rebell tractor beam

wich rebell planet gives the rewards with the tractor beam and what most my legal status with them be??? (note, I have done the rebell mission ages ago but I dont remember where I get the missions... and I am trying to get rebel ships without using forklift 🙂 )

(my attack score or whatever its called is noteworthy, is that good enougfh to get the missions?)

play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")


Originally posted by escape_alex:
**wich rebell planet gives the rewards with the tractor beam and what most my legal status with them be??? (note, I have done the rebell mission ages ago but I dont remember where I get the missions... and I am trying to get rebel ships without using forklift:) )

(my attack score or whatever its called is noteworthy, is that good enougfh to get the missions?)


If you are looking where to end the Rebel tractor beam missions, land at Palshife. Make sure you didn't accidentally abort it.

I think your combat raating has to be higher than "noteworthy" to get the Rebel Alien missions, which let you buy the Rebel ships. Check ResEdit or Schmelta V.

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Originally posted by escape_alex:
**wich rebell planet gives the rewards with the tractor beam and what most my legal status with them be??? (note, I have done the rebell mission ages ago but I dont remember where I get the missions... and I am trying to get rebel ships without using forklift:) )

(my attack score or whatever its called is noteworthy, is that good enougfh to get the missions?)

Your battle rating is very low. It has to be at least dangerous/deadly. For the mission I don't know. Try the rebel capitals Palshif/Spica/Clotho<sp>.

Long live the Alien empire!

The Tractor Beam missions start at Palshife, and your combat rating must be "Dangerous" or higher. Legal record is trickier. According to ResEdit, you need to be an "Upstanding Citizen". However, ResEdit also says you need to ba a "Pillar of Society" to get the Alien mission, and I've done that as an "Upstanding Citizen". So I'd guess "Good Egg" Is probably good enough, though to be absolutely sure be an "Upstanding Citizen".

The Alien mission set starts at any Rebel world. You need a "Deadly" combat rating. See above for notes on legal status required.

Also, the Tractor Beam can be aquired before or after the Alien series, though it is extremely useful for killing the Alien, so you may want to do that first.

Just for reference, here's a list of Legal Status and Combat ratings:
Good Scale:
Decent Individual
Good Egg
Upstanding Citizen
Role Model
Pillar of Society
Honored Leader

Evil Scale:
Public Enemy
Prime Evil
Galactic Scourge

Combat Ratings:
Mostly Harmless
Above Average

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

ok, I am Excellent in combat rating now 🙂 and I got the cloaking device.....

well, I guess I have to become upstanding citisen at palshlife.....

anyone have any good ideas to become upstanding citiseen fast??? should I go and hire some escorts then when the pirats come shoot em all 🙂 hehe btw, I heard that its some sort of bug in EV with the cloaking device that if you have enemys then you can turn it on then off then they are not after you anymore or something like that, anyone heard of something like that?

play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")

Best way to improve your legal standing there is just to kill pirates and maybe some 'feds in the area. There are also a few missions you can do that will give you points, offered in the bars. Killing pirates and 'feds will also help you get your combat rating up.

As for the cloaking device bug, it's not quite like that. If you turn it on, it will confuse ships hostile to you. Most placed there by a mission or by dominating a planet or something will just freeze, and wait for you to come back. If you have any escorts, or other ships in the system are enemies of the confused ones, they will shoot them and generally not be attacked back. This is probably the second cheapest abuse of the AI possible, and I consider it marginally legal. The first is of course old Monty, which I avoid doing whenever possible, which is very nearly always.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I happen to be engaged in the very same mission string, and now it seems I'm stuck as well. I've gotten the SEAL team to two places, and extracted them, just recently from some P-0205 planet or somesuch, way out in the eastern corner of the galaxy. I'm an Upstanding Citizen on Palshife, but when I visit the bar, no new missions start, and I have yet to recieve the tractor beam.

By the way, I found an ok way to get a higher rating on Palshife is to head to the Uninhabited system to the nothwest, and camp out there. If there are no Confeds or Pirates to kill, just land on the uninhabited system then take off again, thereby resetting the ships in the system.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**I happen to be engaged in the very same mission string, and now it seems I'm stuck as well. I've gotten the SEAL team to two places, and extracted them, just recently from some P-0205 planet or somesuch, way out in the eastern corner of the galaxy. I'm an Upstanding Citizen on Palshife, but when I visit the bar, no new missions start, and I have yet to recieve the tractor beam.

There is one more mission available at Palshife, however iit will not be there 100% of the time. (25% I think) Keep checking. This last one will give you the tractor beam once you successfully complete it.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
By the way, I found an ok way to get a higher rating on Palshife is to head to the Uninhabited system to the nothwest, and camp out there. If there are no Confeds or Pirates to kill, just land on the uninhabited system then take off again, thereby resetting the ships in the system.

I do the same thing. Also, hang out in the Darven system.

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

here is a hint I thought readihg the bords 🙂 go to missions take many missions then abort all the missions then go to spacebar, repet this until you get a mission... its better than jumping in and out of system and it works, I have seen it with my own eyes

play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")

True, but you only need to get one mission and abort it, not multiple. That will reset thee missions available at the bar and mission computer.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Hey, that's pretty nifty. But it's not like I play the game anymore. :frown:

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Originally posted by rebel council:
**Hey, that's pretty nifty. But it's not like I play the game anymore.:(

I haven't actually played the game for real in months! 😞

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Heh, it's been a while since I actually played EV. I've been practicing some on EVO lately, trying to get my piloting skill up a bit in preparation for Nova. Hmm, with that being the case, maybe I shouldn't be flying an Azdara, there's only like one thing that works against them, with the upgrades I've got on it. 🙂 A bit easy.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Try using a UE Destroyer for practice. 🙂 In my opinion, the Destroyer is the worst ship in the game. Even a shuttle can be better, if you outfit it properly.

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Originally posted by Luke:
**Try using a UE Destroyer for practice.:) In my opinion, the Destroyer is the worst ship in the game. Even a shuttle can be better, if you outfit it properly.

Actually, the UE Destroyer is one of the better ships, and I did fly it for a while. Took out the Voinian Drednought in it. 40 Rockets was just barely enough, I had to Blaze it for a few seconds afterward, then it got disabled. That's the bad part of Voinian armor, their ships are a lot weaker than they look, because hey disable easily.
Actually, I had a funny idea last night while going to sleep, and need to go look at the data files, but I think I might try a Voinian Frigate on a new pilot. Depending on how much space and stuff it has, I might be able to do some cool stuff to it.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Actually, I had a funny idea last night while going to sleep, and need to go look at the data files, but I think I might try a Voinian Frigate on a new pilot. Depending on how much space and stuff it has, I might be able to do some cool stuff to it.

Hmmm... I never considered using a Voinian Frigate for anything other than: Hey, cool, look at me, I have a Frigate! That's nice. I want my Azdara back... 😛 😉

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(quote)Originally posted by Luke:
**Hmmm... I never considered using a Voinian Frigate for anything other than: Hey, cool, look at me, I have a Frigate! That's nice. I want my Azdara back... 😄 The Frigate doesn't have as much space as I'd hoped though. Oh well, maybe the Cruiser will work, but I kinda doubt it... It's probably too slow for what I want.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")**


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**The Frigate doesn't have as much space as I'd hoped though. Oh well, maybe the Cruiser will work, but I kinda doubt it... It's probably too slow for what I want.

What exactly were you going to do with it?

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Well, I was hoping Voinian ships had a little more space than they do. So I was going to strip it, take it out to the Crescent, and throw on some speed upgrades, an Azdara Bay, and some light weight Cresent weapons. Unfortunately, it only has room for the Speed upgrades and the Azdara Bay. :frown: With the weapon load I wanted and the heavy armor, it would absolutely own the Crescent.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")