BFSIII Discussion part 2

Since we've hit 200 posts on the old topic it is time to make a new one. First off, the Battlecruiser's price should be somewhere in the range of 1-1.5 Billion credits. With those stats it makes the Macross look like an ordinary ship. Let me explain my reasons by believing so.
Dreden Battlecarrier / "Liberty" - Statistics:
Shields: 30,000 Obscene.
Armor: 30,000 See above comment
Speed: 100 Okay. In reality should be slower though.
**Acceleration: *** Nothing to complain about here.
**Turning: **** Turning needs to be reduced by one.
Fuel: 100 Jumps (but limited to two jumps every post) You have got to be kidding. What do you need all that fuel for? I don't think there are even a hundred systems all together.
Price: 200,000,000 credits (estimate) Again, pathetically low.
2575 Plasma Beam Turrets (Mac: Plasma beam turrets and plasma bolt turrets are the same thing) Did you just pull these numbers out of the air? Get a handle on reality. This is an obscene amount of weaponry.
1000 Turreted Plasma Torpedo Launchers No. Way too many.
20,000 Plasma Torpedoes Don't make me sick. This is insane. You can destroy entire fleets with this.
2 Neutron Trinity Cannons (these things need only make one hit to destory large, capital warships) Basically 2 Buster Cannon. I don't think so. You haven't put any restrictions on this weapon. These weapons along would make a ship add about 200 million. Buster's don't because of their restrictions.
2 general-purpose fighter bays
Up to 2000 fighters of player's choice
As long as the players have to pay for them it is ok.
Basically, this is a fleet killer. Against anything. It is obscene. If you want to keep its stats then change the price to at least 1 billion credits to reflect the true amount. Personally I think you need to get rid of this ship as it is just too insane.

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(url="http://"")U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps(/url) (url="http://"")HOORAH!(/url)
"Death. Destruction. Famine. Pestilence. Disease. These are all brought upon us by evil. Evil is that which oppresses. Our cause is thus a holy one. We shall triumph over evil!" Chieftain spl_cadet, rallying the troops before the first engagement of the Second War of Liberation.

Cadet, are you crazy? Mac gets the call on the price, so let him decide. I'm guessing around 4 or 500,000,000 million as the final price. I think you are just angry to see a vessel with more power than your own top warship. 😉 The price you recommended is downright rediculous... We could never even consider buying a vessel of that price.

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Also cadet, after re-reading your post, I think you are totally unaware of a few things. This is a massive ship. In other words, the Death Star of the Dreden Rebellion.

The stats posted are quite impressive, I admit. Remember, we are a race with technology that far exceeds you... thieves. If it seems like overkill to you, just let the ship price take care of that. 😉

Don't you believe a ship that large would have quite massive fuel tanks? Good grief.

Over all, I believe you just don't want the Battlecarrier in the webstory. It's expensive (and it might not even be built by the Dreden during the course of the webstory), but that's our choice. If you have any problems with our Battlecarrier, just try and destroy it. 😛 😉

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Since you guys brought it up....

IMHO ... the Titan is "too much" for III. It alone, dwarfs the (kinda crazy) Macross.

The Battlecruiser is "dreamland" and should cost at least 800MM. (This is the "Then it happened. Skyblade took over the galaxy and delcared himself King" ship.)

Mac, there ought to be a "ceiling" on the Big Momma ships. And I believe the Titan is "just beyond" that ceiling.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

:takes out baseball bat:
Skyblade, the price is quite reasonable for that much firepower. Now, unless you think that I'll go soft on you, I suggest you rethink that ship. It is beyond insane. Tech high or not that is just disgusting. The price I suggested is designed to make sure it is never purchased. If it as low as you want and as powerful as you want I will refuse to recognize it as a valid ship and as far as I'm concerned will never play apart in any battles I may do against the Dreden. If you allow ships as powerful as that for that low of a price Mac, I'll be re-working the stats of the pirate page 1 ship. And it will be incredibly deadly.

(url="http://"")BFSIII Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps(/url) (url="http://"")HOORAH!(/url)
"Death. Destruction. Famine. Pestilence. Disease. These are all brought upon us by evil. Evil is that which oppresses. Our cause is thus a holy one. We shall triumph over evil!" Chieftain spl_cadet, rallying the troops before the first engagement of the Second War of Liberation.

Something funny here. It's the power-hungry pirates who are angry about the Battlecarrier. 😉

There is no limit when it comes to ships in this webstory.. The only limit is your resources (credits), and if we've got the money, there's nothing you can do.

Heck, wasn't there a Death Star in Star Wars? That thing would kill the Dreden Battlecarrier...

