Is Darwinia worth registering?

Decisions, decisions...

I've come into a bit of money and I'm wondering which game to register.
I've played the demo of Darwinia and it seems like a fun game. I'm just wondering how many locations there are if there's much replay value. My other choices are currently Uplink and Gooball.
Please post your suggestions.

Hell yeah, Darwinia is worth registering. The game is great, plus, when you beat it, you get a map editor.

Uplink was also fun, but I never beat that game. I really should go back and play it again.

And I haven't played gooball yet. My computer can't really handle it, and it crashes instantly on my dad's dual-2Ghz (and oddly enough, I never got a response to my email to Ambrosia about that)

There's a map editor and plenty of mods to be played when you finish. So hell yeah.

Uplink is cool. It's only annoying that I can't play it on my laptop, as the widescreen stretches it and that looks ugly.
Darwinia is cool, too, but actually, it becomes a little boring after you played a while. Basically all you do is to whipe out all enemies and activate/occupy the buildings. Once levels become larger, it becomes a little annoying.
I think both games are worth registering, though.
I don't have much experience with gooball, what I saw didn't impress me enough to buy it.

I'm going to tell you no. And do you know why? Because no one would expect that. You post on the forums of the company that developed the game and expect that people here are going to give you an unbiased opinion...


I should download the demo for this though.

Darwinia and Gooball are worth registering, but not Uplink... I very highly recommend EV Nova.

Ah, I went for Gooball in the end, I'll probably register Darwinia later when I have more money.
Thanks guys.

barth, on Apr 8 2005, 05:00 PM, said:

Darwinia and Gooball are worth registering, but not Uplink... I very highly recommend EV Nova.
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Uplink is definately worth registering, you don't know what you're talking about.

It's really all a matter of personal opinion. The best thing to do is download the shareware version and give it a play. If you like it, register it.

I'd say Darwinia is worth registering, but... I'd really suggest waiting for a few patches first. There are a few really nasty bugs that can make it pretty frustrating. (Psycho camera, multiple loaded-armour crash, etc.)

Yes I completely agree there. The abysmal framerates as soon as real opposition happens is also extremely frustrating.

I love BOOGALL and Darwinia. If I had to pick, I'd probably go with BOOGALL, but it would be pretty close.

Luckily I get both :).

😄 Uplink 😄
😄 Darwinia 😄
😞 Gooball 😞
😄 🙂 EV Nova 🙂 😄

mrxak, on Apr 9 2005, 11:11 AM, said:

I love BOOGALL and Darwinia. If I had to pick, I'd probably go with BOOGALL, but it would be pretty close.

Luckily I get both :).
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Gooball is fun, but the last two levels are torture. I have been working on them for two weeks now, and still can't finish them.


I'm giving serious consideration towards registering Darwinia, as it looks more replayable than Uplink was.

What was wrong with Uplink?

Andcarne, on May 9 2005, 06:15 AM, said:

What was wrong with Uplink?
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Though the question was not directed at me, I will give it a go none the less.

I have no real problem with Uplink. I think that it is a great game, and I go back and play through every once in a while. However, I must agree that it really does not have a great deal to offer on the second time through, and it does not have all that many extras unless you are |337 enough to decode everything.

Once you finish all of the plot missions, missions start to repeat themselves, and once you get good at them, there is little challenge. There is also a fair amount of mucking about with no tools at the beginning of the game, which is also kind of repetitive. Again, it is a great game, but I have found that it requires a fairly long 'cooling off' period between play throughs.

And even the story missions offer little variety. It seems to me that there are only about two ways to tackle the game: the Arunmor route, and the ARC route. And it is just about always possible to jump over to the Arunmor route.


SadMac, on Apr 9 2005, 03:41 AM, said:

Yes I completely agree there. The abysmal framerates as soon as real opposition happens is also extremely frustrating.
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I would agree with waiting for a patch before registering. From what I have heard as well as what I have experienced on my own computer, Darwinia has several potentially show-stopping bugs/performance issues that could easily rear their ugly heads on your system. I myself probably won't consider registering until I know that the later levels will play smoothly on my computer. This is why I have been advocating a "flyby" option in the demo to test framerates on the later levels.

I tried the Darwinia demo, but Containment was already terrible and I've heard that people that could play Containment well had many problems with Yard. 😞
If I would try Yard....even Mine or Generator would probably be a turture for my Mac.

Just hold off for the patch, and give the game another try with that.

Also, if you don't have Tiger yet, upgrading to it should improve your performance.