A Quick Poll for the Benefit of Joolz

OK - simple Yes or No.

For a plug-in name, does "Thin Ice" sound too much like "Frozen Heart"?

Martin Turner's opinion would also be appreciated if possible. 🙂

—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Those who say money is the root of all evil don't have any.
“That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass — and I’m just the one to do it.”

No. They sound different and relate two different ideas.

BTW- Next time, try posting a poll like this on the developers board 🙂

(quote)Originally posted by General Rak:
**BTW- Next time, try posting a poll like this on the developers board:)

—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Those who say money is the root of all evil don't have any.
“That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass — and I’m just the one to do it.”


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
For a plug-in name, does "Thin Ice" sound too much like "Frozen Heart"?


David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)


“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”


Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Nope. Now, "Iced Pulmonary Organ" would be something else again ...

world keeps turning


Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Nope. Now, "Iced Pulmonary Organ" would be something else again ...


Phew! Now THAT was a close one. Thanks for the warning, Phil!

—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Those who say money is the root of all evil don't have any.
“That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass — and I’m just the one to do it.”


If anyone needs a story guy to help with a plug-in, i can help: mission breifings and description for outfits, ships, planets etc. e-mail dave_pickstone@hotmail.com

ys ( i had to put something different down, i was tried of seeing all nos :D)

Tycho Maudd

I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.

Pulmonary Organ",he he he!
Tycho,you're only doing this to be contrary.
He he he.
Macavenger kicked your a$$.

Long live the Alien Emperor,mayhe rule for a million years!
-Third Stard Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**OK - simple Yes or No.

For a plug-in name, does "Thin Ice" sound too much like "Frozen Heart"?




Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Nope. Now, "Iced Pulmonary Organ" would be something else again ...


"Iced Pulmonary Organ" would probably be OK, "Iced Circulatory Organ" would be a problem. 😄


Originally posted by Joseph Burnette:
"Iced Pulmonary Organ" would probably be OK, "Iced Circulatory Organ" would be a problem.:D

You really don't know your anatomy. The heart is a Pulmonary Organ.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Not all of us share the same number of chromosomes as Human scum,you know.
Alien Empire all the way!

Long live the Alien Emperor,may he rule for a million years! -Third Star Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538




Originally posted by General Rak:
**You really don't know your anatomy. The heart is a Pulmonary Organ.


I know human anatomy and English well enough to know that "pulmonary" refers to the lungs, not the heart.


Originally posted by Joseph Burnette:
I know human anatomy and English well enough to know that "pulmonary" refers to the lungs, not the heart.

The lungs are respiratory organs

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence


Originally posted by General Rak:
**The lungs are respiratory organs

And are part of the pulmonary system. The heart belongs to the cardiovascular systems. Thats why in the heart stops it is known as cardiac arrest.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shinigami_demon/")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/spl_cadet/")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets