The Independent People's Escape Velocity Webstory

Captain Anderson received immediate clearance to land upon requesting it from Diphidia II. Apparently, the traffic controllers had been instructed to keep an eye out for the S.S. Starflare.

He had been received a message from the Prime Minister of Diphidia a week ago, asking him to come to Diphidia II as soon as possible. The message didn’t include any details, but Mac assumed it had something to do with the issue between Diphidia II and Astex he had worked on a couple of years before.

Things had changed since then, of course. He’d joined the Rebellion, ultimately helping them kill the Alien Cruiser. Had upgraded to a Corvette, and since added a third laser turret, extra ammunition for the Missiles and Heavy Rockets, along with significant shielding and engine upgrades, while scrapping the Javelin Rockets. Now, rather than being an anonymous mercenary Captain in the right place at the right time, he was the best known pilot in the galaxy, considered by some the savior of the galaxy, even, after that incident with the Aliens. It would be interesting to see what Prime Minister Daniels wanted.

Upon landing, he was immediately escorted to the Diphidian Parliament in an armored landspeeder, and from there escorted directly to Prime Minister Daniels’s office.

“Captain Morgan Anderson to see you, sir.”

Daniels looked up from his desk. “Ah, Captain Anderson, you came. Welcome back to Dihidia II. Please, be seated.” After Anderson had made himself comfortable, Daniels continued. “Morgan, I’ve asked you here for a number of reasons. You’ve worked with us here before, and did a fine job of it. You’re arguably one of the best pilots in the galaxy, and certainly the best known. You’re possibly the only offworlder I can trust with a job like this, and no one on planet has the experience for it.”

“And what is it you’d like me to do, sir?”

“Anderson, if you’re willing, I’d like to appoint you to my cabinet, to the newly created post of Minister of Defense.”

“I see. I was under the impression that Diphidia II had no military forces?”

“Very limited ones only. We have a group of 8 Defenders we’ve been using for system patrol duty, as well as 2 Corvettes and 4 Rapiers we’ve recently acquired. Diphidia II is still a generally pacifistic nation, however, recent events have forced us to acknowledge that we cannot remain completely demilitarized and expect to survive long in the modern galaxy.”

“So, why, precisely, have I been called in now?”

Daniels sighed and leaned back in his chair. “There is going to be a reckoning soon. In exactly what form we cannot say. The Confederation has become quite occupied in its war with the Rebellion, and is paying little attention to independent systems at present. Many have decided that now is a good time to settle old scores or carve out their own power niche. We on Diphidia would rather ride with this wave rather than be swept under it, even if it means sacrificing our commitment to pacifism in some way. The most noble of goals if worth little if you don’t survive to stand for it.

“More specifically, the Confederation was able to contain the damage done when you smuggled out the information about Astex earlier. Astex remains a power in this sector in space, and lately has been moving boldly again. Our Defenders have chased out 4 Astex Freighters in the last week alone. We have informed Astex that they are no longer welcome in our space, and have so far been ignored.”

Anderson scratched his chin thoughtfully. “My duties here would be to protect the system from Astex, then?”

“From Astex, Pirates, and other potential independent belligerents,” Daniels informed him. “Perhaps even from the Confederation – as they seem so well connected with Astex, we cannot rule out the possibility of them attempting to move in on us, though we hope it won’t come to that. Such a move would likely be political suicide, in any event – it would seriously undermine their claims to being a benevolent government with the people’s and galaxy’s best interests in mind. It could well incite many neutral planets to join the Rebellion, and some of the more moderate Confederate systems might even attempt to withdraw.

“System defense would be your primary duty, as CinC of our forces. However, in a broader sense, you would also be charged with forming some kind of power bloc for our long term security. We have no imperialistic ambitions – an armed takeover of other systems would have to be avoided if at all possible. However, if we can forge a democratic alliance of independent worlds, it would contribute greatly to our security in the long term. In the current political climate, it would be difficult for any lone system to survive for long, where a coalition might be able to deter an attack from occurring in the first place. This is another reason we called on you. You have significant name recognition in the galaxy, and that could be useful in forging such an alliance.”

Morgan was still rubbing his chin as he thought. After a long pause, he finally said, “I think this is something which I can do, and it is a good cause. However, I should prefer not to formally accept at this time. I believe I may be able to accomplish a few things as myself that would be more difficult, if not impossible, to do as Minister of Defense for Diphidia II. In the interim, may I suggest a few things to prepare our campaign?”

“Anything reasonable, yes. Our industrial capacity here is limited, however, so we can’t really begin a large armament program at the drop of a hat.”

“I am aware of that.” First, I would suggest you build a couple of Lightning fighters, as they will make useful interceptors. I would also like a Scoutship to be built and modified for certain types of courier missions, I can give those specs to your engineers. Finally, I would like to look into the possibility of mounting docking hardpoints for your Rapiers on the S.S. Starflare. That would round out her combat capabilities nicely, should it become necessary to fight.”

PM Daniels stared at Morgan for a long moment. “I trust you,” he said simply. “We will do as you ask, for now. When do you anticipate being able to formally take the title of Defense Minister?”

“I’m not fully certain, but probably within a few weeks, no more than a month. And, I would not ask such an investment from you without offering one in return. I have an amount of money set aside from my service with the Rebellion; enough, I think, to both finance the construction I have asked of you as well as fund a government program to encourage increased industry. Perhaps, with some time, we can increase our own capacity to build ships. I will leave that with you.”

“Thank you. I shall look into instituting such a program immediately, and have relevant strategic data forwarded to you. Please, inform me when you feel ready to formally take the mantle. My door is always open to you.” The two shook hands, and Anderson walked out to begin his work.


Several hours later, after visiting the shipyard and getting work started on his modified Scoutship, Anderson sat down with a terminal back on the Starflare to send a message to the Rebellion. He’d have to burn significant political capital with them if this would work at all, but he was not optimistic about defending Diphida from any kind of Confed attack – even an Astex raid – with only civilian ships, even if it was unlikely to happen. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could get just a little bit of heavy firepower that could save Diphidia in a pinch.

