and the others who won't let up about my earlier rants.

As long as they're chasing red herring's like that, they won't be useful in finding Actual Evil Players.

Eugene Chin.

_mrxak came out from his office and glanced at The Big Board before walking swiftly to the podium.

The Big Board reads:

Anon - SoItBegins
darth_vader - SoItBegins
1Eevee1 -
Eugene Chin - Eugene Chin
GutlessWonder - Eugene Chin
Hypochondriac - SoItBegins
JacaByte - Eugene Chin
kickme - Mackilroy
Mackilroy - Eugene Chin
Manta - SoItBegins
nfreader - Eugene Chin
prophile - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 - Eugene Chin
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - Shlimazel
Shlimazel - Eugene Chin
SoItBegins - Eugene Chin

"Well, I see almost all of you have voted," mrxak said, tallying the votes as the assembled delegates receive their lunches, End of the Round Soup for all. "Let's see, we have eight votes for Eugene Chin, wait, I see darth_vader and GutlessWonder are changing their votes. Hold on. Well, still eight votes for Eugene Chin. It seems darth_vader changed his vote to Eugene Chin just as GutlessWonder changed his vote to SoItBegins, all at the last minute. Fascinating, if entirely pointless. Well, as I said, eight votes for Eugene Chin, six votes for SoItBegins, and one vote each for Mackilroy and Shlimazel. I see we have reached a plurality. Eugene Chin, you are hereby sentenced to death by the Special Delegates to the Nuclear Arms Council. Your next of kin will be notified. Buffalo The Kid? Please take him away for execution."

Buffalo The Kid grabs Eugene Chin and drags him away.

The Big Board reads:

Anon - SoItBegins
darth_vader - Eugene Chin
1Eevee1 -
Eugene Chin - Eugene Chin
GutlessWonder - SoItBegins
Hypochondriac - SoItBegins
JacaByte - Eugene Chin
kickme - Mackilroy
Mackilroy - Eugene Chin
Manta - SoItBegins
nfreader - Eugene Chin
prophile - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 - Eugene Chin
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - Shlimazel
Shlimazel - Eugene Chin
SoItBegins - Eugene Chin

"We'll begin an investigation into his recent actions immediately. Rest assured, if he was truly a rogue member of this council, it will be uncovered soon. I assure you his death will be quite painless. We just use a simple lethal injection down here. No mess. Hey, speaking of mess," mrxak points to prophile and chuckles. The delegates see that his head is in his End of the Round Soup. "What's wrong prophile, too sleepy to drink all of your soup?"

prophile, head still in soup, says nothing.

"Hey, uh, nfreader and rebelswin_85, check his pulse, will you?" mrxak asks the two delegates sitting on either side of prophile.

"He's not breathing!" rebelswin_85 exclaims as nfreader pulls him to the floor to attempt CPR. Suddenly, there's a slight splash, and the delegates and mrxak see that darth_vader has fallen into his End of the Round Soup as well. Anon and 1Eevee1 try reviving him as well.

"Oh my," mrxak says, looking over the growing panic among the delegates, many of them pushing their End of the Round Soup away or pouring it out. "I'd hate to think our soup is poisoned or something. I'll get the medics and security in here soon."

When the medics arrive, they pronounce both prophile and darth_vader dead, and their bodies are taken away to the morgue. Poison is found in both of their bowls, but is not detected in any of the others, and soon one of the waiters is found shot dead in a stairwell by security. It seems an assassin or assassins eliminated both delegates and covered up their tracks.

"Well the good news is, we get to take three seats away from the table, it won't be quite so crowded. The bad news is that it would appear the rogue members have made their first strike. I received word that nuclear blasts went off in prophile's nation just moments ago. As for darth_vader, it would seem that he was killed by somebody else entirely for reasons unknown. Perhaps one of you here or one of your aides is responsible. Naturally his nation's nuclear weapons will fall under NAC control immediately, just as Eugene Chin's and the remainder of prophile's nukes will be. In any case, time to reset The Big Board."

