Out with an old project, maybe in with a new.

@nonconventionally-creative, on Oct 16 2008, 12:54 AM, said in Out with an old project, maybe in with a new.:

In that case, link the image. It's in the rules.
My point, though is this:
DoI != EVN
And RezEditor is related, and I like to keep things nice and organized in my mind. It's not that I'm trying to disagree strongly, but I am reasoning according to the logic I know.
Do you have experience with the management techniques? Because I never have done anything other than use NetBeans to commit my project, which automatically outputs a bunch of information about adding new files, incrementing the version, and (in a few cases) "deleting" it, which because it's version control and all that only means that it marks it as "dead."

wait, link what image? I can change what needs to be done, I just need to know what's wrong with the site. Also, I may just set up a basic SVN repository on my server, but I'll need to discuss it with my dad. Also, SVN management is that hard, I just need to read the docs about it.

Do whatever you have time for guys. Even one litle desc in a month is a help. No effort is inadequate.

@0101181920, on Oct 16 2008, 02:26 AM, said in Out with an old project, maybe in with a new.:

Sweet. Can I do some sort of über-expensive, über-cool weapons and equipment dealer? I love writing the descriptions, as I'm sure some people know ;). They can be tucked away in some little corner of the galaxy, and have their own mission line or something.

Too early to tell, but help and ideas are always welcome. Share them in the main topic I linked to in the post after the one above this one.

Sure, will do. I'll start thinking.

@lnsu, on Oct 16 2008, 05:29 AM, said in Out with an old project, maybe in with a new.:

wait, link what image? I can change what needs to be done, I just need to know what's wrong with the site. Also, I may just set up a basic SVN repository on my server, but I'll need to discuss it with my dad. Also, SVN management is that hard, I just need to read the docs about it.

It is clear at this anchor. Higher on the page it only mentioned that the logo be displayed, as yours is.

A truly ingenious concept. This is the most original idea I've heard in far too long. Bravo to you, JoshTigerheart. :hector_bird: