Gender issue (not really)

A few days ago, I was helping my girlfriend with her paper (doing it for her, same thing because she can't type). She looked at my EVO game and said (literally) "Wow this game looks cool but kinda dorky." I showed her what to do and as I watched her lovingly :), I noticed that I have never ever ever seen any girls or women playing EVO. She liked the game though.
I read somewhere that the reason men are usually more talented (not to make anyone mad) at computer games is that we (men) have better reflexes, which I'm not sure is true. Maybe its that some parts of the brain on the different genders are bigger or smaller (like a guy's general stupidity when trying to find something on a map).
So heres the big unexpected question...

How many people on this board are women that play EVO?

I'll give the first response: Not me. I don't think there are too many, but maybe I'm wrong.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Maybe its just that we men devote our lives to the stupid pursuit of computer games while the wimminfolk make the 'world go round...

"Badges? We no neeed no steeenkin badges!"


Me & Jude, and I'm pretty sure that's it.


"I don't think Reuben can talk right now. He's too busy pouring banana fludge down his throat."

AIM: EVBasilisk

What do you mean, I can read a map. In fact, I can cook, clean, sew, all of that women stuff. (hesitated to say chick) And I'm a guy. No I'm not some fact, maybe I am. But one thing is for sure, that I know of, I have an outside life. Unlike most people here who think EVO 24 hours a day. Go out and play basketball or something...

(No offense to anyone who play EV/EVO 24 hours a day)

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 03-20-2000).)

Zelda plays EVO

How mad would a wood chuck get if a
big neon pink Koala bear named Ishtar
ran into the woods
and chucked all the wood before the
woodchuck could?
(url="http://"")Goomba's Page(/url)

(This message has been edited by Fuzz Bucket (edited 03-20-2000).)


Basilisk wrote:
**Me & Jude, and I'm pretty sure that's it.

I play EVO. And I think FuzzBucket is correct that Zelda does too. Granted, women do seem to be a small minority amongst the EV/EVO community, but we are out there.

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

The female brain is VERY different than the male brain. Females produce different hormones and at different levels than men. You don't think testerone has any effect on male aggressiveness?

As for reflexes, now that I think about it, you are right. Females don't make (overrall) as good of drivers as men, for some reason their reflexes seem "faster" but more chaotic. For example, when I see girls (rather "women") riding bikes here at OU, they seem to have a harder time weaving through walk-traffic. Their reflexes at steering make for a more jerky, almost unconfident turning. Men, however, will turn slightly slower, but more smoothly. Its less jerky and they seem to 'know what they are doing'. So maybe female reflexes are faster, but less accurate perhaps.

Women seem to be more based on words, writing and better 'emotionally'. Males tend to be better at visual concepts and grasping dimensional/theoretical aspects of things. Why are men better at baseball and many sports? Because of higher testerone (= more muscle) and better at understanding spatial relationships - they can see where the ball is and where it is going better.

What this all ends up as is that males are better at strategical and graphical things. Women don't make good generals and army leaders for a reason, they score lower on fighter-piloting as well.

Lastly, to show why EV/O is more male-dominated, males like to prove themselves better and stronger than the other males. (Notice many animal societies are lead by whoever can out-bluff or beat the previous leader). They have to prove that they are "better than everyone else", many animals like humans tend to have the male as the protecter and food-bringer. Basically, we are based on violence and destruction, believing we are tougher and wanting to dominate and control everything...


(This message has been edited by mikee J (edited 03-20-2000).)

On the spacial reasoning and such, It has been shown that males have a larger region in there brain that is devoted to math. Since spatial reasoning is nothing but geometry it makes sense. Don't know about whether females actually react faster but less acurately as you said, but my sister is certainly a more jerky driver than my brother, as you suggested.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


ShadeOfBlue wrote:
**On the spacial reasoning and such, It has been shown that males have a larger region in there brain that is devoted to math. Since spatial reasoning is nothing but geometry it makes sense. Don't know about whether females actually react faster but less acurately as you said, but my sister is certainly a more jerky driver than my brother, as you suggested.

Now that I think about it, the poor driving and steering could be caused by their 'poor' spacial judgement.