With this in mind, his old friend Admiral Davies was the only one he could talk to.

-Begin hypercomm transmission-
(From: Capt. Morgan Anderson, S.S. Starflare)
(To: Adm. Davies, Rebellion Fleet Command)
(Priority: Urgent)

Greetings Admiral,

I have something of a special request. After the incident with the Alien menace last year, you indicated that Rebel High Command had granted permission for me to purchase Rebel ships. I would like at this time to purchase a pair of Rebel Destroyers, as I find I will be needing some extra firepower for an upcoming operation. I give you my personal assurances that these ships, if I am allowed to purchase them, will neither leave my personal control or be used to harm Rebellion interests in any way.

Would you check with the Rebel leaders to see if they would be willing to authorize this purchase? I’d be very grateful if you could arrange it. I would be able to come to Palshife in approximately one week to pick them up. Please respond as soon as possible.

Respectfully yours,

Capt. Anderson

-Transmission complete-

There was nothing left to do until he heard back from Admiral Davies. It was now nearly 0100, and Anderson turned in for the night.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

_Encyclopedia Galactica > Yemuro System > Politics

The Yemuro system was for many years governed by a weak and somewhat inefficient democratic system, the main aim of most of which was to be elected and please their voters while enjoying Presidential luxuries. Under this system, Flood Medical Technologies and several other large corporations such as Starwake Engineering and Apollo Energy Incorporated grew to dominate the planetary market. Having for some time directed the votes of the Republic of Yemuro as they saw fit, the Chief Executive Officers of the eight most powerful corporations met three years ago and brought the planet outright, with all citizens becoming employees of the newly formed Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation, in effect a government similar to a corporate United Nations.
Since then, the Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation has continued to grow, and shows no signs of abating it's expansion.

Politics < Yemuro System > Military Forces > Space Navy

The Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation has a relitavely large "advance defence force" or Yemuro Expeditionary Fleet as it is known. The Yemuro Expeditionary Fleet consists of five Kestrels, (one heavily modified) four Corvettes, and seven Rapiers. Very little else is known about the Yemuro Expeditionary Fleet.
The Yemuro Defence Forces, however, are more open in their information, and-

(Article Closed by Viewer)_

Administrator Shade grinned at the wide screen on his expensive Ba'uhr-wood desk, then turned in his deep leather chair to gaze out the panoramic windows of his headquarters.
Built with Foundation money, the Headquarters, like everything else in the Central Buisness District, was part of the greater structure of towers, mega-rises, and other sundry buildings linked by the new series of bridges and walkways. A tall cylinder of glass and steel, the tower sloped up to a flat roof, where the shielded dome of Shade's office sat.
Just like the old Republic of Yemuro before it, the Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation had become a puppet government, with all forces leading via shadowy lines back to one man - Shade. Shade was, of course, not his real name, but he had not heard his true name spoken for so long it was possible even he had forgotten it. The alias, like the rest of his life, was shrouded in mystery so absolute not even the famed operatives of the Confederation or Rebellion could discover his existence. Shade was the shadow behind the light, the puppeteer. To the few people who knew of his existence and true position, he was Administrator Shade, hidden ruler of the Foundation Board of Executives.
"What is the status of the Shade of Midnight?" he asked, seemingly speaking into the empty air.
Certain sonic-amplification systems picked up the sound waves, converted them into electrical current, and reassembled into sound for the ears of his aide, a young Yemuronii who went by the alias of "Aurigae".
"Repaired, sir." Aurigae replied, brisk and efficient. "All plasma damage has been fixed, and the flagship is now ready to fly."
"Good." Shade said. The Shade of Midnight was his command ship, a heavily modified Kestrel minus the missile systems and fighter bay, but with an extra torpedo launcher and amunition, and a total of four Proton Turrets and four Proton Cannons. The speed, maneuverability and shielding of the ship had also been improved upon.
"Oh, another thing have the fools who caused that drive malfunction executed."
"Yes sir."
"And send a message to all system-level and interstellar governments; I will now dictate the content."
"Yes, sir. Message systems open, sir."
"From the Foundation Board of Executives, to the leaders of all non-Pirate factions.
As we currently have a surplus of industrial goods, we are willing to sell certain vessel subassemblies (2 units) to whoever can pay two units of funds in return. Transport of the parts will be by Foundation vessels, escorted by vessels of the Yemuro Expeditionary Fleet.
Thank you, and have a good day."
"Will that be all, Administrator?"
"Yes, thank you Aurigae. Send it off."
"Yes, sir. Message is sent, sir."
"Ex-cellent. Is there any more pressing buisness?"
"No, sir."
"Very good. In that case, I believe I shall have lunch. Find a reasturant I haven't been to recently."
"Of course, sir."
Smiling happily, Shade sat back, humming softly.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation)
(Priority: Medium)

We are willing to purchase the mentioned subassemblies. Would you allow us to have our freighters escorted, however?

(end message)


"But, Mr. President, wouldn't you say that the Rebellion's unprecedented attacks on the Confederation's civilian freighter convoys is reason for the death sentence to be reinstated?" asked one official, straining to raise his voice over the babble of half a dozen others. "You do realise, of course, that only last week nineteen civilians transporting food from Rigel to Levo, as per the trading pact, were killed when a Rebel raiding force assualted the freighter due to it's 'Confederation IFF beacon'?"

Corsair regarded the official briefly, and then nodded slightly, his every move recorded by photograph and film. "I understand perfectly, my friend, but the case remains that the Rebellion is at official war with the Confederation, and that the mentioned freighters took up the Confederation IFF beacon of their own accord. Despite them being civilians, our constitution states very clearly that in a time of war, any ship bearing the IFF beacon of the government at war is to be considered a military opponent. Unless you'd care to change the constitution - oh, in which case, you'll probably lose your job; politics, you know - the Rebellion leaders cannot be tried for such offensives as you have suggested."

Another official quickly spoke up, to ask a question Corsair had been dreading. "Why is it that you feel that the war with the Rebellion must come to a peaceful end? Personally, can you say that you remain unaffected by the Rebellion? We've almost all lost friends and relatives to those hateful murderers, and yet you want the war to end?"

Corsair cleared his throat discreetly. He'd been expecting this question to come up, eventually, ever since he stated his desire to have peace with the Rebellion. "I have been affected, rest assured," he said to the official, "as I'm sure you know - let's face it, you've already run through my background and intend to draw that up after this reply. Yes, I've been affected. Yes, I spent seven years of my life in a Rebel-controlled youth detention centre on Maxwell's Purchase after defending myself from my fellow Rebel-supporting peers. Yes, my wife was killed or captured, we don't know, in a raid on Capella. Yes, both of my children also died in that attack," the emotional swing of Corsair's voice began to become present. "We've all suffered losses, my friend, but revenge is overrated, and is almost always regretted. For as long as we fight the Rebellion, there will be more losses, and it will thus become more and more difficult to bring up the course of logic -- peace."

The chatter of the room raised to a din, and with a small shrug, Corsair turned on his heel and left, leaving the various officials and members of the press to wonder just how Corsair had found his way into office in the first place.


-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Rebellion HQ, Palshife, Satori)
(Priority: Low)

The Confederation of Worlds has decided to offer you an opportunity to lay aside your war with us, as we know the damage that we have caused to you over the recent months, and we feel it is only according with the freedom and justice which the Confederation of Worlds stands for to offer you the opportunity to put this war aside in place of an unhindered coalition of all mankind.

I am confident that you will find our following terms satisfactory, and expect a prompt reply.

• All Rebellion military vessels with the exception of defence fleets and fighter patrol wings are isntantly disbanded as of this moment.
• All Rebellion military and non-military technologies, including but not limited to the specifications for the Rebellion cruiser and the Rebellion's modification of the Argosy, are ceded over to Confederation databanks immediately.
• All Rebellion naval officers of ranks colonel and above are sent to Earth to stand trial for their crimes.
• The Rebellion accept an embassy and the military presence of a Confederate capital ship in each of their systems permanently.
• All Rebellion tactical information is ceded over to the Confederation.
• The Rebellion cede Clotho to Confederation rule to act as a frontier system.
• 25% of the Rebellion's economical current treasury and production is given to the Confederation.
• The Rebellion agree never to open military fire on any Confederation vessel.

I am sure you will read over these terms and find them to suit with your own.

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Diplomatic Headquarters of; Propus, Levo, Kathoon, Yemuro, Gymkata, Manos, Torgo, Arrakis, Nexus, Pelagon, Jadzia, Deneb, Aries, Olympus, Sauron, Perseus, Darven, Diphidia, Zaxted)
(Priority: High)

I am President Lyat Corsair of the Confederation of Worlds, and you are being contacted as the Confederation of Worlds would like to make an official apology on behalf of its previous actions. However, we still deny the existance of an "oppression", but we are willing to admit that the Confederation, in past years, has allowed several things to pass which were perhaps not entirely in accordance to the Confederation's constitution. As such, we wish to ask of your forgiveness.

We also would like to inform you that we have requested peace with the Rebellion, and as such we are confident that this war is coming to an end quickly. We have no desire of "domination" or "oppression" as the Rebellion have said, and we strongly advise that you do not fall into the trap of working with the Rebellion or allowing Rebellion vessels to "walk all over you". I will not demean you by requesting an alliance - I recognise that the Rebellion would likely respond by annihilating your government and slaughtering every last one of its citizens - but I merely advise that you remain neutral until peace has been formed.

On a note to the hierarchy of Yemuro, we assure you that Confederation ships will not use your system as a gateway to Turin. We also ask that you block the passage of Rebellion ships with diplomacy -- and should any Confederation ships fail to comply with our new rules, you may block them also. If the Rebellion truly is honourable, they will not open fire on you, and as such you are entirely safe by accepting this proposal.

If the Rebellion ignore your blockade, it would be proof of just what kind of government they are, and if at that point you would wish Confederation protection, we will offer it.

To the Diphidians; the actions of the Astex will be looked into. No more Astex ships will be allowed to dump their waste on your planet. Such an action was a criminal act, and you can be sure that we will hold the leader of the Astex liable for it.

Thank you for listening, it is much appreciated.

(end message)

Meanwhile, a message was sent to the Astex requesting that they find a scapegoat within their hierarchy and send him/her to Sol for conviction.


The defenders of Ruby, in NGC-6564, were seriously wearing down under the raids of the Rebellion. Their fleet was nowhere near as mighty as it had been when Ruby had been first settled, and the brave but weary defenders were awaiting the day when annihilation would fall upon them. A percentage of the population of Ruby even wanted to surrender to the might of the Rebellion in hope that they would thus be spared.

One such individual, Javida Ytralyk, working on a research base on Ruby as a poor sanitation officer, managed to send a personal message to the Rebellion, evading the watch of the Confederation.

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Javida Ytralyk, Ruby)
(To: Osiris Command)
(High Level Encryption)
(Priority: Urgent)

I am being held captive on Ruby, not allowed to leave to see my family. My daughter is... growing up on Hodgson's World with her aunt, and... I haven't seen her since she was born. I'm a sanitation officer... I was caught in the Ruby operation, and wasn't allowed to leave... please, help free me...

Javida Ytralyk

(end message)


The C.S.S. Bahamut was arguably the finest and most powerful warship in known space. A modified Confederate cruiser, flagship of the Confederation of Worlds, the Bahamut's armanent would have made even the dread might of the alien battlecruisers seen in the Great War quake in fear. Four proton turrets, four proton bolt cannons, four laser cannons, incredibly heavy torpedo capabilities, a particle beam cannon and an extensive fighter bay only began its weapons load.

The Bahamut was the flagship of President Lyat Corsair, but was more commonly commanded by Rear Admiral Syrias Dacona, remarked as one of the most adapt tactical minds in known space. Syrias was not a very known man, as the Confederation had placed its resources into trying to hide his record from the public. He had been a mercenary working for the Confederation, piloting the Rapier Starclaw , and it had been him who had recovered the specifications for the particle beam. It had been him who, alone,. had investigated into the Astrodyne incident.

It was, in fact, Admiral RMA who had first suggested the course of action the Confederation to follow, although Dacona had expanded on it to the best of his capabilities. It was such that the Alpha Fleet has been transferred to Antares, replacing the 3rd Fleet, and the Beta Fleet was sent to Diphidia on unmentioned business.

Also, one more CR-1059 heavy cruiser and FF-4237 frigate is being produced for each Confederate battlefleet to increase its strength.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-16-2002).)

Admiral RMA sat on his bridge, considering the latest fleet deployments. The Confederation had for a long time been trying to strike at the southern Rebellion systems. They had not been successful, despite many attempts. Beta Fleet itself had been beaten back repeatedly. And now, with the latest orders from the President, he had no choice but to follow orders.

Then the Lieutenant at navigation spoke,
'Sir, we are about to exit hyperspace and enter the Dihpidia system.'
'Very well. Prepare to scan system for target ships.'

Minutes later, Beta Fleet entered Diphidia

'Sir, sensors are picking up 3 target ships, 2 AS1300 Bulk freighters, and 1 AS129 Light Freighter'
'Open comms to the ships, no encryption'
'Aye, sir, comms open'
'Astex ships, under order of the President, you are ordered to retreat to Antares until further orders. If you resist, force will be used. Comms closed.
'Communications, open channels to Diphidia command'
'Channel open, sir'
'Diphidia command, under order of the President, an investigation has been launched into Astex activity in this system. They are now barred from this system unless they gain approval from the relevant authorities. Beta Fleet is merely passing through and enforcing this order. That is all.'

As the Astex ships hypered out, Beta Fleet headed out as well, not wishing to antagonise the Diphidians without good reason. Shortly after the fleet had left, 2 scoutships jumped in, and then out.


Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Antares
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Altair
6th Fleet -- Matar
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship positions:Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-16-2002).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-16-2002).)

Captain Luke, head of the Astex Defense Corps.
Flagship: Confederate Cruiser with standard strats plus extra shields and armor, a particle beam, a Gunboat bay with two gunboats, and two extra proton turrets.
Rest of the fleet: three more Cruisers and five frigates.
Other ships: Two special ops scoutships, one special ops shuttle.
Location: Antares

Luke received the signal. "Damn," he muttered. He sent back the reply: all Astex fleets return to New Providence. Luke hated failing missions. He also hated being under orders to dump toxic wastes in an innocent planet's oceans. It's a no-win situation, he thought.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 05-16-2002).)

- Except from the book Intergalactic Powers and Power Players Đ
_Chapter 7: Independent Power Players
Section 1: Prime Minister Alan West

Full Name: Alan Edward West

Physical Appearance: Jet-black hair, dark penetrating eyes, six foot two. Usually found in a custom made suit and metallic silver sunglasses that prevent the observance of WestŐs eyes. Wears a radio transmitter in his right ear. He also sports a special Particle Shield with the strength of a KestrelŐs shielding created using a combination of bionetic pores on his skin and his enhanced brain implant.

Background: Most analysts believe that West was born in New York City on Earth. However, recent evidence suggests that he was instead born on Liberty Station. Soon after birth his family moved to an upper class neighborhood in Capella. When he was several years old his parents were gunned down by Rebel Terrorists. He was placed under the guardianship of his uncle, David West, a prominent politician and Chairman of Atinoda Corporation. His Uncle endowed West with all sorts of advanced technology, including a comprehensive schooling in advanced simulated warfare and advanced firearms training. West went to a prestigious private educational institution, and graduated with honors. He immediately went to top rated college of the time, Harvard, where he graduated in record time. He earned a triple major (economics, computer sciences, and psychology). He also minored in a multitude of subjects including sovietology, political sciences, statistics, theoretical mathematics, and aerospace engineering. He went on to garner a law degree and an MBA degree.

After graduate school, West became interested in politics. His unique skills allowed him to rocket straight up the political ladder. The pinnacle of his political career, reached when he was only thirty, was his election to the Confederation Senate. He soon became an influential member of the Select Intelligence Committee, and was the leader power behind the (censored) of all (censored) (censored) into the Confederation Intelligence Forces (CIF). Tiring of the bureaucracy, West decided to not run for reelection and instead interested himself in business. He used his immense assets to acquire Atinoda Corporation, which he reinvented into the most powerful shipbuilder in the galaxyŐs

Despite his success, there was a quelling anger in West. He loathed the Rebellion for what it had done. He decided that there was little he could do as Chairman of Atinoda. He called up some of his contacts in the (censored) and had them help him in acquiring a (censored). With his newfound support, and his (censored), he ran for election to the office of Prime Minister of Zaxted. His (censored) the (censored) backed him up and used (censored) campaign methods to (censored) his victory.

West proceeded to relocate the headquarters of Atinoda and all of its assets to Zaxted, with the help of (censored). He then declared war on the Rebellion, and seized all Rebellion assets. He is now leading the crusade against the Rebels, and is a strong advocate for their dismantlement.

Personal Weapons: Dual Desert Eagle Handguns. Sometimes carries around a Colt Commando.
- Except from the book Intergalactic Powers and Power Players_ Đ

Well. Now this was interesting. Apparently, one of Silvertongue's wing leaders, Asriel (a flying prodigy in his own right), had discovered some sort of anomaly out at NGC-8724. Vaten ordered over his radio for Asriel to return to Evildrome and report on his discoveries, at which point a reconaissance wing would probably be sent out.

Silver, as he liked to called, was grey-haired, but still with plenty of it left. He had gotten his name, when, as a young pirate, had been cornered by three Confederation death commandos, and managed to convince them that he was in fact a harmless trader. As they backed off, he had knocked out the trio with a fantastic display of reflexes, aided by his protonic pistol. He didn't have that kind of a reaction time any more, but was still quite dangerous when he wanted to be.