Please, just drop it. You guys are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. Mac is going to price it at whatever seems reasonable (and I'll accept whatever he decides on). If you still aren't satisfied, I might be better off dropping out of BFS III myself...

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the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Something funny here. It's the power-hungry pirates who are angry about the Battlecarrier.;)

There is no limit when it comes to ships in this webstory.. The only limit is your resources (credits), and if we've got the money, there's nothing you can do.

Heck, wasn't there a Death Star in Star Wars? That thing would kill the Dreden Battlecarrier...

Please, just drop it. You guys are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. Mac is going to price it at whatever seems reasonable (and I'll accept whatever he decides on). If you still aren't satisfied, I might be better off dropping out of BFS III myself...


Who isn't power hungry?
Want to bet? How about a dose of reality at least in the price estimates? You estimated it at 200 mill. Give me a break. You need to have the estimate somewhat near reality.
Star Wars isn't BFSIII
Just don't make a ridiculous post. Isn't that what I was criticized for in BFSII?

(url="http://"")BFSIII Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps(/url) (url="http://"")HOORAH!(/url)
"Death. Destruction. Famine. Pestilence. Disease. These are all brought upon us by evil. Evil is that which oppresses. Our cause is thus a holy one. We shall triumph over evil!" Chieftain spl_cadet, rallying the troops before the first engagement of the Second War of Liberation.

INN: The News Network for the Galaxy
The mystery of the so-called "Atropos triangle" may have been solved recently. As you know, several Human Confederacy fighter squadrons have disappeared here recently. When the old Osprey-class destroyer, HCSN Vengeance was sent in to investigate, it too disappeared. Finally, a group of 6 squadrons of HC fighters, composed of Sting Ray-intercepters and Devil Ray-bombers, was sent in to discover the cause of the disappearences. They disappeared but before doing so, (url="http://"")this(/url) image was sent back. HC officials have refused to comment publicly on this, but one unidentified individual said that it appeared as if this could be some sort of new pirate ship. If so, things certainly could heat up along the Western border, which has had a heavy pirate presence since they were pushed back to their current position after the Battle of Levo. What this new ship is is anyones guess, but one thing is for certain, the HC Navy is definitely going to be treading carefully among pirate held worlds in the weeks to come.
In other news, another corruption scandal erupted when...

(url="http://"")BFSIII Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps(/url) (url="http://"")HOORAH!(/url)
"Death. Destruction. Famine. Pestilence. Disease. These are all brought upon us by evil. Evil is that which oppresses. Our cause is thus a holy one. We shall triumph over evil!" Chieftain spl_cadet, rallying the troops before the first engagement of the Second War of Liberation.

(This message has been edited by spl_cadet (edited 11-20-2001).)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Heck, wasn't there a Death Star in Star Wars? That thing would kill the Dreden Battlecarrier...

theres no deathstar in bfs III...... and no x-wings to kill it if there were

Articulate EVer. We talk good.

Alright guys, I've had it. Cadet, can you listen to a word I say? You seem to totally ignore everything I say...

This is Captain Skyblade checking out of BFS III. You guys have fun without me, since I seem to make you all mad. 😉

Take care.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Alright guys, I've had it. Cadet, can you listen to a word I say? You seem to totally ignore everything I say...

This is Captain Skyblade checking out of BFS III. You guys have fun without me, since I seem to make you all mad. 😉

Take care.


You don't have to leave. I was just pointing out that that ship was ridiculously powerful and obscenely low. And that doing insane things similar to that was what I got yelled at for in BFSII.
And you are right, I don't want that ship in BFSIII. To me, even if it did cost over a billion, if someone actually managed to get one, they would be able to take over both galaxies without lifting a finger. Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh but I can be a bit combative about somethings. If you really want to leave go ahead. However, to leave over a simple over a ship will lower the respect that I do have for you.

(url="http://"")BFSIII Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps(/url) (url="http://"")HOORAH!(/url)
"Death. Destruction. Famine. Pestilence. Disease. These are all brought upon us by evil. Evil is that which oppresses. Our cause is thus a holy one. We shall triumph over evil!" Chieftain spl_cadet, rallying the troops before the first engagement of the Second War of Liberation.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Alright guys, I've had it. Cadet, can you listen to a word I say? You seem to totally ignore everything I say...

This is Captain Skyblade checking out of BFS III. You guys have fun without me, since I seem to make you all mad. 😉

Take care.


Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah..... Calm down. Just leaving like that isn't going to solve anything. More likely, you'll have people calling you a poor sport behind your back. About not adding the Poseidon yet, I don't quite see why not, the HC have way more capital ships, but you're the president and it's your descision. 🙂 The might be a little unrealistic, but if the price is right, there should be no problem there. I have a request to make about the "Titan", though. I believe that you only gave it 50 turrets, but for it's size it should have more around 100-200. That's it I guess. I can work on a fighter now...

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**If you really want to leave go ahead. However, to leave over a simple over a ship will lower the respect that I do have for you.


The stupid carrier is not what bothers me. It's the fact that you won't listen to a word I'm saying. 😉 If we want a supership, then we'd have to pay for it...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**The stupid carrier is not what bothers me. It's the fact that you won't listen to a word I'm saying.;) If we want a supership, then we'd have to pay for it...

wouldn't it be fairer if every race got a supership. because the way i see it, even if you dont start with it as soon as you get one all us aliens will get our asses whooped.

im bouyant. love me.


Originally posted by Saint+:
**wouldn't it be fairer if every race got a supership. because the way i see it, even if you dont start with it as soon as you get one all us aliens will get our asses whooped.


Basically, everyone has a supership. Aliens, carrier, HC, carrier, pirate, Macross.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Basically, everyone has a supership. Aliens, carrier, HC, carrier, pirate, Macross.


compare the other superships to this dreden one. do they even come close?

im bouyant. love me.

Okay Captain Skyblade, here's that fighter that I said that I was going to make. It has a "new look"(as in different from previous ships) to it, and if you guys like the way it looks, I can start making all of my ships lwith that kind of surface. This is the "Slicer" Assault Fighter, and it has 6 cannons, as well as some other munitions. This ship is slightly faster than the Cricket.
Posted Image

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
:takes out baseball bat:

:grabs bat by surprise from behind and clubs spl_cadet over the head with it:

Ok, now that spl_cadet has a better handle on things (read: is unconcious 😉 ) we can talk a bit.

A) I planned on reducing some of the weapons numbers on my own to make them manageable. Skyblade, you must admit those were a bit higher. The Macross and HC Carrier once had that many, but we toned those down too. Trust me, the pirates do have maybe 1/4 of a point on the price, and you probably wouldn't want to pay for the extra weapons. I almost guarantee you'd never build one if we left all those. 😉
🆒 Pirates, Skyblade has a way better point about the price. You're totally overreacting here. Like he says, the price may become so prohibitive that they'd never build one. In that case, why would you care?
C) The Neutron Infinity Cannons are not Buster Cannons. They only do 2500 to shields, Skyblade said. Powerful, yes. Buster Cannon, no.

Ok, we seem to have a Lightning storm approaching my house no, so I have to get off the computer for the night. I'll try to get the revised Pirate shipyard up tomorrow. You Pirates just calm down, it'll be Ok, and there's no reason to be jealous because you don't have the most powerful ship anymore. You'll never see it in battle anyway.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
** <snip> ...You Pirates just calm down, it'll be Ok, and there's no reason to be jealous because you don't have the most powerful ship anymore. You'll never see it in battle anyway.**

Hmmm. I at least recall my referring to the Macross as "kinda crazy." And if you see my fleet you will notice NO Macross. Not my style.

"Jealous"??? No. I just don't want III to get to the "Battle of Levo" stage of II before it even starts. The nutty one-upmanship with the super ships is a sure path in that direction.

See my previous posts about the importance of "tactics". The technology race puts too much emphasis on the machinery; not enough on the story.

(Skyblade, you keep saying "if the HC can afford it" as if you never will.... Does this mean you designed and publicized it just to irritate the competition? If so, you surely succeeded.)

Speaking from a purely asthetic perspective, very cool ship, Skyblade. Very cool.

Mac, did you catch the new player (at the end of the previous Discussion thread)? We need him. Well, the Aliens do, anyway.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Okay Captain Skyblade, here's that fighter that I said that I was going to make. It has a "new look"(as in different from previous ships) to it, and if you guys like the way it looks, I can start making all of my ships lwith that kind of surface. This is the "Slicer" Assault Fighter, and it has 6 cannons, as well as some other munitions. This ship is slightly faster than the Cricket.
Posted Image


I like it. The style reminds me of the Imperial Landing Craft from the Star Wars films. For now, hold off on any additional Dreden ships. We have enough... for now. Just remember we can develop new ships during the webstory.

Stats for the Dreden "Slicer" class Medium Fighter:
Shields: 50
Armor: 50
Speed: 600
Acceleration: *****
Turning: *****
Fuel: 4 Jumps
Price: 1,000,000 credits (estimate)
6 Plasma Beam Cannons

Basically, the Rebellion's own Azdara fighter.

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the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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