Rebel Cruiser

How could I get one without a plugin? Is it possible to buy one? πŸ˜•

There will NEVER be such a thing as word peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

Disable and board one :)Works for me

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

Ya but when I try to capture it it just fails and the ship explodes....

There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

Keep trying. There's a small chance you'll be able to each time, but after a few gazillion tries, you'll get one. πŸ™‚

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" Edible, adj. Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm."--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Or just do the rebel Destroy Alien Crusier missions and get it legally.

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

yeah, you get it a hell of a lot quicker by doing the rebel missions than by disabling and boarding one.
Plus, the rebels don't shoot at you after you've 'nicked' one of their flagships.


So thats why theyve been shooting at me slaps forehead πŸ˜‰

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough

easy, well not sooo easy, way to get one is hire lots o kestrels then capture a reb destroyer, then fire one of your kestrels and capture another destroyer until you have a fleet of desoyers, then fire on of them then capture a cruiser, course a much easier wy is blowing up a alien cruiser, but thats if you have vers 1.5, for years iwas playing 1.1.1 and doing what i jsut did to get a cruiser, then i found this site, and i rejoiced.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

The way i usually go about capturing a Rebel cruser (or confed cruser), is i take my krestel. The krestel is far better to capture ships with, because it has more than twice as mony crew, which is the main factor in capturing ships as a destroyer.then go to a pirate planet, and take over 5 corvet escorts, because they are easy, and then take attampt to take over a rebel cruser. a good way to not get too bad with them for nicking one is to already be a good egg in the system where you capture it, and everytime you fail to capture it, instead of landing on the planet, press escape, and reopen your pilot, so he will be set back to when he has just left the planet. There is one bug wih EV versions 1.0.4 and below that makes it ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to capture a ship with the caputre odds at a percent less than 20% it can never be done. if you are using 1.0.4 upgrrade to a newer version, as then the bug will be fixed, and the capure odds mean what they say.
a good trick to do this is to make an alias of the last pilot alias, and name it with a space before the name like this " Last Pilot" cause them it will always be on top of the list, making reloading your pilot as easy as pressing "Esc", then "O", then "Return", then "E" you can reload your pilot in about 2 or 3 seconds πŸ™‚


the easiest way is do the rebel, alien string and hardslab get better spelling

once ruled no one takes it away


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
Or just do the rebel Destroy Alien Crusier missions and get it legally.

Or complete the Confederation's Destroy Alien Cruiser mission and you'll be allowed to buy the warships of both sides.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") There's no time like the future. | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 09-06-2002).)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Or complete the Confederation's Destroy Alien Cruiser mission and you'll be allowed to buy the warships of both sides.


Yes, but if you buy a Rebel Cruiser, you will be shot at by the Rebellion for working for the 'Feds, and the 'Feds will shoot at you for flying an enemy ship, and the independant planets will shoot at you because you've probably blown up so many Rebel ships in their systems and the pirates will shoot at you because their pirates. That leaves Levo as the only inhabited system that won't shoot you on sight.

I'm as mad as a hatter on speed being raped by a heavily endowed Emu

Why not do the two strings.

You have dug really far viperblade, you could have just posted another topic about the rebel cruiser.

Mes plus sincčres Salutations Ε• la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.


Originally posted by Zax:
Yes, but if you buy a Rebel Cruiser, you will be shot at by the Rebellion for working for the 'Feds

It's perfectly easy to complete the Confederation storyline with a high legal record in most systems of both governments.


... and the 'Feds will shoot at you for flying an enemy ship...

That one's unavoidable - it's one of the hazards of flying a rebel cruiser. That's one of the reasons I never fly one. The other is that it's nowhere near as good as a Corvette or Kestrel.


... and the independant planets will shoot at you because you've probably blown up so many Rebel ships in their systems...

As I said, there's no need to have low legal records.


... and the pirates will shoot at you because their pirates.

Well, that's unavoidable, but pirates aren't exactly a major hazard for someone who's destroyed an alien cruiser.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") There's no time like the future. | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Zax:
...the independant planets will shoot at you...


Originally posted by Zax:
That leaves Levo as the only inhabited system that won't shoot you on sight.

Sorry to pick on you after David Arthur, but Levo is an independent system. πŸ˜›

(url="http://"")Angband(/url). The D2 alternative.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
** <snip>

Well everyone shot at me when I was in a Rebel Cruiser working for the 'Feds. Okay, so you could maintain high legal records in enemy systems, but what's the fun of playing EV if you don't shoot down a few of the good guys from time to time? πŸ˜‰


Origionally posted by Blackdog:
**Sorry to pick on you after David Arthur, but Levo is an independent system.

Bah! In my pilot file, nothing is independant πŸ™‚

I'm as mad as a hatter on speed being raped by a heavily endowed Emu


That one's unavoidable - it's one of the hazards of flying a rebel cruiser. That's one of the reasons I never fly one. The other is that it's nowhere near as good as a Corvette or Kestrel.

rofl. Not as good as a Corvette or a Kestrel? Uhm. The Rebel Cruiser has way more space than a Kestral, better shields and armor (I think) has Mantas (I think they're cool. I know they suck tho :p) Only thing that Kestrel is better off in is the cargo room. But you can always buy a cargo container or whatever and end up with still more of both. Not to mention a Corvette btw. But its your opinion, Kestrels DO look cool πŸ™‚

Oh, and the Levo militia DO shoot at ya πŸ™‚

Also, something I've always wondered about: if independent places don't like it when you shoot 'Feds down, why are Rebel ships allowed to land? heh.



Originally posted by Shock:
rofl. Not as good as a Corvette or a Kestrel? Uhm. The Rebel Cruiser has way more space than a Kestral, better shields and armor (I think) has Mantas (I think they're cool. I know they suck tho:p )

The Mantas are mostly useless, and the ship can barely maneuver.


Only thing that Kestrel is better off in is the cargo room. But you can always buy a cargo container or whatever and end up with still more of both. Not to mention a Corvette btw. But its your opinion, Kestrels DO look cool:)

For most tasks, the Corvette is superior to either the Rebel Cruiser or the Kestrel, both of which are slow and ugly.


Oh, and the Levo militia DO shoot at ya:)

No, the Levo militia do ~not~ shoot at me.


Also, something I've always wondered about: if independent places don't like it when you shoot 'Feds down, why are Rebel ships allowed to land? heh.

Probably because the rebels are an unpredictable government who may get nasty if their ships are denied landing.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") There's no time like the future. | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**For most tasks, the Corvette is superior to either the Rebel Cruiser or the Kestrel, both of which are slow and ugly.

What about the Rebel Destroyer? Same manoeverability, better sheilds and better firepower.

I'm as mad as a hatter on speed being raped by a heavily endowed Emu


Originally posted by Zax:
What about the Rebel Destroyer? Same manoeverability, better sheilds and better firepower.

Yes, the Rebel Destroyer can be quite effective - it's certainly a testament to the excellence of the Argosy frame. Its principal liability is its rebel InherentGovt.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") There's no time like the future. | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")