A Call For Suggestions

Probably by this time most people who post regularly to this board have gone to visit my (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url). At least, I hope that's true 😄 If you've been to the site, you've probably noticed that as of yet it's a little sparse on content. In hopes to remedy that, I make this specific request to all players of Ferazel's Wand:

Please post replies with any questions that you think it would be useful to have answered on the site. I am not looking for answers now, just questions, so you don't need to know the answers to questions you suggest.

I'd appreciate everyone's suggestions to build up a good site to help current and future helpers of habnabits. 🙂

Thanks to all who reply,

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

(This message has been edited by Ereid (edited 02-19-2000).)

Okay, 😄 I'll go first! Two questions, if that's okay...

  1. What is the purpose of the shadow double in Unemployed in Greenland?

  2. What is the missing 10% of secrets in Central Caverns? Well, okay, I guess that's vague, but I'm having the darndest time figuring out what I missed.

There's really more than two questions, in a way, but the rest of the trouble I'm having can't be helped via the web... In Iceconclasm, I can't get back to the other side of those spikey walls you have to slip under without killing Ferazel. And I can't figure out a safe way across that icey water you need to go over to get to the next part of Iceconclasm after breaking through the first double doors of ice.

Ah well. Thank you, Elizabeth, for the chance to ask questions here! 🙂

speeking of the shadow doubles, are there any others in the game?
and something for your page might also be where and how to get the one in "Unemployed in greenland" as well as what it's for.
in the mean time, I would kindof like to know the answers to both of those because I havn't even gotten it.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

My question is how to kill those darn Fire Guardians! I have a vague idea that it has something to do with the few times that I hit them and they seem to have a wave of yellow/green pass through them. However, I always die before I test this theory successfully! Or, my theory is just incorrect! 😛

I know I have another question, but I'll have to research my save games to find out which level it is.

Your site looks great, by the way! I haven't been there in a couple days, but keep up the good work!


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Every so often, one of the Fire Guardians' heads will slow down and open its eyes wider. Then it's vulnerable for a few seconds -- hit it with everything you got! (When it's hurt, it flashes, and you'll notice they move faster and faster the more you hurt them.) If you can avoid the fireballs between the vulnerable pauses, you can kill them without too much trouble.



Ben Spees wrote:
**Every so often, one of the Fire Guardians' heads will slow down and open its eyes wider. Then it's vulnerable for a few seconds -- hit it with everything you got! (When it's hurt, it flashes, and you'll notice they move faster and faster the more you hurt them.) If you can avoid the fireballs between the vulnerable pauses, you can kill them without too much trouble.


Thanks Ben! 🙂

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Nif...the Shadow Doubler thing is supposed to fight with you...mirroring your actions. (If you toss a fireball, it will toss a fireball and so on.) So it supposedly gives you twice as much fire power. I have a problem with it because it's always turning the wrong way. It doesn't really help much!

Gex...to get the Shadow Double in Escape from Greenland jump up into the treetops at the beginning of the game. Before you jump past the tree with a mace running around it. In one of the trees you should notice some sparkly mist over to your right. Jump in it and ride it up to power up. (I'm sure there's a fight up there too.)


Amorisse, I bet that the extra 10% in Central Caverns is that one room with the jumping frog things and the red xirchon. You can get to it by jumping in the water at the very end of the level, swimming right, jumping up into that little dry space (which, considering the laws of physics, really shouldn't exist :p) and blast the right wall.



Rilla wrote:
**Amorisse, I bet that the extra 10% in Central Caverns is that one room with the jumping frog things and the red xirchon. You can get to it by jumping in the water at the very end of the level, swimming right, jumping up into that little dry space (which, considering the laws of physics, really shouldn't exist:p ) and blast the right wall.

I wish there was a room with a red xirchron still there (have 18 of 'em and need 20...) but I got that room already. Thanks for the suggestion, though, Rilla. So are you saying you got %100 in Eastern Reaches? 😄 Want to clue us in to some little 6% of secret that might have not been obviously found?


Amorisse wrote:
I wish there was a room with a red xirchron still there (have 18 of 'em and need 20...) but I got that room already. Thanks for the suggestion, though, Rilla. So are you saying you got %100 in Eastern Reaches?:D Want to clue us in to some little 6% of secret that might have not been obviously found?

Ha! Now you fooled Rilla too! You START by saying Central Caverns...THEN you switch to Eastern Reaches! It's an evil dastardly plot to drive me insane!!!

Obviously it's working. 🙂

I need a nap!!!