Asriel, on the other hand, was Silver's prized pilot, a great flyer with a Lightning or Rapier alike, although he could get a bit pushy at times. That, Silver reminded himself, was the understatement of the year.

Asriel was the most arrogant person Silver had seen in his life, to put it lightly. He knew what he wanted, and he always got it. Until he was put under the command of Silver. Asriel had been "discovered," Silver remembered, when he was a mere seventeen years old; he had been noticed flying his Hawk around, somehow managing to evade the three Lightnings on his tail. Silver himself had gone out in his personal Corvette and shot Hawk down, but caught his escape pod. He remembered asking the boy for the first time if he wanted to be a pirate.

Asriel had simply demanded that they release him. For that, he had gotten a sharp rap on the chest with a pistol. Gasping for breath, he had stood up and demanded again. He was slapped again. About three minutes later, he finally agreed to listen to Silver. From there, there was no stopping Asriel. He was clearly the most agile pilot Silver had ever trained, now outclassing the pirate leader himself...

A knock at the door brought Silver out of his nostalgia. He remembered where he was, in a room at the back of the Boozerama. It was dangerous, even for Silver, to be not paying attention there. The door swung open, revealing Jana, the barmaster. Having a female at the bar only encouraged more people to come, Silver had noticed. Asriel entered the room.

"Sit down, boy."

"Seven years and you still call me boy? I'm twenty-five standard years old now, Silver! I deserve a better title than 'boy.'"

"You're 25. I'm forty-three. I'll call you boy until I damned well feel like stopping." To get a message into Asriel's head, he had noticed, he had to be firm. "Now then, what did you see out there?"

Asriel proceeded to describe the anomaly in detail, interjecting every so often with comments about Silver's ever-graying hair; Silver "encouraged" the pilot to keep on with his description when he lapsed.

Finally, Asriel finished his description, and got up to leave.

"Sit down, boy. I have a job for you -- yes, you'll get paid. Sit down! Now, I want you to go to Sol. Find President Corsair. I want you to tell him this..."


Another Pirate planet, another leader. Bear sat at his table, awaiting instructions from Evildrome. They came soon, very terse.

Apparently, something had been discovered at NGC-8724. Silver wanted the Bear to send ships to investigate it. Sure, Bear thought to himself. They give us Antiguans all the work, and they get all the damned glory...

Still grumbling, Bear sent out five Lightnings to investigate the anomaly...

The dyslexic agnostic insomniac: Stays up all night wondering if there is a dog.
(url="http://"") Rational Webstory Sign-up (/url) | (url="http://"") Event Horizon Sign-up (/url)
(url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url) | (url="http://"")The Onion(/url) | (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)

Carnotaur looked over his naval fleet. It wasn't much compared to some governments, but he was darn proud of it. It could at least repel any hostile Pirate raids that came near him.

Sitting down at his desk and looking over the incoming messages, one from the Confederation caught his eye. He opened it and read over its contents, then began typing out his reply...

(Message to the Confederation)
(From Propus Republic)
(We accept your offer. From now on, no Rebel ships will be allowed to enter our space. This should protect your space at least a little bit. Also, if you request some sort of military aid, we will offer it, though we may need a fleet of yours or some ships of yours to help us; our navy won't be too much of a match for several Rebel Destroyers and Cruisers.)
(End Message)

(Message to the Rebellion)
(From Propus Republic)
(From now on, no Rebel ships will be allowed to enter our system. Any ships that do so will be ordered to leave, and if they do not comply, they will be fired upon. You have been warned.)
(End Message)


Propus Defense Fleet
3 Kestrels = 9 Dots
6 Rapiers = 6 Dots
Total = 15 Dots

Propus 1st Offensive Fleet
1 Red October - Upgraded Kestrel - 5 points
10 Kestrels = 30 Dots
15 Rapiers = 15 Dots
Total = 50 Dots

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Admiral Witt Wilk of the Rebellion is based in the Sirgil system. He is probably best described as a “stealth Admiral.” His climb up the ranks of the Rebellion chain of command,
was not noticed by most. But, mysteriously, he is one of the highest ranked and most decorated officers in the Rebellion. He even wears an insignia identifying him as part of the "Order of Valtere" -- but none of Witt’s peers ever even heard of it. Some of them were planning to ask President Skyblade about this designation (as if they were holo sport buddies with the President of the Rebellion ... yeah, right!).

Yes, you may have noticed the familiar last name. In fact, Witton Wilk is the cousin of the infamous Karl Wilk. Yes, that Karl Wilk. The same Karl Wilk who both the Rebellion and the Confederation(!) list as a deserter ... who became the notorious pirate ... who, in a spectacular defeat at the hands of ZenMasta T in the classic Battle of Pollux, received a brain injury thought to be permanent ... who is thought to still be wandering the outer reaches of the universe, searching for a (mythical?) planet he calls S’Taal.

Witt Wilk has not heard anything from his cousin in years. But one would be foolish to hope
the similarities of appearance and demeanor were only skin deep. The genetic commonalities
are profound. They suggest....

(OOC: Skyblade, what fleet numbers do you want me to have? (I "prefer" to build my own, but with what limits? How many do I have to control?)

KK awaits ... word from his fearless leader so he can actually contribute to the story....)

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

After a somewhat substandard meal at one of Yemuro's supposedly finest reasturants, Shade returned to his office to find several message printouts waiting his attention.
"Aurigae, open the message systems again."
"Yes, sir. Message systems open."
"Here goes. To the Prime Minister of the Confederation of Worlds, from the Foundation Board of Executives.
The parts are now on their way, aboard our freighter fleet (2 Light Freighters), and are escorted by two Kestrels of the Yemuro Expeditionary Force.
As you requested, Yemuro is now closed to Rebel traffic, but to mantian equality we must also deny Confederation traffic access. We're sure you understand."
"Is that all, Administrator?"
"Yes. Now open a message to the Rebellion."
"Yes, sir."
"To the High Command of the Rebellion, from the Foundation Board of Executives.
As of now, no Rebel or Confederation vessels will be allowed access into the Yemuro system save for prior arrangement. Thankyou.
Okay Aurigae, that will be all."
"Yes, sir."
Shade spun around in his chair, and stretched in the afternoon sunlight.

