

I have been using EV Override for a long time now, and I just applied the EVO 1.0.2 update. For some reason I've been having an issue with myself about a couple of things. I hope someone can help my answer these questions. I appreciate any help at all.

1. How can I clean up my reputation in a system that has labelled me a felon? For instance, I was in the Liat system killing off some bounty hunters when a UE fighter ship flew in my line of fire. I accidentally destroyed him, and though I fled the system quickly after that to avoid being targeted by something bigger, when I returned, the whole system totally attacked me. Is there anything I can do to change this? I've begged for mercy a humiliating number of times already, but to no avail.

2. I seem to remember that in EV, the original, one could cycle through the landable planets in a single system. For instance, if I returned to the Sol system and wanted to land on Earth instead of Luna, but Luna was selected when I requested to land, I could scroll through and select Earth instead of Luna and land there. Maybe I was dreaming. Anyway, is this possible in EVO? It seems that I have to disable my navigation, fly over the planet I want to land on, and then I can land there. I thought there was an easier way....

3. Lately, whenever I've been flying around the UE "sector," I've only gotten passenger missions and nothing else. No matter where I go, I can't get anything but passengers. Also, when I've travelled to the other "strand sectors," there are no missions to be had at all. Any advice?

I know this is long-winded, but I would sincerely appreciate any help that anyone can give.

Thanks in advance,


Le ver vert va vers le verre vert

1. fake ID
2. you can....forget how though
3. lost about the passengers bit but about the strand....go to mira in the mirava system and do the mission there.

hope i've been some help


1. You could buy a fake ID. Or kill massive amounts of the UE's enemies near that system. For Liat, I think attacking Voinians on the border outposts may have an effect. Not sure.

2. The F1-F4 keys can change planetary selection. Hit F1 to select the first planet created in the system when the developer made it, F2 for the second, and so on. Very easy.

3. Have you finished the Miranu missions? Have you done the UE intro mission (delivering supplies)? These two will enable more missions in the computer as well as bar missions. And for Strand missions, they don't start from the worlds their government controls. Explore the galaxy, visit every bar. You'll hit them eventually.


Cpt. Landreau

OK, for the government status, the two solutions have already been posted.

Select stellar... I don't remember it anymore, but yes it should still be there. Go to the preferences window and look for something like "select stellar." It should tell you the key to press.

For the missions, there are two possible reasons for this. Firstly, it could just be your bad status with the government. Governments that hate you never give you missions, so it stands to reason that governments which only hate you a bit would only give you some missions.

The other possible reason is this: did you do the UE reqruitment and or the Stellar Corp one? These can both be gotten in the spaceport bar right away. UE recruitment on your first landing (Earth), and Stellar Corp is found on New Chicago (a few jumps west).

If all else fails, just give up and go to the strands/Miranu area. You gotta do the diplomatic relations thing first, of course. Just go to Miranu, and set up diplomatic relations by going back to Earth with the documents. Then go to Blaga (a couple jumps southwest of Miranu). They will give you a trading mission, and once you complete that, you can get stuff all over the place.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.

The "select stellar" isn't in prefs, it can't be mod'ed without decompiling (can be done though). To go through planets in a system, apart from the default of closest, press 1-4 on the upper number keys. Don't use the keypad, it won't work.

This is quite helpful in plugs where there is more than one landing spot on a planet.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.

And sometimes there is a "hidden" planet. It's not listed as a port, but you can land on it to escape attackers and repair your ship. Just hit the numbers above the letters on your keyboard) 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. until no new planets are selected, and you will find all the possible planets in a system, not just the ports listed on the the map.


Le ver vert va vers le verre vert

The green worm goes towards the green glass?


Thanks to all of you for your help. I re-discovered the Fkeys as a way to select the planet of my choice. I was thrilled, believe me. It's the little things, you know.

I didn't fulfill any of the UE missions first mainly because I was too eager to start flying around. I will go back and try to accomplish them as well.

The fake ID worked, and the planet left me alone.

As for the sig, it's a French tongue twister, and you know those rarely have useful meaning. I was a French major, and that's the other hobby that keeps me busy when I am away from my computer. Anyway....

Thanks again,


Le ver vert va vers le verre vert

I was a French major, too! 🆒 (Double major with English Writing. Also, Certificate in French Translation). I love translating, but the tongue twisters and the speaking words backwards get to me sometimes.


Being, I think, the only frenchman on this board (yes, that explains my bad english), I would like to ask this : what do you mean by speaking words backward ?


Comme "beur" pour "arabe." J'oublie le nom pour quand on fait telles expressions. Savez-vous le mot? D'ou venez vous? Je connais Paris bien, et Chartres un peu.
Like "beur" for "arabe." I forget the name for when someone makes such expressions. Do you know the word? Where are you from? I know Paris well, and Chartres a little.


C'est du verlan, a kind of slang. Do you really learn that in school ?I'm from southwestern France (south of Bordeaux), but my family moved to the centre (near Chartres), and as for me, I had been living in Paris for 6 years for studies when I moved to Spain (also for studies), where I've been living for nearly two years, before going back to Paris next month.

If you like twisters, I guess you know this one :

Gal amant de la reine alla, tour magnanime,
Galamment de l'arčne ŕ la Tour Magne, ŕ Nîmes. 🙂

Et ŕ part ça, félicitation pour votre français, les quelques phrases sont trčs bien tournées. Et je ne pense pas que le français devienne la deuxičme langue de ce board, mais si jamais ça se produisait, le tutoiement pourrait ętre le bienvenu, non ?


Bon alors, je n'ai appris le verlan qu'en écrivant aux francophones en France. Mais, je le crois beaucoup plus difficile de comprendre, certainement quand on le parle.

Mon prof de la phonétique nous a donné une autre phrase comme les deux mentionnées ci-dessus par rapport aux chasseurs ou quelque chose. Tristement, je l'ai oubliée. Est-ce tu la sais aussi? Pour une raison toujours inconnue ŕ moi, ces phrases me donnent beaucoup de plaisir. Avec mon Mac et le français, je suis tout ŕ fait content.

En fait, je vais ŕ Paris en juillet. Peut-ętre apprends-je du verlan ou męme de l'argot actuel!

ŕ bientôt,


Le ver vert va vers le verre vert

Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien.

C'est ça, non ?

Quant au verlan, j'ai l'impression que ça commence ŕ passer. Les gens de ma génération le parlent, mais ceux de l'âge de ma sœur (qui a 17 ans) moins. Le français est en fait une langue qui évolue trčs vite et j'ai parfois beaucoup de mal ŕ comprendre ma sœur, qui n'a que dix ans de moins que moi 😉


Hey, everyone, try to translate your French (and other languages) into English, too, so that the whole board can understand, all right? Thanks.


Originally posted by mqymouse:
En fait, je vais ŕ Paris en juillet.

(In fact, I am going to Paris in July.)
Tu as de la chance!
(you're lucky!)


Originally posted by Xavier:

Quant au verlan, j'ai l'impression que ça commence ŕ passer. Les gens de ma génération le parlent, mais ceux de l'âge de ma sœur (qui a 17 ans) moins. Le français est en fait une langue qui évolue trčs vite et j'ai parfois beaucoup de mal ŕ comprendre ma sœur, qui n'a que dix ans de moins que moi 😉

(As for Verlan ("backwards" words), I have the impression that this is starting to fade. People of my generation speak it, but those of my sister's age (17) do so less. French is in fact a language which is evolving very quickly and sometimes I have a lot of trouble understanding my sister, who is only 10 years younger than me 😉 )

Le français change malgré L'Académie française!
(French changes in spite of the French Academy!)

C'est du verlan, a kind of slang. Do you really learn that in school ?

Non, dans les rues et les autres lieux de Paris.
(Nope, in the streets and other places in Paris).

Comme toi, je souhaite que ces boards utiliserent le français avec l'anglais!
(Like you, I wish that these boards will use French with the English!)



Tout ŕ fait d'accord pour utiliser le français, mais si je suis le seul sur la liste dont la langue maternelle soit le français, c'est peut-ętre un peu impérialiste, non ?

(I sure do agree to use french on this board, but if I'm the only native french-speaker on this board, it might be a little imperialistic, no ?) Typical french attitude who would like everybody to speak their language, but is always kind of afraid to force them to do so 😕



Merci pour la phrase. C'est ça! Et selon moi, je préfčre le français ŕ l'anglais. Ta langue est beaucoup plus riche et poétique. But then again, I'm no Emily Dickenson, either.

(Thank you for the twister. That's it! And in my opinion, I would rather speak French. Your language is much more rich and poetic.)

Perhaps we should move this discussion to a different location! 😄


Le ver vert va vers le verre vert

Il y a beaucoup de francophones ici, pour la plupart ils sont canadien, mais il y a aussi les français (mais pas souvent ces derniers temps).

There are a lot of french-speakers here, mostly Canadians, but there are also French people (but not often lately).

Je commencerais une nouvelle poste sur le Banter & Brawl board, sous le titre: Les francophones: postez ici! Mais n'oubliez pas ŕ traduire ŕ anglais lŕ aussi.

I will start a new string on the Banter and Brawl board, under the title: Les francophones: postez ici! (French speakers: post here!) But don't forget to translate into English there, too.



(QUOTE)Originally posted by Landreau:
(B)1. You could buy a fake ID. Or kill massive amounts of the UE's enemies near that system. For Liat, I think attacking Voinians on the border outposts may have an effect. Not sure.

Hi, first time posting...and new to the do you buy a fake id if everyone is up in arms about you?


Originally posted by Ironmac:
Hi, first time posting...and new to the do you buy a fake id if everyone is up in arms about you?(/B)

Hello, Ironmac, welcome to the board!

Fake IDs cannot be purchased legally. i.e. you can't get one in UE space. The only place I know of which sells them is Freeport. It's located southwest of UE space, next to Yelts, two jumps from Lothe. You may have to bribe the pirates in order to land there. The fake ID is quite expensive (1M credits, I think), but worth it sometimes.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.