---Oh and to anyone offended by my females-make-poor-pilots remark, spacial judgement again. I was not suggesting they should not be allowed to fly planes or fighters, just most of them... kinda suck at it. 😃


Well, this is somewhat pointless, but my sister is a total fool when it comes to computer knowledge and my mom always assumes the wrong thing when she tries to fix something and can't even move the guy in Bugdom in the direction she wants to... seems like female family is often quite computer-dumb unless they're a primary user, and not just as a tool but as an appliance with variations of sorts; that brings up another point: women mostly consider computers as tools, but men have a better useage of their various abilities and often develop a kind of relationship with them. Heck, I never let my iMac get dusty. I love changing desktops and Kaleidoscope schemes. I'm only 14 and I can do about 75% of what an Apple certified technician can do. My point has failed me as to appearing in a sentence, but can anyone relate?

All work and no beer make Homer something something...

I think most women have better things to do with their time (or so they think) i know lots of girls who know how to use a computer more or less but all they really can do is word and AOL(and they can barley find the programs they know how to use), they -as mister spiffus said- cant or wont devlope a relations ship with the computer they see it as a tool, but how can you not love transluscent bluberry? like mister spiffus said im only 16 and ive done every thing on my imac short of taking it apart and putting it back to gether( i even did that-sort of when my mom threw my keboard against the wall-long story) anyway most the girls i know think video games are stupid, i dont really know why they think this, actually i do. whenever im at my friends house playing playstaion or n64 his sister will say "oh i can kick you butt in that game" then i totally waste her as she storms out of the room mad-im not sayoing men are more pcaient than woman we just have to figure it out we cant let some stupid game beat us so we sit there untill were a master at the game then embarass all our friend so they in turn sit at the game until they are a master at it just to prove that we have faster finger than the next guy-besides video games are just plain fun.


I think this proves why we need a multiplayer. So all the guys on this board can say I am better than you are!!

Pcs? I don't need no stinkin Pcs

Girls (or maybe guys) out there prehaps you can explain...
If I invite my freinds over (Males) and one of them is introduced to my new comp game or playstation ect. they pick up the controller and in about a second pic up the concepts, how things move, ect. And they can learn new things as they come, its like almost natural it seems. But if I have a girl playing a computer game or something its like how do you do this. It must be explained to them in detail and sometimes they still don't grasp the point and or the reasoning of it. I find myself saying "I don't know why it was just made that way" alot. Is it the same with you game playing ladies?

~ Truth suffers from too much analysis.

~If you seek to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'

P.S. I'm getting a new G4, Yahoo!!!


I totally agree w/ raptor. When I tried to teach my girlfriend how to land, she didn't understand how turning around and pressing forward slowed the ship, and when i showed her she said, "Well why didn't you tell me that earlier." Also, she didn't for some reason grasp how making money by not doing such interesting stuff (trading) can help in the long run. She attacked a UE carrier w/ a shuttlecraft (ouch). I remember the first day i got my hand on goldeneye for the N64, I beat the **** out of my friend who had been playing for almost a year. I guess guys learn video games quickly.

I'm glad everyone's so interested in this topic...


PS. I am leaving tomarrow for spring break!! I'll be back at the beginning of April...

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

My god... u guys must live where all the girls are total ditzes...

I know a few of them ('prolly the exception) who can

a. out-calcualte (whatever it is) me in plane geometry
b. Been playing EV longer than I have
c. picks up the basis for allmost anything in a few seconds
d. is just brilliant

Now... since my frame of referance is me, either I have encountered the exception to you guy's theories (which all sound like arguments to take the womenfolk out of collage and stick 'em back in sweat shops), or I am a total ditz (and if you agree with this I will take the test scores, reccomendations, and concepts I have gathered and shove them down your throat until you take it back).

True, most members of the opposite sex I come across really dont care about video games. Is this such a crime? Oh well.

"Badges? We no neeed no steeeenkin badges!"