Yemuro Expeditionary Fleet is in Yemuro
three Kestrels, (one heavily modified) four Corvettes, and seven Rapiers

2 Kestrels and 2 Light Freighters are en route to Sol with 2 units of industrial points.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(insert life story / prologue here)

-2 Corvettes(4 Points)
8 Lightnings(6 Points)

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission -
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation)
(Priority: Medium)

We understand completely. All Confederation military forces will be informed that Yemuro is to be considered off-limits. May I also assure you that Propus will be blocking Rebel traffic - you are not alone in your stand against this war.

We would also ask of your aid in improving the economic output of Confederation worlds - starting with Hodgson's World in Matar. The Yemuro Economic-Political Foundation appears to have been extremely successful, and if you would share the secret of your success with us, we would be eternally grateful and cede the specifications of the FF-4237 frigate, built by Terran Naval Yards (of course, these vessels would have to be monitored, but they would provide a significant boost to your defences).

To justice,

(end message)

The subassemblies, originally intended for civilian vessels, proved very effective with the construction of military vessels. They were put to use for the production of an FF-4237 frigate, engineers rushing to investigate the equipment and draw up plans even as the Yemurans offloaded the subassemblies. An order had come in from the President, explicitly stating that the trade with Yemuro was to be used for the production of frigates which would be classed as "Defenders of Justice". These ships would be ceded over to the control of independant worlds, stripped of their Confederation IFF beacons and with a constant signal stating independant allegiance.

Lyat Corsair hoped that these frigates, although not numbering many, would help defend the poor independant worlds being crippled by the Rebel's "crusade" and the pirate raiding.

(Message to the Confederation)
(From Propus Republic)
(We accept your offer. From now on, no Rebel ships will be allowed to enter our space. This should protect your space at least a little bit. Also, if you request some sort of military aid, we will offer it, though we may need a fleet of yours or some ships of yours to help us; our navy won't be too much of a match for several Rebel Destroyers and Cruisers.)
(End Message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Propus Republic)
(Priority: Medium)

Rest assured, military aid will not be needed from your peoples. We are not vile crusaders like the Rebellion - we take friendship as enough, instead of demanding military aid as well. We are eternally grateful that you will ban Rebel ships from entering Propus, and wish to make the following suggestion. If the Rebellion attempts to ignore your law, open fire on them before they are able to leave. Although their fleets are larger than yours, should they attempt engage you, they will lose massive support across known space, and we will retaliate violently.

We defend our friends.

To justice,

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission(
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Zaxted Command)
(High Level Encryption: Hypermail Factor Included)
(Priority: High)

Prime Minister West, we must apologise if we have caused you any concern. A full explanation of the situation is included in hypermail - please check immediately.

We would also request a private alliance between the Confederation and Zaxted. As a result, the FF-4237 frigate and CR-1095 heavy cruiser specifications would be ceded over to Zaxted for secure military use only. As part of the "Defenders of Justice" operation, FF-4237 frigates are being produced through subassembly trade with Yemuro and will be ceded over for the defence of independant systems in addition.

Now more than ever, we need the aid of experienced veterans such as yourself, West.

To justice,

PS: Syrias sends his goodwill, and asks if you're still trying to carry two .45s around at a time.*

(end message)

  • OOC - Rak, I assume you're okay with Syrias having some limited contact with West in the past? Syrias tends to know a lot of people, and it's only logical that he'd know you.

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Lyat Corsair)
(To: Luke of Astex)
(Priority: High)

'need your help - suck up to Diphidia, they're a bit unstable lately. Quit with the waste dump for a while, go fire it under the star of Mentos to incinerate it instead.

Keep your eyes open, make use of the scoutships under your command to investigate Diphidia if you would. There's something going on that we don't understand, and it doesn't help that we lost trail of Anderson.

Don't make any major moves against Diphidia before we can discuss the situation. If you need to contact someone, track down West on Zaxted Starport. He's a dangerous man, but a good one. Syrias is also in Antares, and should be able to provide some help to you if you need any - just don't get him near West, I've yet to figure out whether those two or friends, or he has some personal vendetta. West isn't the only dangerous man around here...

Oh, and apologies again for moving 3rd Fleet to Capella. Alpha Fleet has some work underway.


(end message)


The fleet addition was moving along smoothly, with the FF-4237s mostly complete, and the larger CR-1095s moving along swiftly through Terran Naval Yard's production lines. Despite the introduction of the CR-1096 heavy cruiser flagship, carrying Hawks and Rapiers and being armed with the particle beam, the CR-1095 was still being mass produced due to a lack of funding.


Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Antares
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

OOC: Don't mind if I borrow your idea for sending messages. Works better than mine anyway...


-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Propus Republic)
(To: Confederation of Worlds)
(Priority: Medium)
You misunderstand. We are offering you military assistence; you are not demanding anything from us, and we thank you heartily for it. We see now that you are much more peaceful than the Rebellion, and only want to protect mankind. If you do have any need for us, we will be more than willing to help.
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds, Earth, Sol)
(To: Propus Republic)
(Priority: Medium)

We would not wish to put your government at risk by asking any form of military help at the moment. Rest assured, by preventing the flow of Rebellion warships through your system, you are doing us a very large favour. However, at a later point, your navy may be helpful in eliminating nearby Rebel systems with CR-1095 heavy cruiser escort and a decoy if possible.

To justice,

PS: Please ignore the unencrypted decoy that follows.

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederate Navy)
(To: Propus Republic)
(Priority: Medium)

So be it - but you will regret this decision. Enjoy your last months of freedom, fools.

To the Confederate Navy!

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds, Earth, Sol)
(To: Deneb Headquarters, Deneb III, Deneb)
(Priority: High)

We would request that you block the passage of Rebellion ships through your ship. If the Rebellion ignores this or opens fire on you, we will retaliate immediately.

In the name of equality, which the Confederation supports, we understand and accept that you also block the passage of Confederation vessels.

