The project....

The following are a few screenshots of a 3D"EV" I have been working on. The radar and other navigational systems have not been implemented yet. Yes, it is based on Exobattle code. I used EVO's ships as a reference point until I add in my own.
I originally wanted to scale ships correctly, however I soon found that planets and space stations would be so huge they would slow down the game. So I decided to keep the EV way... make ships carrier fighters 1/2 - 1/4 their size. On the left "control panel" shows the number and shield/armor amounts of your escorts. To the right are your fighters.

I may make the bottom panel look more 3D as I get everything in order.
Dog-fighting in the atmosphere.
Don't ya' hate cloaked ships? πŸ™‚


(This message has been edited by -X- (edited 06-25-2000).)


Originally posted by -X-:
**The following are a few screenshots of a 3D"EV" I have been working on. The radar and other navigational systems have not been implemented yet. Yes, it is based on Exobattle code. I used EVO's ships as a reference point until I add in my own.
I originally wanted to scale ships correctly, however I soon found that planets and space stations would be so huge they would slow down the game. So I decided to keep the EV way... make ships carrier fighters 1/2 - 1/4 their size. On the left "control panel" shows the number and shield/armor amounts of your escorts. To the right are your fighters.

I may make the bottom panel look more 3D as I get everything in order.
Dog-fighting in the atmosphere.
Don't ya' hate cloaked ships? πŸ™‚


Cool. Looks like something from the N64 or Playstation. Good job! Do you have any idea when it will be done?

Feel the Jive
"My son is not a Communist! He may be a liar, a bum, a Communist, but he is not a porn-star!"
-Abraham Simpson

Nice Job -X-!!! I'm really impressed. Could you send me a beta version or something???



Yeah!!I want a beta to!Exo battle would have been great if it had been finished.I like a lot of things about it,Like making your own graphics for it.I hope your game will do that to.

Aircad inc.

Very nice! I'm glad somebody is finally doing something with that code. πŸ™‚ Keep me posted on your progress...


Matt Burch

One word -- wow. They are really good. If you need any beta testers, give me a yell πŸ˜„


AIM: HEGildor

- A life -- cool, where can I download one of those

Cool! Someone is finally doing something with the Exobattle code! Is there a web page??


(This message has been edited by Troopa (edited 06-25-2000).)

Nice job my son! Send me a copy could you? I'd like to try it. I guess all these newbie Let's make EV 3D will become even more mundane and annoying now someone is actually doing it.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)

Hmmm... you aren't exporting the EVO Infini-D models directly to 3DMF and putting them into the game, are you? Doing that will increase your polygon count by a factor of 10 at least. If that's what you're doing, I think you'll find that doing the models from scratch in RayDream or Meshworks, optimizing for minimim polygon count, will speed the game up tremendously - might even allow ships to be presented to scale.


Matt Burch


Originally posted by mburch:
**Hmmm... you aren't exporting the EVO Infini-D models directly to 3DMF and putting them into the game, are you? Doing that will increase your polygon count by a factor of 10 at least. If that's what you're doing, I think you'll find that doing the models from scratch in RayDream or Meshworks, optimizing for minimim polygon count, will speed the game up tremendously - might even allow ships to be presented to scale.


I had someone convert the Infini-D models of UE and Voinian ships to 3DMF for me. I won't be using Override ships in the game once I have my own. Though it might be cool to make a EV or EVO "plug-in" for it πŸ˜ƒ



Originally posted by -X-:
**I won't be using Override ships in the game once I have my own.

So you won't be creating an EV 3D, mearly a Sci-Fi 3D. My advice, use EV:O ships Β‡ la Meowx Design.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)

WOW!! That looks so awesome! I would grovel to beta test that. Again, it's just awesome. Are there anymore details on it anywhere?



Spiffyness. πŸ˜„

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."

Hey cool graphics but too bad for those guys with old cpus though. All the EVs can run on slow machines. looks like thats gonna change. What would be teh min. requirments? PPC? cuz with the 3d objects looks like teh 68k machines wont be able to run it.


Just wanted to see the reactions of everyone towards a "stranger" on the board, instead of me. -X-

Some more details:

It will require a PPC. If you own a PPC mac 5 years or older, it will probably run like crap. I have no idea when it will be out because I am doing it for fun, I don't have any deadlines or anything like's a little hobby πŸ˜ƒ

The thing I believe will set it apart from other 3D games is that you can have "plug-ins". Basically, you can add your own resource files and 3DMF models.

Currently I am working on making the code into more 'EV' code, meaning make the 'spΓΆb', 'ship', 'desc' etc.. resources so that I can make the galaxy like that of EV or EVO via resource fork. And of course, to allow others to add or alter it.

And if you have a program that can make or alter 3DMF files, hopefully, you will be able to edit your own ship's appearance. -the size will stay the same, so if you try and put in a Cruiser model when you have a fighter, you'll have a mini-Cruiser. πŸ˜ƒ

I am thinking of allowing more things than just asteriods as excess 'objects'. Such as having small particles or whatnot (for when you are inside a nebula). I'll have to figure out how that would effect performance.

And, you may switch between your fighters and escorts. I may even find a way to make missions in which you are a fighter inside a Cruiser/Carrier.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

Just proving it's me πŸ˜ƒ



Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
Just wanted to see the reactions of everyone towards a "stranger" on the board, instead of me. -X-

Heh, I was thinking that 'cause I remember when you said you were working on that. πŸ™‚ Any more screen shots, or perhaps a plublic build as kberg did for a while (please? πŸ™‚ )?


<---- The information went data way ---->

"It's your asphalt."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

hydrogen bombs = fun

anyway, and this goes for everybody, if you ever need some concept art, for a plug or otherwise, feel free to email me


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Just wanted to see the reactions of everyone towards a "stranger" on the board, instead of me. -X-

I thought I recognised the email address -- you used that address while trying to get Aeon back on it's feet... I knew it was familiar! πŸ™‚


AIM: HEGildor

- A life -- cool, where can I download one of those

More screenshots of UE-Voinian ships (that's all I got in 3DMF) on the way πŸ˜ƒ

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr