how do i make new ship id's in windows

hi every body i cant find out how to make new ship id's how do i do this (i'm runnig windows)

some one said to use res edit but i can't unzip it with stuffit do you know which program to use

will somebody please answer or i'll have to kill the bunny :mad:

This post has been edited by Bez The Mad : 16 April 2007 - 05:45 AM

ResEdit is a Mac-only program. The Nova editor for Windows is EVNEW, available here. The way to change things in Nova is by using an editor to create plug-in files (note: plug-ins only work if your copy of the game is registered).

Why is it that people never use the search feature?

Also, I’ve moved this topic to the EV Developer’s Corner forum, since it isn’t concerned with playing the game.

i tried evnew it will let me make plugins but not id's oh right i can make id's but where do i put the description and animation(which program do i use to make ship animation)

ps. i have got nothing agaisnt mac i even prefer them to windows but when we bought this pc they still had the big compatibilty problem

pss. oh and if you'r wondering about the really early times of these posts being made i'm british an live in england so a bit ahead of you americans eh 😛

This post has been edited by Bez The Mad : 17 April 2007 - 02:25 AM

and in relation to the move of this topic i tried to put it in the developers forum but i wouldn't let me 😞

Heh, you probably tried to put it in "EV Plug-in Developer" which indeed won't let you. This is the "EV Developer's Corner".

You know, I'm French, so there is no timezone surprise, and heck, we have people from New Zealand too.

The description is in another resource, the dësc resource, with an ID that depends on what you describe and the ID of the thing. As for "animation", it's most likely in an rlëD resource.

@zacha-pedro, on Apr 17 2007, 10:05 PM, said in how do i make new ship id's in windows:

and heck, we have people from New Zealand too.

I've heard strange things about that country. Full of crazy people. And sheep.

Ship and mission resources are the two hardest. Let me try to explain, a ship resource is only one part of it. Here's what goes into making a ship:
1. The ship resource, as you know, gives stats, what the AI is to do with the ship, etc.
2. The shan resource, which gives, among other things, the....
3. RleD and rle8 resources. The rleD resource shows what the ship looks like flying, the rle8 resource is the base, the outline, the shading.
4. The desc, as mentioned above, describes the ship. It also describes it in the hire escort at the bar. The desc resource used is predetermined and can be found in the lower-right hand corner.
5. The pict resource, which shows what you see in the shipyard, as well as what you see when targeting the ship in space.

I believe that's it. The desc and ship resources are probably the easiest, the pict and rleD/rle8 are only hard if you're graphically challenged (like me), and in my estimation, graphic issues aside, the shan resource is hardest. I generally try to leave sleeping dogs lie, there.

Hope this helps.

@zapp, on Apr 18 2007, 12:47 PM, said in how do i make new ship id's in windows:

3. RleD and rle8 resources. The rleD resource shows what the ship looks like flying, the rle8 resource is the base, the outline, the shading.

Who have you been talking to? :huh: Rle8s do nothing of the sort. They are for legacy support only and should be ignored.

Kids these days, they've been staring at EVNEW's display of Rle8 resources for far too long.

thank's for the info but the question still remains how do i make the resources and how do i put them togrther to make the id (yes england is full of crazy people like me but it's mainly wales which is full of sheep)

Start here.

thanks for the tutorial but there aint a evnew one yet so i'll have to wait a while before making plugins with new ships 😞

What are you talking about? I managed to pick up ship making without a tutorial. If I can do it you should be able to do it as well.

Besides, I'm afraid that a tutorial will only be made when the moon turns green.

And I skimmed through Zacha's tutorial and I think it can be applied to EVNEW.

Sorry, I, too, never got a tutorial, and I made a wild assumption about Rle8's. What's the problem? You can't make the ships, or they aren't appearing in-game? To make them appear in game, you have to put them in dude resources and put those in system resources, or put them in flet resources.

Jacabyte said:

Besides, I'm afraid that a tutorial will only be made when the moon turns green.

Well then Jaca, the moon must've turned green.

I've started on some EVNEW tutorials. So far I have done the desc, snd, junk, pict, and syst resources (I hope to get more done soon). You can find them by clicking on the link in my siggy that says "My Website" and going to the EV Nova page and scrolling to the bottom (if the site doesn't load PM me).

This post has been edited by Ant'Iglias II : 19 April 2007 - 09:05 PM

Thank's for turning the moon green! i'm downloading the tutorials now so you should see some of my plugins availible on the net soon, well when i read the tutorials anyway and again thank's Ant'Iglias II

@ant-iglias-ii, on Apr 19 2007, 09:52 PM, said in how do i make new ship id's in windows:

Well then Jaca, the moon must've turned green.

I've started on some EVNEW tutorials. So far I have done the desc, snd, junk, pict, and syst resources (I hope to get more done soon). You can find them by clicking on the link in my siggy that says "My Website" and going to the EV Nova page and scrolling to the bottom (if the site doesn't load PM me).

Mind if I link to your page to compensate for my lack of any EVNEW-specific tutorial on my site?

This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 22 April 2007 - 02:37 AM