Jabberwocky wrote:
(which all sound like arguments to take the womenfolk out of collage and stick 'em back in sweat shops)

No, just that we seem to beat them in general in complex and in depth (eg. not just being able to do arithamatic fast) math and spacial reasoning. I'm not saying they don't beat us in other areas, such as literature. Of course this is on average, I believe like one out of four girls breaks the mold and rivals with the top math boys (ex. for the state math counts competition I went to, a little less than a fourth of the perticipants were girls.) And they're syill plenty of stupid guys. :rolleyes:


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

I'm good at everything! 😉
Seriously, I was better at baseball than all the boys except one who was a better pitcher. I'm better at most tactical and strategic board and computer games than my male friends, and I go to a strategy boardgaming tournament every year. My reflexes aren't very good, but I don't think that is a female thing--and my aim is excellent with rifes, baseballs, snowballs, and darts. In my high school graduating class, out of 4 people commended for national test scores, 3 were girls (one was me). I scored in the top 99 percent for verbal and the top 98 percent for math in the NSAT tests. I'm good at graphics and music. I use my computer for all sorts of things: art, desigen, games, writing, internet, work. Plus, I usually buy my equipment (like stereos and computers) as components, choosing exactly what I want and putting it together. I've also been told have have good management and leadership abilities and people keep trying to elect or promote me to positions I don't want. I hate stress and am not ambitious, but I think that is a personal, maybe artistic thing, rather than a female trait.
The differences I've noticed in male and female brains are:
*males are usually more aggressive and violent, and like to crush their opponents and fight rather than talk.
*females usually try to make sure everyone is okay, even when they are trying to win or succeed.
*women usually like to talk things out rather than fight.
*men seem to have less patience when teaching or explaining.
*women usually approach life and problems as a tapestry: considering everything and how it all fits together and affects each other, while men get focused on a goal, often ignoring consequences (or not even forseeing them).
*there have been medical tests which suggest that when fetuses are flooded with testosterone (in the process of becoming male) it inhibits the growth of the connection between the 2 halves of the brain. Supposedly, the study and playing of music can help to strengthen the connection.
*I've noticed that most women seem to be able to stay awake longer and endure more pain than men, but men usually have more physical strength (except before puberty, when girls are usually bigger and stronger) and like to build and destroy things.
*When asked what they are thinking and men say "nothing"--often it is true (joke 🙂 ).
*Also, I think one of the reasons that many women (but not in NYC or Boston--everyone there drives like a maniac!) seem like nervous, unsure drivers is that they are more worried about harming people, in general, than men are, and a car (or even a bike) can cause a lot of damage.



Jude wrote:

See, Jude, you're probably one of those one in four or five I was talking about. It's not tha uncommon, so you aren't some super-freak, but it's still statisticly siginificant. Mikee, about reading deaply into stuff, there's this girl in front of me who's very emotional, and usually reads into stuff, but when she gets emotional she doesn't. She doesn't see the obvious connection between Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story (don't know if you've read them, but about the only thing different in West Side Story is it's modern (so they use guns and knives and cars, etc), it's in a city, and the equivelant of Juliet doesn't kill herself but at the end when she finds Romeo's equivelant, she's thinking of it), because she starts crying. Heh, one thing I find amusing about her is that she didn't cry at Titanic because she said they commited adultery and that was a major sin. Kinda ironic. :rolleyes:

And of course males are more aggresive and prefer fighting to talking most of the time (hell, about a dozen times a day at school I have to restrain myself from knocking the **** out of people.) In primitive societies' that was the males job; to hunt and protect from animals and other groups/tribes. Women would raise and teach the children (although a male would probably still teach the boys how to hunt.) Since males could and probably would, being more aggresive and stronger, women probably became more tolerant of abuse.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Jude wrote:
When asked what they are thinking and men say "nothing"--often it is true (joke:) ).*

I always say nothing because my thoughts are too complex (most of the time 🙂 ) to conevey in words, no not to women to all people in general. Sometimes I will sit there and either I let 3,000 thoughts race through my mind when I do I think about 20 things at once and analize parts that interest me.
OK OK so I'm an insane wierd freak.
Also see that little thing I like to say in my signature.

~If you find yourself trying to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'

P.S. I'm getting a new G4, Yahoo!!!

(This message has been edited by raptor (edited 03-22-2000).)