Some more EV3 sneak screenshots

Since there is a lot of talk abot the floating city, I'll say something too. If you look closely, you can see sort of a circle around it. I'm not sure that was purposeful or if it was a small mistske, but it kinda bugs me. Don't get me wrong, I really love it but small things like that always bug me.

I also like the double city thing but most of all I like the ststaion conected to the planet. Reminds me of a much smaller version in Starship Troopers...

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.


Originally posted by Jive 320:
Since there is a lot of talk abot the floating city, I'll say something too. If you look closely, you can see sort of a circle around it. I'm not sure that was purposeful or if it was a small mistske, but it kinda bugs me. Don't get me wrong, I really love it but small things like that always bug me.

I think it's a planet in the background

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Originally posted by Andrew M:
**I think it's a planet in the background

I thought it was like a force field around it holding it up....

AIM: Shade3742

<---- The information went data way ---->

"It's your asphalt."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**I thought it was like a force field around it holding it up....

You would have to ask the person who created it, but I think you're absolutely correct. 😉

...and mikee, my monitor has been RG for around 18 months now. Any and all graphics work since then has involved the stimulating game of 'let's guess the colours!'™



Originally posted by Jive 320:
**Since there is a lot of talk abot the floating city, I'll say something too. If you look closely, you can see sort of a circle around it. I'm not sure that was purposeful or if it was a small mistske, but it kinda bugs me. Don't get me wrong, I really love it but small things like that always bug me.

I'd guess it's a forcefield holding in a breathable atmosphere. Looks like the LA basin in the background. 😉
