E5 Weave ships?

Of all the Weave ships in E5 (Heart of Darkness), which do you like most and why?:

Weave: Rebel Cruiser
Tavora class attack cruiser
Invincible class support carrier
Victory class beam cruiser

Sauridan Freehold:
Raachaak class Battle Dragon
Taarvat class escort carrier
Cassarc class laser ship

Right now I'm up to "The Oath" in which I have to go to Ov'ron and destroy some freighters. My choice (thus far) is a heavily upgraded Raachaak class Battle Dragon. I prefer to do the fighting myself rather than tell a bunch of fighters who to kill. If I decided to switch ships, I think I would like the Victory class beam cruiser.
BTW: Tim: very clever using Cap'n Hector's sister Hectorina in this plug. She's ruthless! It's a shame I don't (usually) fire on women!

-Ace 😄

"Time's fun when you're having flies."--Kermit the Frog


2300 posts as of 10.05.02, 9:10 AM (12:10 PM ASW time).
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Pie is good.(/url)
Official minion of (url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula.com(/url). (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/dragoon/")D(/url)o not resist. Beware the substance '(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")E(/url)'.
Official fan of Tim Isles' (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")Empire Trilogy(/url). Beware the other substance '(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")E(/url)'.

(This message has been edited by -esw-dragoon_77 (edited 10-09-2002).)

I agree completely! Would you choose one over all the others?

-Ace 😄

"Time's fun when you're having flies."--Kermit the Frog

I dunno. I've been fallling behind in my worship of the Almighty Tim, so I haven't played in a while and can't remember the specs of all of them. Actually, I've been working on EoC. I don't think I've played HoD at all :eek: I'll go play it right now.

2300 posts as of 10.05.02, 9:10 AM (12:10 PM ASW time).
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Pie is good.(/url)
Official minion of (url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula.com(/url). (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/dragoon/")D(/url)o not resist. Beware the substance '(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")E(/url)'.
Official fan of Tim Isles' (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")Empire Trilogy(/url). Beware the other substance '(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")E(/url)'.

Whatcha think of EoC? Like I said, I'm flying a Battle Dragon and I think I'll keep it! I went into the plug with Res-edit and changed some of the specs a bit (shield/armor, shield recharge...). I also did a bit of editting on the specs for the torpedoes and missiles. I don't consider it cheating since enemy ships tend to use my changed weapons.
I tried out the captured alien Dominar and didn't like it, so I went back to my Battle Dragon.

-Ace 😄

"Time's fun when you're having flies."--Kermit the Frog

Am I the only one who has any affection for the Terrans? It is kind of fun to play as the bad guys! Of course it could have something to do with the fact that I have a part in the Terran storyline...

- Agee

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

So that was you! I thought the name sounded familiar! Great plug, huh? I first played each plug for the Weave (except in the case of the Scavengers or the Merc's Guild) and have just worked my way through working for the Empire. I think my favorite ships (not in order of preference) are: (Terran) Missile Cruiser, (Weave) Victory class Beam Cruiser, Raachaak class Battle Dragon, Hybrid Cruiser, and Dragon Interdictor. Out of these, my favorite two were the Terran Missile Cruiser and the Hybrid Cruiser. I did notice that Tim used regular (what we're used to) graphics for the Weave ships in most of the plugs, but in E3-Endgame, he used graphics from EVO's "F-25" plugin. Wonder why he switched over for E3, then back again for the rest of the series?

-Ace 😄

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
- Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out

The Terran SuperGun thing that I captured. 🙂

Edit: Oh, Weave?

Beam Cruiser.
General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net


Originally posted by General Rak:
**The Terran SuperGun thing that I captured.:)

Edit: Oh, Weave?

Beam Cruiser.**

Wait... When can you capture the Terran Supergun?

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

macdevil, are you in the original empire plugin? if so where in the terran storyline are you? I've beaten the prototype mission in that plugin and still have not seen your name


I am only in E5: Heart of Darkness (Which is the best, if not most dificult, plugin of the series). Play the Terran Storyline and you shall meet me about half way through.

- Agee

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

Yeah, you'll find him (or he'll find you) as Adm. Agee Springer (any relation to Jerry Springer I wonder?). Ya know, seeing how Central Command treats its people (lackeys?)(i.e.: killing or imprisoning those for the most minor "offenses," even for a failed mission that wasn't even their fault), it's a wonder the Confederation manages to hold itself together.

-Ace 🙂

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
- Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out


Originally posted by MacDevil:
**Wait... When can you capture the Terran Supergun?


I haven't played this plug in ages, but I seem to recall a mission where you have to grab some data off of a disabled Supergun. (lightbulb brightens)

What happens when you abort the mission, board the ship, and then grab the mission again? (Repeat six times....)


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**Yeah, you'll find him (or he'll find you) as Adm. Agee Springer (any relation to Jerry Springer I wonder?). Ya know, seeing how Central Command treats its people (lackeys?)(i.e.: killing or imprisoning those for the most minor "offenses," even for a failed mission that wasn't even their fault), it's a wonder the Confederation manages to hold itself together.

-Ace 🙂

Yeah, well Tim had already written the Weave storyline when he offered to put me in the plug. I haven't played it in a while, but I started the Empire story again last night. I guess that means I will meet myself soon.

