GTW Game 11

No, but he owes me money. I was only going through his pockets because of that reason.

Anyway, I cast my vote for... Gutless Wonder.

And, I know this is off-topic, but... you know SketchFighter? I think that there might be a clone of it coming out... not 100% sure. I'll leave it as vague as that to avoid being reported for advertising.

@anon, on Nov 3 2007, 09:30 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

Gutless Wonder, I think my stab-in-the-dark accusation of you last round may actually have been correct. You had no reason to vote for nfreader last round, and no reason to vote for Eugene Chin now.

Of course I had no reason to vote for nfreader last round. No one really had any good reason to vote for anyone else. That's just the first round's nature. The second round is never much better, either, hence a stab in the dark to get people talking.

I will, of course, say that I am innocent. I will also now be voting for 1Eevee1 , and only partly in self defense.

Mackilroy 's reasoning is weak. I mentioned him as suspcicious last time, and I think my suspicions are being confirmed. GW will probably die this round, but I don't want to bandwagon.

What did I do? How is being curious (I didn't even BRING IT UP) about why someone was mentioned until mrxak's explanation suspicious? And 1Eevee1 was the one rifling through prophile's pockets, not me. If someone else's actions make me suspicious than something's screwed up here.

@mackilroy, on Nov 4 2007, 01:40 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

What did I do? How is being curious (I didn't even BRING IT UP) about why someone was mentioned until mrxak's explanation suspicious? And 1Eevee1 was the one rifling through prophile's pockets, not me. If someone else's actions make me suspicious than something's screwed up here.

I don't think we can take a thing mrxak says seriously or literally. He's just crafted (a very funny and well done) role-playing scene with the delegates. Assuming what he says has a direct bearing on the game is just silly. Using it to dissemble would be more clever, though...

Well, then, neither of us really has an argument. I'll stop taking mrxak literally, and you can stop accusing me for taking mrxak literally. Deal?

For the record, 1Eevee1 rifling through prophile's pockets is just about as suspicious as Mackilroy knowing something about explosive forensics or GutlessWonder knowing how to read prophile's native language. That is to say, not suspicious at all. The truth is, 1Eevee1 needed some change to buy snacks from the vending machine, since he only had twenty dollar bills, and what did prophile need with quarters anymore anyway? Mackilroy knows about explosive forensics because he used to be a work in the national police force for his country, working his way up to director before getting a political promotion to an ambassador to some small nation before becoming the ambassador to to the UN. GutlessWonder knows how to read prophile's native language because he took some classes in college before deciding what he really wanted to do was become an artist, no wait, a lawyer, no wait, an aerospace engineer. But he coasted along on gentlemen's Cs and mediocre management positions at companies until his brother became vice president and GutlessWonder ended up an ambassador to the UN.

So, just so we're clear. I'm not going to reveal anything in my italics text to give you hints or anything like that. I enjoy making up little silly stories, and in time you may learn what mrxak's true motives are (for those of you that don't already know), but beyond that, nothing I say should be taken seriously. I try to post important information in normal text so that those who want can skip the italicized stuff and still get relevant information about who's dead, dead people's roles, and when the next round ends.

This round ends in 6 hours by the way. All of you have already voted at least once. If you want to change your votes some more, you have about 6 hours to do so.

_"Yay! Everybody voted, and there's no tie!" mrxak yelled enthusiastically, then started blowing up balloons. "One shark for you, Mackilroy, and one shark for you... Go long 1Eevee1!"

1Eevee1 started running quickly away with a grin on his face, but mrxak threw the shark balloon only a few feet. 1Eevee1 walked slowly back to the front of the room to get his shark balloon, head bowed.

"So this is great! Three votes for GutlessWonder, two for 1Eevee1, and one for Mackilroy. Crazy," mrxak continued. I hope you all brought your swimsuits today, yes?"

The security council looks up at mrxak confused, then at each other. That is, all except Anon, who mumbles something quietly about always having his swim suit. Eugene Chin asks his aide if he got that memo.

"Oh come on guys, after the vote tonight we're all going down to the beach. Remember? You didn't know? Mr. Bunny told you all..." mrxak looks concerned at Mr. Bunny. A moment later he frowns. "Ohhh... I'm sorry. I had the date wrong. The beach party is at the end of the _next _vote."

"Well, hopefully we can wrap this up soon. Oh, and we need somebody to bring hot dogs. Any volunteers?"

GutlessWonder raises his hand sharply.

"Ah, a clever strategy. If you get killed tonight or next round, there won't be any hot dogs," mrxak nods. "Very well. The hot dogs are your responsibility."

mrxak leaves the room, but then turns around and comes back for one last message.

"Oh, 1Eevee1? You should have Mr. McShark bring the buns. Mrs. McShark can probably help too," mrxak waves at Mackilroy then leaves the room._

@mackilroy, on Nov 4 2007, 04:34 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

Well, then, neither of us really has an argument. I'll stop taking mrxak literally, and you can stop accusing me for taking mrxak literally. Deal?

Very well.

Vote for Mackilroy is retracted.

Now, who to vote for next...?

This post has been edited by darth_vader : 04 November 2007 - 07:37 PM

Whoever you decide to vote for, I hope you do it soon. 4 hours remain.

Since ties are bad, I guess I'll have to go with GutlessWonder.

@darth_vader, on Nov 4 2007, 07:41 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

Since ties are bad, I guess I'll have to go with GutlessWonder.



Edit: Another two innocents will die with this vote against me. The game will (likely) be over.

This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 04 November 2007 - 10:34 PM

"Voting closes in 36 minutes everybody! Anybody wishing to change their vote should do so soon!" mrxak says, gently petting Mr. Bunny.

_mrxak looks at the clock and reads the Big Board.

"At a final vote of four for GutlessWonder, and two for 1Eevee1, the security council has reached their decision and has found GutlessWonder guilty. We will take him away now, yes," mrxak stands at the podium and beckons forward the guards. GutlessWonder protests, and yells that he is innocent repeatedly while they drag him away. "Yes yes. A fine choice, but I hope you all like eating empty hot dog buns. Well, I suppose we can add some ketchup or mustard to make them better. But I _refuse _to let terrorists ruin our beach party! It shall continue regardless of the hardships! These acts of hot dog deprivation will not make us submit!"

mrxak calls for a recess, since everybody needs to contact their home governments to begin preparations to nuke GutlessWonder's nation. After some time passes, mrxak reconvenes the security council and GutlessWonder's name is removed from the Big Board._

GutlessWonder has been eliminated.

_"Do we know yet if he was guilty?" asks 1Eevee1. "Did we finally get one of them?"

"Yes, we know, and no, GutlessWonder was not guilty. It turns out he was really just a regular guy. I mean, the only evil person he even knew was his brother the vice president of GutlessWonderland, but even then, we're talking really low levels of evil. Sex scandal evil, not nuking the whole world evil," mrxak shook his head. "But that doesn't matter, we have to move on. Nobody else has died yet, right? Say your name if you're still here."

"Anon here!" Anon says.
"darth_vader still alive!" darth_vader says.
"1Eevee1 breathing!" says 1Eevee1, pretending to be Darth Vader.
"Eugene Chin here!" Eugene Chin raises his hand.
"Mackilroy here!" Mackilroy says.

"Question! Why didn't my name get all bold-like when I said my name?" 1Eevee1 asks.

"That's a very good question. Let me ask Mr. Bunny," mrxak replies. Just then kickme enters the room and whispers something in mrxak's ear. "Oh? Oh my. Yes, that is quite disturbing. Well that does explain some things, doesn't it Mr. Bunny? Very well. Thank you kickme, for that information."

mrxak clears this throat, and everybody pays close attention.

"A few moments ago, just as nations of the security council accomplished the complete destruction of GutlessWonderland (seems like a waste of the world's largest sovereign theme park, by the way), it seems that a some of the warhead targets were hacked and diverted to 1Eevee1's nation," mrxak explained, as 1Eevee1 looked horrified. "I want to introduce you all to kickme here. He's apparently a hired assassin that has infiltrated this building complex and this very room for the purposes of killing 1Eevee1. He promises not to make a mess, so I think we should all give him our attention now, as he wants to address the council."

"Yes, thank you mrxak," kickme began. "As you now know, I'm here to kill 1Eevee1. I'll be doing that now."

kickme pulled out a blowpipe and shot a poison dart at 1Eevee1. 1Eevee1 held up Mr. McShark to block the dart, but of course the balloon animal simply popped and the dart went straight into 1Eevee1's neck. He fell down, instantly dead.

"Well, I must congratulate you, kickme. That was a flawless assassination. But I bet you did not expect Mr. Bunny to attack you!" mrxak yelled, throwing the balloon bunny at kickme, who simply dodged it. "Hmm, well played, kickme, well played."

kickme ran out of the room and guards tried to chase after him._

1Eevee1 is now dead. He was innocent.

_"Well, that was exciting," mrxak continued. "I guess we should probably start the vote all over again, right? Don't forget your swim suits, in 48 hours we have our beach party. Try to vote beforehand, we don't want to bring business to the beach, do we?"

mrxak picks up Mr. Bunny and places him again on the podium. He stops a guard chasing after kickme and keeps him there a moment to make a balloon gun for the guard._

You have 48 hours to vote in the next round. For your information, there was only one scenario in which the game could have ended after the last round, but that didn't end up happening, so we continue for at least one more round. There are two terrorists, one innocent, and one other special role. I need PMs from at least two of you. Get to it.


This post has been edited by kickme : 05 November 2007 - 12:17 AM

I'm scared... I need a hug... special role, save me!

I have my thoughts on what sort of special ability we're dealing with.

An SDI is a purely defensive role. He wouldn't be able to stop the dictators from stalling the vote until the night phase, during which the dictators would kill somebody.

My older brother (Some of you longtime forum-goer's know him, James Chin) suggests the following, more plausible alternative:

All nations have hardened nuclear silos which they use to try and kill the dictator's nations. This player's special role is to send personnel into the silos of dead nations and turn their missiles against a target at his discretion, without giving away his own identity.

He also speculates that the special role could also have Both abilities, but has been too level headed to kill anybody without evidence.

If he's right, then at this point this ability could turn the game around (if used against a dictator), or spell doom (If used against an innocent).

Your thoughts?

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 05 November 2007 - 02:27 AM

Since some of you are probably wondering how the game can continue with two terrorists left and only four players, I should assure you that it's possible for both the innocents and the terrorists to win.

The terrorists were not told at the beginning of the game who the other cell's leader is. They could very well vote for each other in this next round, and they may have already voted for each other in the past unknowingly.

The remaining special role is passive in nature, but could dramatically change how the game turns out.

So, choose who you vote for carefully, everybody. Remember that ties are lame and will guarantee that the terrorist win. Good luck. If you can get voting in within the first day of the round, we shall end it there, but the round will end at ether 24 or 48 hours after my last post, no matter what.

Well, that's intriguing. I wonder if Anon could be the special role? I mean, he's former military, so mrxak MIGHT have picked him for that reason. Which leaves darth_vader being quite shady... he's accused me even though I was merely expressed curiosity.

Is that an actual vote, or just talk? Remember that votes need to be bold.

Either 20 or 44 hours remain!

Just talk. I have no idea who could be who or what right now.