duz anybody know where to get a program like Wings 3d but for windows so that i can make my own ships?
p.s I'm not apoligizing for my spelling anymore, i spell what i spell.
duz anybody know where to get a program like Wings 3d but for windows so that i can make my own ships?
p.s I'm not apoligizing for my spelling anymore, i spell what i spell.
@newbie-101, on Aug 1 2006, 06:15 AM, said in looking for:
duz anybody know where to get a program like Wings 3d but for windows so that i can make my own ships?
p.s I'm not apoligizing for my spelling anymore, i spell what i spell.
Try the wings 3d website
Wings3d comes in Windows and Linux flavors, too.
Just be aware, if you're to use it for ship graphics... It can do some basic UV mapping, but its rendering abilities are virtually nonexistant. You'll want another program, to export the model into to make it a pretty picture. I use Truespace, but surely there are some free or at least very cheap alternatives.
You guys really need to start reading the member run faq. Heres a quote directly from it.
POV-Ray (free), Wings 3D (free), Blender (free), Modo ($895), Alias Maya 5.0 Personal Learning Edition (free - not full featured w/ watermarks), Softimage XSI Experience ($19.95 - not full featured w/ less obtrusive watermarks than PLE), Animation Master ($299), Zbrush ($399), Eovia Carrara Studio 3 ($399), Maxon Cinema 4D 9 ($595), Strata 3DPro 3.9 ($695), Eovia Amapi 7 Pro ($799), Rhinoceros 3.0 ($895), Houdini 6.x ($1299-$17000), Softimage 3D 4.0 ($1495), Newtek Lightwave 3D 8.1 ($1595), Softimage XSI (no price quoted, but probably more expensive than Lightwave), Alias Maya Complete 6.0 ($1999), Discreet 3D Studio Max 7 ($3055), Alias Maya Unlimited 6.0 ($6999)
My advice is to start with Wings, Blender, Mechanisto, or basically anything free, and work with it until you figure out that you aren't getting the results that you want with it. For instance, if you want to make a complex shape that you simply can't make with the free programs. It's at this point that you want to move on to a more expensive program. The "Big Four" programs are Maya, 3DSMax, Softimage, and Lightwave. If you plan on going into a graphics career in the gaming industry, then 3DSMax is your best bet, because it's probably the most prevalent program (Halflife 2, UT2K4, etc.). Maya, Soft, and Lightwave are more widespread in the movie industry. Strata and Carrara are still good, but basically choose a program that fits your modeling style, etc. It'll be a bit easier to choose which expensive program you want to invest in when you have the experience to know what you want from the program. Pretty much all of these programs are available for all platforms except for (to the best of my knowledge) Houdini, Softimage, Rhinoceros, and 3DSMax, which are not available for the Macintosh.
Maya, Max, Soft, and Lightwave (maybe Strata, but I'm not sure) can be bought at significantly reduced student prices from sites like www.journeyed.com
Strata worked great for me, once I understood how to work it enough, great for rendering as well. Just try not to overdo yourself on raytracing as it will run out of virtual memory if you dont have a moderate amount. :laugh: And i believe some of the programs like Strata can just be used as a tryout version. I dont recall any drawbacks or restrictions of Strata. But they've updated so im not sure.
(EDIT) This is direct form the Strata tryout readme...have fun :laugh:
This tryout copy allows you to use all the features and functions of Strata 3D CX for 30-days, after which it becomes save-disabled and does not allow for editing of animations. This tryout does not include the Strata 3D Vector plug-in. We invite you to order Strata 3D CX at: http://store.strata.com
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 01 August 2006 - 02:33 PM
@momaw, on Aug 1 2006, 08:32 PM, said in looking for:
Wings3d comes in Windows and Linux flavors, too.
Just be aware, if you're to use it for ship graphics... It can do some basic UV mapping, but its rendering abilities are virtually nonexistant. You'll want another program, to export the model into to make it a pretty picture. I use Truespace, but surely there are some free or at least very cheap alternatives.
Wings 3D and Blender (also free, but takes longer to learn) are a great combination. Blender is a decent renderer, and has a solid companion raytracer, Yafray. It can also export to POV Ray.