anti-planet weapons?

okay I've got this planetary torpedo that I've been playing around with, its supposed to be guided and seeking and yet it wont target or hit a planet unless I point right at it. i know the seeking is accurate because if I target a ship with it it chases the ship around the screen, but when I target a planet it ignores the planet unless I'm pointed right at it..

Am I missing something obvious or is it just not possible to get a homing weapon to target a planet?

I'm using MissionComputer 3.3 for my editing needs if it matters.

Part of the problem is that you can't target a Planet in the same way as you target a ship.

Unless I miss my guess, when you say you're targeting the Planet, you mean with the Navigation system, right?
The same part of the interface that tells you what Planet / Station you're about to land at, or to what System you're about to Hyperjump to, right?

That doesn't count as a Weapons target in the way that a Ship would.

One workaround you could use is to use an invisible Planet-Type Ship that can be selected in the same way as regular ships can, and have it placed on top of the target Planet by a mission.

Speaking of planet weapons, I've got a spöb that when I shoot it, it dies but doesn't switch to its "dead" graphic. I was hoping the change would be instantaneous, as soon as it's killed it looks different, but alas that doesn't seem to be the case. Also, planets aren't hurt by splash damage.

@qaanol, on Mar 24 2008, 03:24 AM, said in anti-planet weapons?:

Speaking of planet weapons, I've got a spöb that when I shoot it, it dies but doesn't switch to its "dead" graphic. I was hoping the change would be instantaneous, as soon as it's killed it looks different, but alas that doesn't seem to be the case. Also, planets aren't hurt by splash damage.

That's strange, I'm pretty sure I've seen instantaneous transformations before.

@eugene-chin, on Mar 23 2008, 11:47 PM, said in anti-planet weapons?:

Part of the problem is that you can't target a Planet in the same way as you target a ship.

Unless I miss my guess, when you say you're targeting the Planet, you mean with the Navigation system, right?
The same part of the interface that tells you what Planet / Station you're about to land at, or to what System you're about to Hyperjump to, right?

That doesn't count as a Weapons target in the way that a Ship would.
One workaround you could use is to use an invisible Planet-Type Ship that can be selected in the same way as regular ships can, and have it placed on top of the target Planet by a mission.

Blast, I guess I was hoping there was something I was missing in flags somewhere, I've been playing with this Submunition torpedo and was looking for an effect similar to a cluster weapon, it was supposed to split into about a dozen rounds and all home in on the planet having a bunch of Nuclear type explosions go off, and then Dead planet where the live one was 🙂 Since I wanted to be able to do it at will with a planet or station a mission based set-up wont work tho.

and the transformation usually is instant with displaying a "dead" graphic, I used to have a plug that replaced about half the planets graphics with dead looking moons when shot with planetary weapons. never finished it tho cause I'm lazy. only thing I could think of that would cause it to not change if you specified it was a conflicting plug that altered the planets resources already.

To be clear, I'm having the AI shoot the spöb, and it definitely dies because it becomes unlandable, but it stays the same image. I'll have to try shooting it myself, and double-check that everything's set up properly, but now I have to go to a meeting.

I seem to remember dateposting having something to do with planet status.
It might have been for regeneration, but I know for a fact that I've seen the graphic change in system. It might have been in conjunction with dateposting, but can't really remember.

@desprez, on Mar 25 2008, 01:36 AM, said in anti-planet weapons?:

I seem to remember dateposting having something to do with planet status.
It might have been for regeneration, but I know for a fact that I've seen the graphic change in system. It might have been in conjunction with dateposting, but can't really remember.

I was just digging around and unless I'm completely off:

The "Spob" / "DeadType" field in Mission computer changes the pic if you set it, I used different moon type worlds when working on Planet Destruction 1.0.0 (which I dont think I ever actually released.) this is just a guess from someone who hasnt edited much in last 2 years tho 🙂