Oops, yeah, I got fooled. 😛


Amorisse . . . were you able to get that red xichron in Flash Freeze. After you visit Elber and make that last flying leap to the right. I can see that one sitting on its ledge but can't seem to jump high enough to get it! 😛


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


MissNif wrote:
**Amorisse . . . were you able to get that red xichron in Flash Freeze. After you visit Elber and make that last flying leap to the right. I can see that one sitting on its ledge but can't seem to jump high enough to get it!:p


Actually..this was something I managed to do! After I made the final leap, I still had the effects of the double speed power up..and I just did a run shift jump thing and made it.


That red xichron was one that my gamepad helped me with. Since then I've gone back to the keyboard, but every time I need a really powerful jump, I turn to the gamepad. I think my problem with the keypad jumping is that I don't have a real Apple keyboard, since I run Mac OS on a Motorola StarMax. I've noticed that the feel of my keyboard at work is quite different than the feel of this one at home. This one is easier to type on, but it's probably not quite as responsive for game stuff like this.

Ben, I had already figured out the part about how to damage the Fire Guardians, but I haven't been too successful on the part about avoiding damage myself!!! 🙂

Also, I wanted to know if you have ever heard of THIS problem with the software...I have two escape rings, that I have made use of in trying to defeat these guys. I go out, get some Health and Magic from the Goblin Chief stage, then head back to try again. But when I get back to the Fire Guardians, they are not in the places where I left them!

They don't always go to the same location. Generally, though, they move to the left about an inch, every time I go out and come back in. Sometimes they go up higher, and sometimes they go down lower. This, of course, makes it very hard to defeat them, because the platforms are "off center" to them, and one time, the left Guardian was entirely inside the left wall, and I couldn't shoot him at all (though he could still get me!).

I do hope this is one that is getting fixed in the upgrade, also...?


Added Firepower:
I have been able to make it through Ascent, Central Caverns, and Western Reaches... and most of Eastern Reaches... with the multi crystal found in Ascent of Peril. By getting the multi crystal last, just before leaving the level, I was able to make it that far without getting hit or shot by any enemies, and with the added firepower the m/c gives you, I was able to kill enemies much faster in the subsequent levels. Before leaving Ascent with the m/c, it's helpful to save your game in at the last save point on the level (west/left of the swinging spiked balls, and up).

In Central Caverns, in the last secret room with the two "Tasmanian Toads" (as I call them; accessible only by transporter at the far east/right), they were first waiting for me at the door and smashed my crystal. On my second effort with the crystal, I was able to draw them away to the east/right earlier on, when I was below the room (where you can see them, but not directly get to them). Then when I entered the room, they were on the far side, and it wasn't long before I was serving up deep fried frog legs.

Don't expect to hang onto the m/c forever... you can't, because you're going to get hit. BTW, I was able to get 100/100/100 on this level.


(This message has been edited by Jodeo (edited 02-22-2000).)

Where do I get the thing (ice pick?) that lets you get through the double ice doors? (by the two frogs on the right of the level and benieth the red zichron)

I need some sleep, sorry about the vagueness.




Walter wrote:
**Where do I get the thing (ice pick?) that lets you get through the double ice doors? (by the two frogs on the right of the level and benieth the red zichron)

I need some sleep, sorry about the vagueness.


Despite the vagueness :), I think I know what you're talking about. The ice pick is what you need and you get it from a merchant near the end of Flash Freeze. Remember those really long jumps you had to do near the end? To the right of the last little column you jump on before you jump to solid ground is a doorway. Go through the doorway and you'll find what you're looking for.

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)


GeX wrote:
**speeking of the shadow doubles, are there any others in the game?
and something for your page might also be where and how to get the one in "Unemployed in greenland" as well as what it's for.
in the mean time, I would kindof like to know the answers to both of those because I havn't even gotten it.

AFAIK, there is one other - it is in Eastern Reaches, I think.

On the topic, let me express my extreme disapproval of this goodie. It rarely serves a practical purpose. It did even less in beta.

Whoever can control this evil shadow, congratulations.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram


MissNif wrote:
**Amorisse . . . were you able to get that red xichron in Flash Freeze. After you visit Elber and make that last flying leap to the right. I can see that one sitting on its ledge but can't seem to jump high enough to get it!:p


Yep. Glee! Actually, before I get too-cocky about it, I'd better admit it was my son who showed me how to do it (he's five and yet far more savvy about these things than me). With Ferazel standing up, quickly cast tree trunk about five times, then quickly kneel and cast a few times (it'll form steps), then quickly jump up each and jump by the red xirchron. 🙂


spamguy wrote:
**AFAIK, there is one other - it is in Eastern Reaches, I think.

On the topic, let me express my extreme disapproval of this goodie. It rarely serves a practical purpose. It did even less in beta.

Whoever can control this evil shadow, congratulations.

In Eastern Reaches? Where please? That might be the missing 6% of secrets I haven't found yet.