Regarding capturing the Supergun. You can capture it in the Weave storyline (I think). In the mission before you destroy it, the Sa'reelians (SP?) send you to scan it. I think you could capture it here, although I am not sure if it is a special ship or not. I have to wonder why you would want it though. The plugin would be completely boring when you have a beam that destroys ships in a single shot.

The one gripe I have about this plug is how the Empire captures a Gratch'ta Infiltrator while the Weave get a nice Dominar cruiser. Couldn't the Terrans capture something better since they have more resources? Tim says that it was to balance out with the fact that the Weave get weaker ships overall. I think when I get to that point in the Terran storyline, I am going to try and capture me a nice Star Destoryer or Deathbringer.

If anyone plays Nova and loves this series, I have some good news. I have been talking to Tim and he has given me permission to port the Empire plugins to Nova. He can't do it himself because his computer is to old to run Nova. I will start looking for someone to port the graphics soon and then it won't be difficult to port the plugins. If anyone knows someone who might be willing to help me on this or can do it themselves, please reply or e-mail me at AGS848@AOL.com. I plan to port either E2 or E5 first. Stay tuned!

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

Hmmmm...If you meet yourself, won't that destroy the both of you? Or at least really screw-up your head? As for the Empire capturing an Infiltrator...I've always wondered, (no matter which side I'm playing for), in the original alien missions, where is my (Confed/Rebel) counterpart that should be sent to destroy the cruiser? I mean, I assume that the other side also has someone to send to look for and destroy the cruiser. Also, how come the Confeds only manage to send along one cruiser while the Rebs manage to send two? I like the idea of porting the series (or some of it) to Nova. Unfortunately, I'm playing EV/O on a Basilisk II emulated PC and (I guess) therefore cannot play EVN. Wish I could play EVN, though. I did, however, manage to "get rid" of Hector by using BariSaxGuy's suggestion and setting his shield mod to a negative number. Every time he jumps into a system, he explodes! Sometimes he tries to jump in twice in a row (BOOM! BOOM!).

-Ace 😄

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
- Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**< Snip>

When the PC port of Nova comes out, you should be able to play, right? I can almost guarentee the PC port will be done before I can get one of these ported. I am really looking forward to this project. With the limitations of the old EV engine gone, many of the things that could not be done before can be added to the plugin. I will be adding things like ship variants, new outfit types and (hopefully) updated graphics. The missions will also be updated a bit. For example, some times you would be told a mission objective, like mapping a region, that you could not be forced to complete by the EV engine but you can do in Nova. Now, if I could just get someone to do the graphics...

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

Yeah, I'm hoping it will work. From everything I read and the images I see, EVN promises to be incredible! I'm just hoping it'll work on my PC.
BTW: I'm playing Empire (1) again! I just love my new Beam Cruiser!
-Ace 😄

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
- Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 10-23-2002).)

On an unrelated note, does anyone use the compressor beam from E2? I just tried it today and found out that it is kind or cheap. It is soooooo much better than pretty much all the beams save the Alien Disruptor and it is low mass and does not use fuel. Cool, but kind of cheap. What is everyone's favorite ship from E2? Mine would have to be the Terran Destoryer. Powerful for it's class and it looks cool. 😉

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

Terran Destroyer? Don't you mean LCA Destroyer? Good ship, but I think I've seen it in EVO before. My E2 fav. is the Hybrid Cruiser. That ship looks not only mean, but speedy (just sitting there!) Plus, with the alien stuff on it, it looks sorta painted up like a Weave ship, doesn't it? Haven't tried the compressor beam, yet. I just wish there were someplace set up (sorta like "Arena") where we could go and try out all the ships (those we are/will be allowed to buy), outfits and weapons before we make a decision. Then we can get "whatever" ship with "whatever" weapons with "whatever" outfits you choose. Sorta like taking 'em for a "test drive!" Me, I prefer smaller, speedier ships over larger, slower, less maneuverable ships. I also prefer guided weapons (missiles, torpedoes) over unguided ones. Overall, I prefer strong beam-type weapons over everything! That X-ray laser that comes with the Weave Beam Cruiser and Prototype Cruiser is a blast! Most powerful beam weapon I've come across! One of my favorite tactics (after I've taken out all the big ships) is to go off to a discrete distance away from friendlies (so I don't hit them in the process), wait for the enemy fighters to get within beam distance, then activate the beam (and keep it activated) while I sit in place and spin by holding down either the left- or right-arrow keys. This makes the beam act like a scythe, cutting down absolutely all of the enemy fighters. The only problem is the crew (and cargo...) has to be netted in tightly or they'll fly all over the ship and get hurt! I absolutely love the sounds those ships make as they explode! Give it a shot!

-Ace 😄

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
- Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 10-26-2002).)

(quote)Originally posted by MacDevil:
**On an unrelated note, does anyone use the compressor beam from E2? I just tried it today and found out that it is kind or cheap. It is soooooo much better than pretty much all the beams save the Alien Disruptor and it is low mass and does not use fuel. Cool, but kind of cheap. What is everyone's favorite ship from E2? Mine would have to be the Terran Destoryer. Powerful for it's class and it looks cool.:) The beam is really way too powerful to not consume fuel.
