any news on the update?


deniro wrote:
This dark screen is really tough on the eyes. Can we go back to the old colors and bulletin board?

I find it very hard to read also. I thought it was just that I'm an old dame. It does look nice, though.




deniro wrote:
This dark screen is really tough on the eyes. Can we go back to the old colors and bulletin board?

Same here. Also, it takes longer to load, even via ethernet!




deniro wrote:
This dark screen is really tough on the eyes. Can we go back to the old colors and bulletin board?

I have to admit that I really like the look of the new image, but it I have trouble reading some of this stuff too! :frown:




deniro wrote:
This dark screen is really tough on the eyes. Can we go back to the old colors and bulletin board?

Ya, I like the new look and all, but it's kinda hard to read.

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis


MissNif wrote:
**GEEEEZ People! My husband has spent hundreds of dollars on computer games, many of which have had more and worse bugs than Ferazel. However, NONE of those games have web boards administered by the actual people who created the game! Some of those games NEVER came out with updates, but plenty of them came out with $40 sequels! And, as far as I can tell, NONE of those companies give a rat's tushy about whether or not we can figure out how to defeat the Goblin Chief or Manditraki Wizard -- that is, except for the fact that they publish hint books and walk-throughs that just rake in tons more cash for them!

The Ambrosians do not have to provide these services for us, but they do because they care about their customers/fans being happy with Ambrosia products, and I think that we customers/fans could be a little more patient!



I most defenatly agree.

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis


andrew wrote:
**The new version will be out very shortly -- we're just doing some final QA on it. Our target release date is this coming Wednesday (3/22/2000).


..........Sigh........... We are right on the 3/23/2000 and there is still no update available on the WWW site... I really thought it would be there... Sigh.... :frown:


Michel Poulin wrote:
..........Sigh........... We are right on the 3/23/2000 and there is still no update available on the WWW site... I really thought it would be there... Sigh....:frown:

The update is ready. Ambrosia needs to release it!! :::hint hint:: Please?



Zelda wrote:
**The update is ready. Ambrosia needs to release it!! :::hint hint:: Please?




I knew this would happen. 🙂
The update is all ready. The powers-that-be just haven't quite gotten around to releasing it. I will badger these powers about it as soon as they get into the office today. Don't worry!




Angry User wrote:


Gads..I didn't mean for someone to actually get pissed off about this. It's not just like they're sitting around tossing paper wads into wastebaskets and asking one another, "Should we release the update today? Naaaah!!! Mahahaha!!" I'm sorry I said anything, I just let my eagerness get the better of me.

I'm sure they're just making absolutely sure everything is tip top.

Angry User, have a poppyseed muffin and take a nap. 🙂


You know, it's funny, but ever since I started playing Ferazel I've had the strangest craving for poppyseed muffins. I'm sure it's just a coincidence... 😄


Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

Ferazel's Wand 1.0.3 update has been released! If you purchased the full CD version of Ferazel's Wand, please go to the Ferazel's Wand 1.0.3 update page for the details, and to download the update:

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Angry User wrote:


I agree, Ambrosia SUCKS!!!

By the way, I said our "target date" was yesterday -- obviously that didn't happen (my fault actually), but I specifically did NOT state that it would definitely be released on that day for this very reason.

Now then, download the update, you'll like it. 🙂

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Wow ! Thanks for the update ! Ferazel's Wand is a real GREAT game !


andrew wrote:
I agree, Ambrosia SUCKS!!!

See, that's why people like Ambrosia so much. They kid around with their users (well, people like the software too 🙂 ). It's too bad some of the larger software companies are too concerned with money and profits (cough Sierra cough).

Keep up the good work Ambrosia! (and Ben too)

-- Jeff