Low Down Dirty Tricks!!!

I have a couple of friends who I introduced to EV/O (both, buut they play EV). We play lots of the time at school after school. A few weeks ago, they found out abou the forklift online. I told them not to use it, for I am a total HATER of unearned cheat codes. (This means that in 007 Goldeneye when you earn teh cheats thats ok, but if you use the forklift that's just cheating). They said they would "just use it to get a better rating. They never stopped using it, and they think they are so cool 'cuz one of em captured Stardock Alpha and teh other has about half the galaxy paying him tribute.
What do i do? I tell them to stop using the forklift b/c it takes the fun out of the game and as I mentioned b4, I HATE cheating. Any ideas are very welcome, other than "let them do it." I'm looking for "delete their game file" or "put a plug-in in their folder that abolishes the forklift". Thanx in advance.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Let them do it, it's their bloody pilot file, not yours. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: AndrewM6

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-18-2000).)

Yeah but I said that I didn't want to let them do it. They brag about having taken over the whole universe and I already got in trouble for decking one of 'em.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...


Esvaem6 wrote:
Yeah but I said that I didn't want to let them do it.

Like I said:


it's their bloody pilot file, not yours.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: AndrewM6

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-18-2000).)


Esvaem6 wrote:
**Yeah but I said that I didn't want to let them do it. They brag about having taken over the whole universe and I already got in trouble for decking one of 'em.




Esvaem6 wrote:
**Yeah but I said that I didn't want to let them do it. They brag about having taken over the whole universe and I already got in trouble for decking one of 'em.



Cheating is relative. There was a point where I used a cheat plug to get lots of credits, but I got bored and ended up starting a new pilot. When I've used the Forklift I've got bored too, but if they don't, if their enjoyment of the game (it is after all only a game) is unspoiled by it, why should you care? Like Andrew M says, 'Let them do it, it's their bloody pilot file, not yours'.


You could take over the entire galaxy without the forklift and then laugh at their inferior skills.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Communist Confeds that use MacOS vs. Capitalist Rebels that use Windows.
AIM: EVCorvette

hmmm... if you really, really wanna get back at them....

download a program called "Big Secret"... it has the ability to make certain files totally invisible, and in-accessable (sp?).... so, you open up Big Secret, hide their player file, and then take a picture of their faces when they try to open their accounts. All is well 😄

And the best part is that you don't even have to delete the files... they'll just be totally invisible.... until you make them visible again... just think of the power 😄

By the way... for you yung'uns out there.... That program is also very useful for hiding files you don't want your parents to see... eh... eh? 😄


Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.


Panth3000 wrote:
**download a program called "Big Secret"... it has the ability to make certain files totally invisible, and in-accessable (sp?).... so, you open up Big Secret, hide their player file, and then take a picture of their faces when they try to open their accounts. All is well:D

And the best part is that you don't even have to delete the files... they'll just be totally invisible.... until you make them visible again... just think of the power 😄

By the way... for you yung'uns out there.... That program is also very useful for hiding files you don't want your parents to see... eh... eh? 😄



Where can I find this 'Big Secret'?

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


I'll try it. However, their games (and EVO itsself) are on a CLOSELY monitered network. I don't think it would work. Oh well. I'll try the little kiddy thing though.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Try taking over Azdgari & Zidagar space. Only the Zidagar homeworld and it's moon use warships. It's really easy with a Plasma Siphon or a powerful ship from the F-25 plug-in. Then, once you've done that, show them what you did without the forklift.

Micah L , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com

Well, they don't understand that b/c they play EV only.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...


Andrew M wrote:
_Where can I find this 'Big Secret'?

ResEdit can do this too; try taking a peek at the file info screen and check the 'invisible' box.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

What is this "Forklift"?


A Really stupid weapon that you cheat to get (I prepher to use the hand grenade plug-in and get the disco machine gun 😄 😄 :D) also where do you get the F-25 plug-in???



philcat wrote:
**What is this "Forklift"?


A powerful and secret weapon.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette


sncatc wrote:
**also where do you get the F-25 plug-in???



Big Secret.... I forget where I downloaded it, 'twas a long time ago. Send me an email, and I can hook you up with a copy. For a price 😄 (just kiddin')


Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.

Just Use Res-Edit it works much better, but heres an even cooler thing to do, you need res-edit, and the EV templates (since you are using EV).

EV bible and templates ftp://ftp.ambrosiasw...ors/EVBible.sit
EVO bible and templates ftp://ftp.ambrosiasw...O_Bible.sea.bin
Res-edit ftp://ftp.ambrosiasw.com/pub/ev/editors/R...Edit213.sit.hqx

1. Make a backup of the EV Data file, just make a copy of it and leave it as EV Data copy.

2. Use Resedit to make the copy invisible, ("File get file/foleder info; click on invisible")

3. Open up EV Data and the Template files.

4. Open the weapon (weap) resource and scroll to the bottom. You should see the forklift there with ID 191. Open it.

5. Change these fields so they don't know its been modified, but it will make them frustrated, and make them stop using it. Leave any you don't know about alone.

Reload 140 - reloading time
Count 800 - weapon dies out quicker
Massdamage 500 - cuts weapons damage in half
Energydamage 500 - same
speed - 400
impact 600 - pushes the ship harder, no effect on damage, also pushes the ship further away allowing it more time to raise sheilds.
Blast Radius - set this to 1000 if you want the forklift to more than likely do damage to player as well, otherwise lower it, so it doesn't hurt other ships around the target.

Other things, since you downloaded the EV bible as well you can open that and see what other things you can change. Then well you get into the area of plug designing.


ps. Skunko, remember he got in trouble for messing with things, doing it this way will make it so they don't realize that anythings been changed, they will just get frustrated. Also click edit instead of filling the board with two posts when you could have combined it into one ;).

(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 04-02-2000).)

I'd suggest making the damadge nill, myself. And challenge them to take over, say, Satori.


PBS mind in a CNN world

Actually... Give it the same reload, speed, ect, but 0 damadge and HUUGE imppact.


PBS mind in a CNN world