RNE Plug-In

Well, that depends. What can you help with? What skills do you have in plug-in making?

Post what you can do in the General Conversation on our boards. Then we can see. http://rneplugin.tm7.org

This post has been edited by Slayer LP-5 : 01 May 2005 - 10:12 PM

New website is up!

Thanks to Slayer LP-5 for coding the html.

Site: http://freewebs.com/...n/RNE/index.htm

(edited) This is going to be amazing. I got shown a sneek preview of some of it yesterday. I'm not sure what it was for though, maybe the new pilot intro screens.

This post has been edited by nuku : 07 June 2005 - 01:00 AM

nuku has an account here? Oh dear lord.

No, I'm just kidding. I hope.

If you don't have time to post well, how about you just defer the posting until you do have time? Why, what a ridiculous idea!

Seriously, though, being in a hurry is no excuse. This isn't a chat room, so nobody will expect you to answer them in the next thirty seconds. You can delay a few hours or even a few days. We're used to big gaps in posts.

In any case, I'm inclined to agree with pp0u20e8. If you can't show an acceptable level of proffesionalism to the public, expect people to lose interest. What if Apple spelled every eighth word wrong in their advertisements? Chances are (read: 100%), a lot of people would be turned off by the appalling text and even if it were the greatest program ever made in the history of computing, many people would not get it simply because of that. While this example is a little extreme (a large international commercial company as opposed to a small plug-in project for a relatively little-known game), it illustrates the point: you want to show a professional face to the project. My dad knew someone who heard about an excellent programmer, and the guy went for an interview with the programmer to find the programmer in tattered street clothes. Even if this was an incredibly good programmer, even if he had mastered every major programming language ever created and a lot of minor ones, he didn't get the job because he didn't show a high enough degree of proffesionalism.

Get the point? You don't want to look like idiots or you'll be treated like idiots.


Well, I didnt want to start a public debate about grammer , I dont bother with a it as much here as I do on story lines. My opinoin is that the main point is to get a qualliety story, then proof-read. Lets face the trooth I, along with manny other people in our grammaticly wrong world cant spel (some are in a hurry). We have the God sent spell check. Now after I have finished my very boring campaign on grammer, sorry if I didnt follow proticol. I'll visit your forums right now.

P.S. I'd rather ask now and sound ignorent than be ignorent later, I believe I'm not on a developer team, should I have volenteered a your sight instead of here? Sorry if I screwed up.

If you trust him to write for you after this example of horrendous grammar, then you must be insane.

That's what spellcheckers are for, buddy. The story will be thoroughly read through and each mission text and mission tested for any mistakes. There will be no errors to this project!

Oh and btw, the forum has been fixed up and the site updated: http://freewebs.com/...n/rne/index.htm

Thankyou, people; look forward to a little introduction to RNE, coming in a few days.

Slayer LP-5, on Jun 8 2005, 06:35 PM, said:

That's what spellcheckers are for, buddy.View Post

Spell-checkers are there to pick up the little errors we make from time to time, not to replace a knowledge of the English language with a basic guess based on proximity of sounds and letters. I type fast and I manage to spell correctly, and I know when it's wrong. It's just practise, and knowing how to touch type.

No kidding. Seriously though, let's drop spelling, because that isn't important. We can manage without it at first. Final drafts will be error-free.

:mad: Well quite a few brilliant people have been called insane. Get your self in order. Do you have much of a say of how I write, Don Quixote? Spelling isn't my strongest point, but I can write fine. <_< You also have to take in that not all people can spend tons of time checking their work when it isn't really needed and any competent person can figure it out easily. If you want I will check it over more carefully. Good day to you.

P.S. I'll get the work to you as soon as I can Slayer. Internet was impossible last night and I couldn't get on much.

Very well, Sylvanus, I look forward to seeing what you have done.

If you need an editor, I can write and spell. And I can recognize good writing when I see it.

That would be great. Come sign up at http://rneplugin.tm7.org/ From there I'll give you your defriefing.

It's a briefing. A debriefing comes after a mission is complete.

rmx256, on Apr 25 2005, 02:12 AM, said:

edit- if I haven't anything nice to say I'll say noting at all.
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I don't agree. If we all pussy-footed around each other, filtering everything we say to the point where the outward person we present to the world doesn't actually reflect the person inside. I'd much rather people speak their mind and hurt my feelings, than have someone only say the nice things they think and end up being two faced about it.

Ultimately, in the context of a development forum, we're here to get better at what we do. If we reduce our feedback on any level to well meaning back-patting, we'll stagnate and die. A staple point of constructive criticism is the willingness of individuals to call matters as they see them for good or for bad; being prepared for negative feedback and being prepared to re-think your position if that feedback strikes true.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Nonsense. Much better to say; If you can't say anything nice, say it with sensitivity and without arrogance.

CaptJosh said:

It's a briefing. A debriefing comes after a mission is complete.

Sorry. My bad. Thankyou for correcting me, now I know.

This post has been edited by Slayer LP-5 : 09 June 2005 - 09:31 AM

I'm sorry for nitpicking like that. Bad habit. But when you have a lot of teachers(elementary school and English Grammar both) in your family and ancestry, you tend to get drilled on such things so much that you automatically correct anyone and everyone. I've tried to learn restraint over the years, but I'm still not doing as well as I might in that dept.

I hope you don't mind if I comment on your preliminary story... This has just been bugging me.

RNE Story, on Corrections / Emphasis mine, said:

Entry Eight
This morning we received more news about that Polaris weapon. It annihilates all life with the given DNA sequence, leaving everything without that sequence untouched. Incredible! This weapon could destroy anything alive!


Entry Eleven
The negotiations were a success! The Aurorans are now under our control. The Federation, of course, will not be ruled by anyone. They must be taken out of the picture for peace to brought upon the universe. My plan is to have the Aurorans withdraw from a few planets to allow the Federation to concentrate their defenses on those planets as they colonize the planets. Then the Aurorans will strike Earth. If possible, I'll have them use the Polaris weapon.


Entry Fourteen
The Federation has attacked us! This was unexpected. We were totally unprepared. Half our backup fleet was destroyed. I hate the Feds! Those idiots! They have no desire for peace, and no honor. They look for only war. We must strike at once. I only hope that we still have enough ships.

First off, did you intend for this character to be such a hypocrite? If that's the case, then this could actually be quite amusing, e.g.:

"That son of a b----. He beat me at my own game." - Griff, Red vs. Blue.

If that's not the case, then this is one part of the preliminary story that needs to be changed before the final version.

Concerning the biogenic weapon: this character should be less "Amazed" and more "Appalled" by it. What kind of view of "Men of Peace" do you have that this one is willing to use such a weapon against Earth "If Possible," a.k.a. "Whenever it's convenient"?

Also, "I hate the feds!" sounds like a schoolyard comment.

pp0u20e8, on Jun 9 2005, 06:07 PM, said:

Also, "I hate the feds!" sounds like a schoolyard comment.
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Yes, but if he's trying to be funny here, this actually fits well:

"I hate the Feds! Those idiots! I can't belive those sons of b----'s double-crossed me! I was supposed to double-cross them! AAAAAaaaaa...!!"

Even if he's aiming for humor here, the lack of humor in the rest of the story makes this part stand out as odd. He could try to lace the rest of the story with humor, but a rewrite of a few select parts might be easier.

Remove the plan to "Take them out of the picture," mix in a dash of naďveté for the peacemaker, and let the Feds carry forth with their betrayal.

Perfect opening for righteous retribution, sans bio-weapon.