Who has the highest amount of credits?


Do cheats count? 16 billion+.

— A n d r e w ˇ M —

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

The official (url="http://"")Location Calculator(/url)!

I typically always end up with too much, without cheating.

But, 20m is about what I stop collecting at. That's mostly from the Mumb-Himgro run...

PBS mind in a CNN world

My max in EV was 125 mil. In EVO it's like 57.89 mil, something like that.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost

err... 450,000


"Time can be considered as the 4th dimension. It can be streched, squeezed and manipulated like matter." --- Roger Hawkings


Hornet wrote:
**err... 450,000

LOL -- was that before or after buying the mega-huge ship with loads of weapons 🙂


If only I knew... I bought a UE destroyer once, found out it sucked in just a few seconds and sold it for something like a bulk freighter to make more money for a Lazira, then a UE cruiser...

"Badges? We no neeeed no steeeenkin badges!"


HA! Destroyer sucks?! Either you dont know how to fly one, or you tryed using a stock one.

First rule of EVO: Blaze weapons SUCK. Phase for vs UE/Humans, Neutron for all else, with the possible exception of some strand situations.

Second: Hunter missiles suck. They cost too much, weigh too much, and move too slow. You're better off with a fastish ship and rockets.

Third: Speed, accelleration and turning make the ship. In 1.0.2, you will die without those things.

Fourth: Skill. It's really the most important of all, but I just now remembered it.

Fifth: Time.

Six: Tactics. One thing you might want to practice for 1.0.2 is a No Loss turn, where you dont loose speed turning. Also, a slow "Slingshot" move around some place in space is often good.


PBS mind in a CNN world


wjohan wrote:
**Who has the highest amount of credits?


750 million is as high as I got in EV. I had a Kestral with 16 Lightnings (not cheating, just using a trick with a tractor beam that I invented). I took over every planet possible, except places that had like 3,000 defense ships. I was getting over 100,000 credits per jump, and my Kestrel had a large enough mass to make like 300,000 per jump.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

Hey Skunko you know if the resource data of EVO will be updated for the new changes? Seeing how it was programmed under the 1.0.5 engine, the new features might screw everything up...

tear it down


OutCast wrote:

LOL -- was that before or after buying the mega-huge ship with loads of weapons

Before, I'm afraid...


"Time can be considered as the 4th dimension. It can be streched, squeezed and manipulated like matter." --- Roger Hawkings

in EV i have 30-40 million i EVO i have a mere 10-11 million


Mikee- Ask Peter about that. I think he's going to see how even the game is, maybe tweaking stuff here and there.


PBS mind in a CNN world

I had 165 million in the bank before I even knew what a plug-in was!

WOW, thats a lot of money. But don´t you guys get bored in EV when the missions are over. I do, then I either start a new pilot or play EVO instead.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"


I, too lazy to fool around with ResEdit, used a "moneyman" account conquering every ship in the galaxy (a funky plug gets rid of all defence fleets) and then just jumping around with the dreadnought to make obscene AMOUNTS OF MONEY! I think it was in the 200 - 250 billion range.


I can't belive you guys you are tottally amazing!! 250 Billion??????? I can only get a few billion before it switches me to negatives. How do you do it? I have an iMac so I doubt it's a memory problem. The most I've ever gotten is 2257.9 million which is essentually 2 billion credits.

I Drink
I am


In EV I owned a Confed. Cruiser (Captured) with all Confed Cruiser escorts (Also Captured).I therefor managed to dominate EVERY single planet and station,including Earth,Palshife,Luna,Stardock Alpha,Mars and Apollo.I earned around 150,000 credits a day and made it up to about 250000000000 credits.Thats around 250 billion.On EVO I've only managed to get about 2.5 billion.If you think I am lying because I am unregistered then think again-I am registered but for some reason it wont work on the web board.So there.

Ummmm, you don't register with you EV name and password.

Click where it says "register" up top.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

520,000,000 or something in the 500 mils.

But Captain hector took +300 mil of it :frown:

"In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace. In denying it, one finds hope"
-Commodore Williams, 3 hours before the fall of Earth.