Sol take over

The only 2 undominated systems are Sol, and Ruby. i heard it would take 6 to 16 hours to take sol over. I worked on it for about an hour. Just using my forklift, and my 5 kestrel escorts, I've made good progress. But, after the first hour, it gets really boring. Anybody have any tips or strategies for dominating Sol?


Get 6 kestrels as escorts. get them to launch their fighters, then demand tribute. Sol will only be able to send out 1 ship.

All hail the Blue Bird of happiness. **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

Did i hear Forklift?
Starts to paddlewhack kestreldude

Visit my (url="http://"")cool EV site(/url)
"I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all."

What does that mean? The forklift is a tight-ass weapon! I can take out a confed. cruiser in 3 hits. Anything else?


The forklift is considered cheating by most people since it's, well.... a cheat. That's what The Catacomb means when he's whacking you with a paddle.

<gratuitous ad>And for an excellent source of paddles, go to Lambda Rising near 20th and R streets in downtown D.C.</gratuitous ad>

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

Fine. Be that way. I'll just go back to missiles...


O.k. I've got all my kestrels. I've surrounded Earth, and demanded tribute. Why do they not send out only one ship? And which planet does this trick work on?


Because of EVs max ships in system limit (I think its 36) if you can launch enough fighters BEFORE you click demand tribute the planet only sends out one ship. If it has fighters it cant launch them. Destroy the ship and demand tribute again. If it is a big defence fleet the planet may send out another ship but the max total number of ships I have had sent out is two. In standard EV you cant get 36 fighters without cheating but some plugins let you (Star Wars by Kris Hauser for example).

Grand Fleet Admiral Slathkill, Supreme Commander I.M.A. Fleet

So how do you get your escorts to release their fighters? And again- WHICH SOL PLANET?


..........................Helloooooo? SOMEBODY reply. :mad:


In EV and EVO it is impossible to get your escorts to release their fighters without there being hostile ships in the system. As I said in my previous post there must be 36 or so ships in the system BEFORE you click 'Demand Tribute'. So you cant just have your escorts launch fighters to combat the defence fleet. As merchantmen and non aligned ships leave when fighting breaks out the ships need to be fighters. As I also said before you cannot get 36 fighters in standard EV or EVO without cheating.

Grand Fleet Admiral Slathkill, Supreme Commander I.M.A. Fleet

I don't know a lot about dominating planets, however, if you do hate Confeds (which, I am assuming you do since you're trying to dominate Sol and Ruby, two Confed systems), then I suggest you visit a story board on The Catacomb's ezboard. It's called (url="http://"")The Beginning of The End(/url) and we could use some more people on it, as well as more people on the forum Rebels Corner itself.

So, if anyone likes Rebels here, visit the Rebels Corner or (url="http://"")The Beginning of The End(/url).

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Thanks. I'm not confed., nor rebel. I'm a dude with a cruiser making his way from system to system taking over what's available. The only 2 systems left are Sol, and Ruby.


kestreld00d, you will want your kestrel escorts to release their fighters, so attack someone before demanding tribute, when the fighters are released, demand tribute. This will work if there is a total of 36 ships in the system, counting with the fighters that were released in the meantime.

Captain Orne


Originally posted by kestreldude:
**..........................Helloooooo? SOMEBODY reply.:mad:

OK here goes. I dominated Sol and Ruby a few days ago. They took under five minutes each. You need a fair bit of cash but if you have dominated every other spob that shouldn't matter much. Right,
1 Buy a fake ID, you probably want to land on Stardock Alpha.
2 Buy a kestral and fit it with a Hawk bay and two Hawks.
3 Take off and launch all 4 fighters.
4 Land.

Repeat steps 2 to four till you can no longer launch any fighters. This works beacuse when you buy a new ship your fighters become escorts. Hence you can have more than 6 escorts and not rely on your normal escorts launching fighters.

5 Demand tribute.

I sometimes found it necessary to demand and then recall one fighter, otherwise it didn't work. If anyone can explaine this I'd be grateful. Anyway try it. If it still dosn't work I'll try to explain this better but I've conquered Sol and Ruby with about zero effort.

NB I'm not claiming great skills for myself. I see this a cheating without breaking the rules but if anyone just wants to dominate Sol this should work.

I beleive that bug only works if you are using version 1.0 of EV.

Visit my (url="http://"")cool EV site(/url)
"I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all."

My version is 1.0.5. I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.



Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**I beleive that bug only works if you are using version 1.0 of EV.

Nope. I have 1.0.5 and Sol is a nice green colour.

O.k. I'll try.



Originally posted by kestreldude:
**My version is 1.0.5. I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.

No you can do it with 1.0.5 (cause thats what I'm using and Sol looks nice and green).