_There are currently 14 players in this game:
RJC Ultra
SoItBegins _

"Well gentlemen, you have 72 hours to vote. Enjoy your new End of the Round Soup, I assure you it's been well tested."_

You have 72 hours to vote. I recognize that some of you may be watching the Super Bowl, at parties, etc., so I decided not to do a 60 hour round as I told some of you I would. However, if almost all of you have voted within 48 hours, I may end it then so be prepared, and if you need/want to PM me, do so ASAP. You can always change your mind later.

Huuuuuurk bleah.

This post has been edited by darth_vader : 01 February 2008 - 12:33 PM

Ok.... looks like we have an assassin to deal with in addition to the terrorists 😞

This post has been edited by Hypochondriac : 01 February 2008 - 12:43 PM

I hate non-terrorist assassins. They make life so difficult (and short). 😞

This post has been edited by Rickton : 01 February 2008 - 12:44 PM

Okay, I finished sending out all the PMs I think I need to. If I missed somebody, let me know. 71 hours to go.

I have to ask: do we each eat End of Round Soup in a Super Bowl?

@soitbegins, on Feb 1 2008, 02:06 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

I have to ask: do we each eat End of Round Soup in a Super Bowl?

Do you know how much that makes me want to vote you out right now?

19.5 hours to go... <_<

"This is most unusual," mrxak says after quickly entering the room and getting to the podium. He looks flustered. "It seems that there's been some sort of security breach at the morgue, where the four bodies are being held, or rather, were. Somebody has stolen darth_vader's body. Why? We don't know. Maybe it had something to do with his poisoning, to cover up evidence. The medical examiner discovered his body was gone when he went to do an autopsy."

Great a stolen corpse? Why do I get the impression Darth Vader's death was faked?

I just hope somebody starts voting soon. Whether or not we find the body, the game must go on.

Interesting... So who, exactly, was Darth Vader, and why would he be important enough for somebody to steal his body? Or perhaps an intelligence agent took it, but, of course, why would an IA want a dead body on their hands? We can draw three conclusions here:

  • Darth Vader has hiding a secret of some type and a third party didn't want the medical examiners at the morgue to find it.

  • An intelligence agent had investigate DV and thought that taking his body would reveal more about him.

  • Darth Vader faked his own death and is now dropping in on our debates here, or plotting some type of revenge on the person who killed him.

Number 2 is the most unlikely of the 3 in my opinion; why would an intelligence agent want attention drawn to him just for the sake of evidence that may or may not be conclusive on their part? Number 3 is the most likely, and I have a bad feeling about what might happen if he becomes certain about who his killer was.

Uhhh... JacaByte... did you just propose that d_v faked his own death?! I think it's because of your option #1: darth_vader had a secret someone doesn't want us to find out.

Yes, I did just propose that DV faked his own death. There isn't a problem with that, I hope?

Also, there's a forth possibility that I didn't think about earlier; Darth Vader faked his own death, with the help of outsiders (terrorists), and was taken away by the terrorists because he was giving them something that they wanted desperately and went to all extremes to get him out of the council building. What better way to do that than to convince everybody that he is dead?

This post has been edited by JacaByte : 01 February 2008 - 07:39 PM

Too many people have been suspiciously quite. I belive DV faked his death. Which is highly suspicious, Can I vote to kill him if he shows up in the future?

@jacabyte, on Feb 1 2008, 04:38 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

Yes, I did just propose that DV faked his own death. There isn't a problem with that, I hope?

There's no problem with that; it's just plum ridiculous, that's all.

OOC: I think mrxak is just using this to avoid having to reveal what role he had. It's just standard procedure.

@hypochondriac, on Feb 1 2008, 05:40 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

Too many people have been suspiciously quite. I belive DV faked his death. Which is highly suspicious, Can I vote to kill him if he shows up in the future?

No. But , big but here, if we can link somebody to DV, then it is highly likely that that person is a terrorist or has some other nefarious role.

What if he was a zombie? And since we all have no brains, since we work for governments, he went off to like, Japan or somewhere like that?


@soitbegins, on Feb 1 2008, 07:44 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

OOC: I think mrxak is just using this to avoid having to reveal what role he had. It's just standard procedure.

I'm as surprised by his corpse's disappearance as all of you. You'll all be the first to know if it turns up. Especially if he's a zombie.