What Are My Options?

About ev classic windows conversion

When I downloaded the classic escape velocity tc for windows and began playing it I noticed a bunch of the grammer like comma's periods and other various things showed up as a wierd looking q. So i tryed downloading it again and i still had the same problem. I would like to know if anyone else had this problem and what i can do to fix it besides using res edit to correct it all. (I coulden't find an updated version so if there is one could somebody please point me as to where it is.)

You'll have to manually fix it. Annoying, yes, I learned that personally. Alternatively, you can use my EVC Descs plug which rewrites a bunch of the in-game descs and, coincidentally, corrects this problem with those I rewrote. Though that still leaves mission descriptions...

I've been having to do that in Clavius rEVisited. It has to do with classic Mac OS's special quotes. They match up to some oddball Windows extended ASCII characters.

Okay well now that I now that, I'll work on a plugin that corrects it. Thanks alot!

Better to just edit the dësc resources in the data files themselves. Or, you could get rEVisited. I think it fixes those issues. Also, I think Guy is working on a new EV Classic port for Nova that fixes most everything, including weapon fire rates and shot speed and the like.

Don't hold your breath for that though 😉

@guy, on Feb 20 2007, 04:13 PM, said in What Are My Options?:

Don't hold your breath for that though 😉

Psh, bum. SP and I did most of the work for you.

This is true and I'm very grateful for it but it'd still have to go through a long testing process. Which would probably just be me :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Guy : 21 February 2007 - 01:40 AM

As if you won't have fun playing classic again. The real bugger will be trying to figure out how the changes you make should affect rEVisited, in which case I believe it's Dr. Trowel who'll have a serious bugbear of a problem, as, IIRC, it was he who finished that off when KMQ had his burnout and just couldn't finish.

YDNRC, or whatever. 🙂

There were several people involved in ironing out the last bumps in rEV. In the end, it was Guy (again) who put paid to the last bugs.

Ah. Well, I just hope I have the right version. Exactly which files do I need off your site? And did you include my fix on making the Heavy Neutron turret outfit actually give the turret AND its point defense unit?

Well you'll want the windows rEV if you're on windows and you'll want the patch either way. I think we've been over the turret thing before but I forget. I strongly suggest you just download the patch and see if your problem still exists but remind me again, what exactly is the problem?

I think this was something Dr. Trowel was having a migraine over. You can't make an outfit that flat out gives two weapon resources. So he reduced getting the Heavy Neutron Turret for Confed Frigates and cruisers to enabling the player to also buy the point defense outfit that is indicated in the turret's description approximately as follows "The Heavy Neutron Turret is so large that it is individually targetable on ships, so it comes with its own quad proton turret for point defense."

This solution was, in my mind, suboptimal. I came up with an alternative. A third outfit, which, on purchase, used the gXXX modifiers to grant the actual heavy neutron turret and proton point defense unit to the player, with those two outfits never showing up in an outfitter. On sell, the outfit used the dXXX modifiers to take those outfits away. It's the only way it works as originally intended on the Nova engine.

I remember the discussions, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't one of the ones who did heavy lifting to implement any solution. Definitely get Guy's rEV version if you don't have it, Josh.

I'll try, but the last time I tried to use it, something wasn't working right and I went back to my converted copy of the mac version.

EDIT: I think I know what I did wrong last time. I had the old ~revUI-Titles file still in my Nova Files folder. It buggered the whole thing.I wonder though. Do we even need the Clasic port data in the Nova Files folder anymore with rEVisited? I'm going to experiment and see what I come up with. If rEVisited can be a data file replacement, that'd be cool.

EDIT 2: Nope. Just looking at the plugs vs the data files, not all the data was put into rEVisited. That may be something to goof around with when I'm done with Clavius rEVisited.

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 22 February 2007 - 12:13 PM

Yeah, I've thought about the same thing myself on occasion but I still think 'get a new EV port out and then we'll see'.
As for the turret issue, I think you'll find the patch changes it to simply grant/remove the PD turret outfit when you buy/sell the Neutron Turret, no need for a third outfit. There are no known issues in the patch, if there were I would have fixed them 😉

I'm pretty sure I tried that and it didn't work. I'll check again to make sure, but...

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 22 February 2007 - 09:57 PM

Sorry to double post. However, I thought this warranted its own post. I was going through the rEVisited data files with EVNEW, but when I tried opening the xData patch, EVNEW crashed. Same thing happens with the regular rEV data patch. I'm going to try extracting the files all over again and reconverting on the off chance that I had some corruption during the extraction process, but I think you might have a couple bad files in there, Guy. These two files are the only ones in the patch creating trouble.

EDIT: Not only did I do the above, I redownloaded the archive, extracted the files, and reconverted. Once again the converted versions of ~rEV Patch and ~rEV xPatch crashed EVNEW. Something's wrong here.

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 22 February 2007 - 10:28 PM

Nope, that's EVNEW's fault for not recognising the dialog resources. Sorry, can't help you there.
And the reason the fix I mentioned probably didn't work for you when you tried it is because of a known engine bug which prevents a weapon outfit from being bought properly if it grants another outfit on purchase, but this is easily worked around by granting itself 😉

I tried that too. It also didn't work. Seriously. If it would have worked with only the existing outfits, I would have done it that way. But it didn't.

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 22 February 2007 - 11:02 PM