Meaning of negative crön duration?

For a while now, I've been wondering what the significance of a negative duration on a crön is. A couple examples from my current pilotlog of what I mean:

184 - durationCounter: -687 holdoffCounter: 0
185 - durationCounter: -701 holdoffCounter: 0

This only ever seems to happen with cröns possessing a Post Holdoff, so at first I figured it was just counting down through the holdoff after completion. But, I've noticed a few things that make me doubt that now. First of all, crön 184's Post Holdoff is only 550 days, so -687 has no obvious interpretation there. Similarly, crön 185 has a Post Holdoff of only 600 days. Also, the news strings associated with these cröns are still active, suggesting that the cröns themselves are still active. Does anyone know exactly what the interpretation of these negative durations is?

Questions, comments, arguments, refutations, criticisms, and/or sea stories?


Originally posted by Beamup:
Does anyone know exactly what the interpretation of these negative durations is?

It's called: "Random Engine Behavior"


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you'd get a better response on the EV Dev Corner. I move this there.


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I too have wondered about this apparent anomaly. I have no answers, but I've noticed two more things:
1. There is a third crön (192) that exhibits this behaviour and it too has a PostHoldOff.
2. The magnitude of the negative number continues to increase in direct proportion to the game date.

Maybe it's what's known as checker bait, ie.- the only purpose is to generate questions.

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