To justice,

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds, Earth, Sol)
(To: Cydonian Command, New Cydonia, Ares)
(High Level Encryption)
(Priority: High)

We are willing to ally with you, and will provide specifications for the FF-4237 frigate and open commerce with Confederation core worlds in exchange for an agreement that you will a) not allow any ship bearing a Rebel IFF beacon to pass through your system, and will open fire if you are ignored, 🆒 you will allow vessels bearing a Confederation IFF beacon to pass through your system, and will help repair any damaged vessels, c) at a later date, after the destruction of the Letheans, you will help us in minor attacks against the Rebellion (and in return we will provide naval support. If the situation allows us a moment respite from the accursed Rebellion's raiding, we will force the Letheans to surrender and present you with the Lethean leader to try as you will.

Please consider this request, and reply promptly. Certain situations require that we know who will ally with us or not very soon.

To justice,

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To Darven Command, Blackthorne, Darven)
(Priority: Urgent)

We would request that you block the passage of Rebellion ships through your ship. If the Rebellion ignores this or opens fire on you, we will retaliate immediately.

In the name of equality, which the Confederation supports, we understand and accept that you also block the passage of Confederation vessels.

To justice,

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Jadzia Command, New Bavaria, Jadzia)
(Priority: Medium)

We are willing to ally with you, and will provide specifications for the FF-4237 frigate and open commerce with Confederation core worlds in exchange for an agreement that you will a) not allow any ship bearing a Rebel IFF beacon to pass through your system, and will open fire if you are ignored, 🆒 you will allow vessels bearing a Confederation IFF beacon to pass through your system, and will help repair any damaged vessels and c) at a later date, you may aid us in liberating minor Rebellion bases.

We will defend your borders if we are needed.

Please respond quickly - certain situations require that we know who is our ally very soon.

To justice,

PS: Please ignore the unencrypted decoy that follows.

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederate Navy)
(To: Jadzia Command, New Bavaria, Jadzia)
(Priority: Medium)

So be it - but you will regret this decision. Enjoy your last months of freedom, fools.

To the Confederate Navy!

(end message)


The FF-4237s are now complete, and are being implemented into the new battlefleets. The CR-1095 heavy cruisers are also almost ready to be implemented into the seven existing fleets. However, unfortunately the seventh CR-1095 heavy cruiser, built at the New Japan and designated for the fleet based in Ruby, will not be able to reach NGC-6564 and will thus merge with Alpha Fleet. The FF-4237 frigate for the Ruby fleet was produced on Ruby specifically.

Also, Capella has been given a grant of (2 economic units) with which to boost Capella's economic output in the long term.


Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
• 1 FF-4237 frigate assigned to each fleet to total 11.

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Antares
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-17-2002).)

Admiral RMA was in his quarters, reading over the latest fleet updates, especially the new FF-4237 Frigate assigned to Beta fleet. The crew was new, and it was its captains first command, and battlesimulations so far had had it blown up repeatedly. that was to be expected though, when a green crew went up against the level of expertise expected in Beta Fleet. The latest simulations had it improving though. The new CR-1095 Heavy Cruiser would be a welcome addition, and hopefully it would have a good core of experienced crew.

The latest sensor readings from the scoutships in Perseus and Gamera did not contain much information, but all other ships had ignored them, the Independant IFF beacons making them just another ship in the void. So far no Rebel ships had been detected, but it was expected that normal fleet convoys would move through at some point. And when they did, they wouldnt even know what had happened when they entered Farazon.

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
No Changes

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Antares
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(message to Confeds)
(high encryption)
We will do as you ask but first you will give us the designs for your FF-4237 Frigate. agreed?

Insanity has its advantages

-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Jadzia Command)
(Priority: Medium)

Please send a vessel to Regulus - there, you may collect a Confederate engineering team that will work for you as desired. Only after you have made some contribution to the alliance will we cede over the designs to your personal engineers.

To justice,

PS: Please ignore the unencrypted decoy message that follows.

(end message)


-Begin Hypercomm. Transmission-
(From: Confederate Navy)
(To: Jadzia Command Network -- Rebel Interception Likely)
(Priority: High)

I'm not afraid of your threats. Go to the Rebellion then -- and prepare to be obliterated.

To the Confederation!

(end message)

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Antares
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(message to Confeds)
(high encryption)
fair. feel free to visit ant time.

"send a Kestrel to Regulus and have it pick up the enginers"
"yes sir."
the Kestrel heads for Regulus. the Kestrel returns and escorts the enginers to the Hanger.
Jadzia Shipyards

Attack Fleet:
3 Jadzian Kestrels-9 dots
5 Jadzian Frigates-10 dots
11 Rapiers-11 dots
total-30 dots

Insanity has its advantages

- Begin hypercomm transmission -

(From: Chief Administrator, Galen Cross of Hera)
(To: Rebellion President Skyblade, Palshife)
(Copy: Rebellion Admiral Wilk, Sirgil Station)
(Priority: Urgent)

President Skyblade, for these many years since the Great War we appreciated your aid in keeping our Olympus system secure. Lately we have encountered something which we believe deserves your very close attention ... Conferation eco-terrorism!

We caught two members of the Confederation attempting to introduce biological contaminants to our water purification system. In the course of our interrogation, one of these dogs died. The surviving prisoner (an Aide to some official on Antares) has confirmed that his co-conspirator was a Major in the Confederation Navy.

We Herans are known throughout the galaxy for our environmentalism and are astounded by this vile terrorist act. We intend to inform our neighboring independent worlds of the despicable nature of the Confederation as soon as possible.

Please help us in two ways:
1. Take this prisoner off our hands ASAP. We are not equipped for this level of intergalactic “interaction”.
2. Please increase the level of Rebellion patrolling in Olympus. “Something” is obviously going on.

Thank you for your prompt attention.
In peaceful greenery, Chief Administrator, Galen Cross of Hera

- Transmission complete -

- Begin hypercomm transmission -

(From: Hiro Yakazi, High Master of Gymkata)
(To: President Skyblade of the Rebellion, Palshife)
(Copy: Admiral Wilk of the Rebellion, Sirgil Station)
(Priority: Urgent)

Honorable President Skyblade, we fear our well-known and well-publicized position of neutrality in the galaxy is not being honored by the Confederation of Worlds. Although we have been learning of numerous “overtures” of peace on the part of the Confederation toward many of our neighbor independent systems, sadly we have experienced nothing but ... treachery.

The bureaucrats and officers of the Confederation have demonstrated barely concealed hostility, many instances of espionage, and even plots to overthrow our peace-loving system of governance. The final insult to our honor is the recently discovered attempt to introduce contaminants to our water supplies.
On “interviewing” the Confederation officials involved we learned that the plan was to blame our peoples’ ensuing sickness on my current administration’s friendly ties to you and your fellow Order of Valtere members. (As you well know (having achieved the rank of Haikebo Grand Master, yourself) Haikebo is not only a self-defense system of martial art; it also is very effective tool for “compelling” individuals to reveal their innermost ideas and principles without guile. It did not take long for the truth to come forth from the three Confederation officials our security force detained.)

The Confederation planned a series of “grass-roots” protests by our sickened people to influence my administration to welcome the “assistance” of the Confederation. (A cunning plan ... but unsuccessful.) Once this terrorism was discovered, the people of Hikeeba (after much deep meditation) have requested I take proactive steps to defend our way of life.

As far as I concerned, I agree with my people. This action on the part of the Confederation of Worlds is equal to an act of war. I fear “the tiger is out of the pit.”

We must act. We need your help. Will you assist Gymkata in its defense?

We know our resources are limited (compared to most independent systems in the galaxy) but we will freely exchange whatever the Rebellion needs in response to your benevolent aid. (And I in no way wish you to think I am taking advantage of our long friendship, Skyblade. As you know from your mastery of Haikebo, “The most exalted Master ... is truly the Servant to all.” We desire nothing more than your continued friendship ... no matter what answer you have for us.)

Please accept my deepest apology for this informal and terse communication. We simply do not have time for a ceremonially proper communication. My abruptness is a sin against our close relations.

I humbly await your reply. Your friend and servant,
... Hiro Yakazi, High Master of Gymkata

- Transmission complete -

- Begin hypercomm transmission -

(From: Rotox, Prelate of Sauron)
(To: Rebellion President Skyblade, Palshife)
(Copy: Rebellion Admiral Wilk, Sirgil Station)
(Priority: Urgent)

President Skyblade, we require the help of the Rebellion. The Confederation has been poisoning our water supplies.

We will ban them from our space. But we need increased Rebellion help first.

Please help. Thank you.
Rotox, Prelate of Sauron

- Transmission complete -

- Begin hypercomm transmission -

(From: Annealius, Viscount Major of Opal, Pelagon System)
(To: Lyat Esponer Corsair, Confederation of Worlds)
(Copy: Yemuro Political-Economic Foundation
Nexus Station
U.E. Admiral, New Bavaria, Jadzia
BariSaxGuy5, Deneb Command)
(Priority: Highest Urgency)

Prime Minister Corsair ... I am outraged at the affront to our peaceful co-existence perpetrated by the Confederation of Worlds. I hold YOU personally responsible!

As you can see, we are notifying all the independent systems in our sector of the galaxy of your actions. This is as much for “insurance” as for informational reasons. If the Confederation takes military action against Pelagon, we want our neighbors to know why.

We caught four of your operatives introducing “foreign material” to our water and sanitation systems. Since they were attired in civilian clothing, we initially suspected they were spies from the Rebellion. Their “stories” sent us down a different trail and we prepared to fight back against the pirates they (reluctantly) led us to believe they were.

Imagine our shock when one of our more “vigorous” interrogating officers succeeded in learning all four of these operatives were actually with the Confederation!!! I demand an immediate explanation! If I am not satisfied with your response, I will intitiate plans to block any and all Confederation activities from our space.

I will wait four hours for your full and open reply.

Annealius, Viscount Major of Opal, Pelagon System

- Transmission complete -

OOC: I don't know what exactly that was, but first off, Gamma, you can't just take control of four systems, and second, you can't just decide what another government does without them doing it.


Asriel, for some reason, had insisted on flying his souped-up Lightning to Sol. Arriving there now, untouched, he remembered Silver reminding him that he would be held responsible if the ship were destroyed. He settled down to the ground now, landing at Spaceport XIX, where he was be told that he would be taken to see President Corsair. Exiting his ship, Asriel stepped back to admire the Subtle Knife before moving on...

Subtle Knife had a hoard of upgrades on it, among them a very large speed increase. The speed of the ship was now 520, faster than any known unmodified ship in the galaxy. While having no missiles, it had an extra laser cannon, and four more heavy rockets, as well as more than doubled shields. It was the best dogfighting ship that Asriel knew of, and he had never gone below seventy percent shields in a dogfight.

Going onwards, Asriel found himself suddenly surrounded in a curiously empty corridor by Confederation functionaries. They prodded him along the hallway, all the while talking in severe legalese.

Asriel had no idea what they were saying, but he let himself be pushed along the hall until they arrived at a door with these words on it:

Lyat Corsair
President, Confederation Of Worlds

Asriel entered the room. "Mr. Corsair, I am an emissary from Silvertongue of Evildrome. You may have heard of him. Or, you may not have. His point is this: He wants to destroy Apollo, so that he can have easier access to both New Antigua and more merchant ships. We have also heard rumors about you wanting to take over Apollo. He suggests a joint attack to you; we have thirty Kestrels at our disposal. He also would like you to know this: We have discovered a strange anomaly in the NGC-8724 system. If you can protect us from Rebel attacks, perhaps we will give you access to this anomaly..." He left it hanging, waiting for the Confederate to respond.

The dyslexic agnostic insomniac: Stays up all night wondering if there is a dog.
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(This message has been edited by asriel (edited 05-17-2002).)

(This message has been edited by asriel (edited 05-17-2002).)