Update on Ferazel 1.0.4 update

I just wanted to mention that the Ferazel 1.0.4 update is not forgotten. I've had a lot to do lately, and I'm moving at the end of next week, so a lot of stuff will be in boxes and so forth. I am still planning to do get the update done hopefully sometime in March. Thanks for your patience... much appreciation goes out to all Ferazel players and Mascot-sufferers.


(This message has been edited by Ben Spees (edited 02-14-2001).)

Here's a minor "glitch":
The progress bar when starting up isn't a real one.
Since I have my controls red, currently, it's very noticable. (Your fake one is blue).
Would it be too much work to use a real Progress Bar Control?

Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide! (url="http://"http://www.dhmo.org")www.DHMO.org(/url)

The blue was chosen so it wouldn't clash with the rest of the splash screen. Even if it were turned a different color, it would look bad (quantized) since the custom 256-color palette is heavily weighted towards greyish blues.


(This message has been edited by Ben Spees (edited 02-14-2001).)

Graphics/physics question:

In physics (and chemistry, and science in general), quantization is the fluctuation of a value by a constant, and never anything but that constant.

So...what does quantization have to do with graphics?

MAGNETIC POEM #14.4 (1/3/00)
love is
the searching below
one's tiny expecations

In this context, quantization means "to limit the possible values of (a magnitude or quantity) to a discrete set of values." As in the reduction of 24-bit color space ("true color") to a palette of 256 discrete colors. In other words, the graininess/banding you get when reducing from 24-bit to 8-bit color.



Ben - given the news that you're leaving Ambrosia, does this mean the 1.04 update is delayed or dropped or are you still planning on March?

Was it all our whining that drove you away? Sorry!


I wrote Ferazel as an outside developer anyway, so it won't be affected in the slightest. I will still do the update, etc. As for whining driving me away -- of course not! WHAT whining? 😉



Hmmm...must've missed the news that Ben was leaving.

But hey, you got a free office out of Andrew, not to mention the unlimited stream of free Cokes. That can't be too bad. 😉

MAGNETIC POEM #14.4 (1/3/00)
love is
the searching below
one's tiny expecations

WHOA! Free Cokes, and you're leaving? wow. :eek:

"So I'm a princess and I suddenly have magical powers? What does that make me????"
"A fairy princess?"
"Thank you so much." -Bone

(This message has been edited by Evil Penguin (edited 02-25-2001).)


Originally posted by Ben Spees:
**As for whining driving me away -- of course not! WHAT whining?;)

I demand new boss and object support!!!!! 😉 😄

“You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.” -- George W. Bush

Hey, I just had an idea. In Souls in the System, when it loads a level, it replaces the resources in its data files with resources of the same ID in the level. If Ferazel's Wand did this, all data for OBW could be contained in a single file! The problem is that there are TWO files which would be edited: the BG and the Sprites. Hmm...

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )


Originally posted by AVN:
**Hey, I just had an idea. In Souls in the System, when it loads a level, it replaces the resources in its data files with resources of the same ID in the level. If Ferazel's Wand did this, all data for OBW could be contained in a single file! The problem is that there are TWO files which would be edited: the BG and the Sprites. Hmm...

In many years, when (if) ferazel becomes open-source, I plan to help add that.

“You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.” -- George W. Bush


Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**I demand new boss and object support!!!!!;) 😄

Same here! And support for adding new monsters, new toys (springs, stone gates, hangglider....), ect.

Anyone ever heard the shriek of a seeker pirahna? It's almost, ALMOST a new monster. 😄

Ugh, found an error.
Need to make magic carpets reset themselves when you leave the level like with the hangglider.

Ever seen flying pirahnna? 🙂 I have, many, many times.

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

Is there any more news on this yet? And Where is everybody?

"I think there is a world market for about five computers."
- Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM


Originally posted by AVN:
**Ever seen flying pirahnna?:) I have, many, many times.


Yup! In a level of mine, they come out of an enemy pipe high up on the wall!

Do what you can with what you have where you are.
-Teddy Roosevelt
Childhood is for spoiling adulldhood.-Calvin
I didn't do it, you can't prove I did it, nobody saw me do it!-Me

Ben Spees said at the start of the topic " I just wanted to mention that the Ferazel 1.0.4 update is not forgotten" is that still the case? I thought the timeline was March.

"I think there is a world market for about five computers."
- Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM

I'll take the risk to have another karma drop...

But Ben is past now. Because of Ambrosia's ahem decision. I don't say Ben left Ambrosia without being helped a little.


I read the majority of this topic, believe this was new! Dang it!

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.
-Clarence Darrow