To Flauntlence

I want to download some pilots from your Pilot Trading Network. But guess what! It's not up. And I know I'm not having memory failures and line drops because I have DSL.

AND I'M MAD AT YOU! Why the heck did you put that link in your signiture?! 'Don't Click Here'!!
That's retarded! It floaded my whole frickin Internet. I think you should be demoted just for that! But it's no worries off my shoulders either way! It floaded the Internet and brought up a window that said: Warning! Internet Explorer 5.0 Mac Version is running critically low on memory. Try to quit and close some of your windows.


----The Beloved----

Wow. Please don't do that, it upsets both members and mods.

1. His name is Flatulence.
2. He doesn't post on this board very often.

For the sake of the webboard, please do not start flame topics like these.

(edit)Got a bit confused there. I thought he meant the PFTN link. Anyways, if it says 'Don't Click Here', don't click there.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 08-22-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 08-22-2001).)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**AND I'M MAD AT YOU! Why the heck did you put that link in your signiture?! 'Don't Click Here'!! That's retarded! It floaded my whole frickin Internet. I think you should be demoted just for that! But it's no worries off my shoulders either way! It floaded the Internet and brought up a window that said: Warning! Internet Explorer 5.0 Mac Version is running critically low on memory. Try to quit and close some of your windows.


Hey, it says not to click.

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Unofficial Boards(/url)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
AND I'M MAD AT YOU! Why the heck did you put that link in your signiture?! 'Don't Click Here'!!
That's retarded! It floaded my whole frickin Internet. I think you should be demoted just for that! But it's no worries off my shoulders either way! It floaded the Internet and brought up a window that said: Warning! Internet Explorer 5.0 Mac Version is running critically low on memory. Try to quit and close some of your windows.


Where to begin on that...

First off, you've been had. Second of all, when something says 'Don't click here,' it would usually mean something. I learned that the hard way. Third the link leads to what is called a script (at least I think so), which as you already know causes windows to pop up until you're computer either freezes or you have to restart. My first sight of this being employed is when the Catacomb gave to a friend of mine. Short story is, don't click on anything that says 'Don't Click here.' It usually means something.

Oh and Flatty is a good guy. Don't flame him.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Yeh, calm down. I learned not to click there the hard way as well. However, the world does go on.

hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url) | (url="http://"")America's Favorite Irishman!(/url)

it probably would have been better for you to e-mail him, but only after you calmed down. this would have been better, not dragged out like this over the boards.

and for the don't click here thingy, it didn't really do anything. life will go on, or so i'm told.

(url="http://"")Board? Games!(/url)
well, with a little gas, some love, and a bottle of ketchup


Originally posted by The Space Between:

AND I'M MAD AT YOU! Why the heck did you put that link in your signiture?! 'Don't Click Here'!!
That's retarded! It floaded my whole frickin Internet. I think you should be demoted just for that! But it's no worries off my shoulders either way! It floaded the Internet and brought up a window that said: Warning! Internet Explorer 5.0 Mac Version is running critically low on memory. Try to quit and close some of your windows.



Just as a warning, never get mad at Flatty. If he is provoked, he will find any excuse he can to flame you. Just e-mail him, 'kay? 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

It did say "Don't click here."
Classic Human psycholgy(which I,thankfully,do not suffer from)means that if something says"Don't do this"the brain removes words like "Do" or "Do not" or suchlike,so the mind interprets it as "Click Here",leaving us with an instant desire to click,just to find out what it does,and why someone but a "Don't click here" sign on it.
It's true,really.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Flatty a good guy?

That's purely open to opinion.

This topic, however, isn't the right place for this. I clicked there too (not out of any fall of human psychology, but because I'd disabled pictures and knew I was safe if it was anything undesirable). I'm sure this topic will be closed soon enough.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I'm sure this topic will be closed soon enough.


Don't bet on it. I havn't seen a mod around here in a long time.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)


Originally posted by Luke:
**Don't bet on it. I havn't seen a mod around here in a long time.


A consistancy that I myself have noticed as well. Although I occasionally see Soviet Mikee and EVula browsing the forums, that only happens (on average) about once every few days. I've only seen Micah L online once, and never seen Chamrin...

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

I think I saw Chamrin on #ev3 a couple of days ago, but I've never seen him on the boards.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**I think I saw Chamrin on #ev3 a couple of days ago, but I've never seen him on the boards.


Ditto. I haven't even seen him on the "who's browsing" list...

ahhh... tis good to be loved.

Anyway, to answer your original question, f2s seems to be having some problems with my site. I'm considering moving it elsewhere... actually, I just decided. I'll move it to hypermart where hopefully all will go smoothly. I wasn't getting any submissions before the site got messed up, but it's a pretty big archive, so I'll open that up for people. I'll let everyone know when I finish with the move.

In the meantime, I guess you could click the other links in my sig too, or something... 😄

PS: Captain Skyblade, Silver Dragon.... Flatty loves you extra special. Never forget it!

PPS: to answer the other questions, I made those scripts about 5 years ago... they're just a collection of html tags.... I could make the source public if people really want me to....

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |

(This message has been edited by Flatulence (edited 08-25-2001).)


Originally posted by Flatulence:

PS: Captain Skyblade, Silver Dragon.... Flatty loves you extra special. Never forget it!


Hehe... I detect complete sincerety in your post. 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Hehe... I detect complete sincerety in your post.;)


I'm hurt that you wouldn't believe my everlasting love and affection for all members of the wonderful community..... Flatty is all about the love. (serious!)

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**I want to download some pilots from your Pilot Trading Network. But guess what! It's not up. And I know I'm not having memory failures and line drops because I have DSL.

AND I'M MAD AT YOU! Why the heck did you put that link in your signiture?! 'Don't Click Here'!!
That's retarded! It floaded my whole frickin Internet. I think you should be demoted just for that! But it's no worries off my shoulders either way! It floaded the Internet and brought up a window that said: Warning! Internet Explorer 5.0 Mac Version is running critically low on memory. Try to quit and close some of your windows.



Let me put this simply.

You are a moron.

Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
(url="http://"")Consider(/url) Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

HEY! Ovamonawhateveryacallit, please don't call me a moron. With that kind of attitude, it's a wonder you are up 3 karma points. PISH POSH I SAY TO YOU!!

----The Beloved----

Be kind to Oxythingy.
He didn't do anything really wrong.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**HEY! Ovamonawhateveryacallit, please don't call me a moron. With that kind of attitude, it's a wonder you are up 3 karma points. PISH POSH I SAY TO YOU!!

...and you of all people should be talking about attitudes. 😄


Originally posted by The Space Between:

Seriously I don't think you had to come here and waste board space on a whole new topic just because you were angry... in the future you can just be a little more...tactful about it.

hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url)