Taking Over the Galaxy

I know someone has probably already started a opic like this, but being that the the search feature is gone ill post it. I was wondering if any of you guys who have taken over the galaxy without cheating would mind telling me a few good ships and their upgrades to use. I currently have about 1/2 of the galaxy, and use a kestrel.


The ship and weapons configuration that is appropriate depends greatly both on who you are fighting and, more importantly, your piloting style. For instance, while many people (including you, it seems) prefer a Kestrel, I find that the Corvette is more suitable to my style of piloting. The best way for you to determine what configurations work for you is to experiment with the different possibilites against each government's ships.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

Taking over the EV galaxy is not so much a question of skill, but one of patience. There comes a certain point where the average EV player learns the behavior of the engines AI, and knows how to defeat it easily. That doesn't change the fact that it can take many hours to conquer the fleets at ports such as Ruby and Earth. I find that when I am destroyed by a planet's defense fleet it is due to the fact that I ceased paying attention to the battle, not that I was overwhelmed or outmatched.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
I find that the Corvette is more suitable to my style of piloting.

I agree. Fast ships such as the Corvette and Rebel Destroyer are more suited to deal with small fighter craft, and are more adept at evading missiles and torpedoes. They're also armed well enough to destroy most enemies quickly.

Been there.

Done that.

Got the T-shirt to prove it.



"Last time I play Battleships with a Jedi..." - ElGuapo7, on losing a game against his sister.
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum10/HTML/002301.html")Darkest Hour – An EV/O Saga(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum10/HTML/002253.html")Slow-reading Story(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=evo/guides&file;=TechFolder.sit")Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe(/url)

A Rebel Cruiser armed to the teeth with missles and all possible upgrades.Plus 6 Rebel Cruiser escourts. Had all systems exept 3. Ruby, Sol , Centary(?). (nothing a little EVediting cant solve)

Join Starbase Delta at

To take over Sol and Ruby, take advantage of the fact that an EV system can hold at most 36 ships. 6 Rebel/Confed Cruiser escorts and a Rebel/Confed Cruiser with 4 Mantas/Patrol Ship fighters and a Hawk bay and 2 Hawk fighters will be enough plus some disabled ships in the system...


Ever since I first played Escape Velocity is 1996, I've only managed to take the entire galaxy twice. Sol takes about a day's worth of fighting to capture, and Ruby isn't much better. Occupying the entire galaxy is a really just a waste of time...

~Captain Skyblade

CEO of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"http://tmgmedia.net/jpayne")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub57.ezboard.com/bcorsairdevelopers")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Occupying the entire galaxy is a really just a waste of time...


David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

True, but it gives you something to do once you've completed the rebel and Confederate strings.



Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Occupying the entire galaxy is a really just a waste of time...

Compared to what? Destroying the Alien Cruiser? Doing the Artemis mission string? Jogging?

Saying that it is a waste of time is not really a fair statement. You could say that playing EV at all is a waste of time, as it really doesn't substantially improve your life, or improve your social skills, or make your breath smell better. Taking over the entire galaxy is just a challenge like any other in EV. It is the same as destroying the Alien cruiser in a Scoutship, or capturing a Confed Cruiser with your Clipper. It just happens to take more time than either of those things.

It's just a game, so how can a one aspect of it be more of a waste of time than another?

Although, I've never even attempted to take over the entire galaxy. It would take too long!


Originally posted by Myriad:
**< snip>

Saying that it is a waste of time is not really a fair statement.


Although, I've never even attempted to take over the entire galaxy. It would take too long!**

Hmm... Irony Alert!
Having a lot of free time this summer, I intend to dominate the galaxy once and see how long it takes me. Maybe I'll post here when I'm done, tell you all how long it took.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**The ship and weapons configuration that is appropriate depends greatly both on who you are fighting and, more importantly, your piloting style. For instance, while many people (including you, it seems) prefer a Kestrel, I find that the Corvette is more suitable to my style of piloting. The best way for you to determine what configurations work for you is to experiment with the different possibilites against each government's ships.


If you wouldn't mind me asking, could you please tell me how you outfit your corvette? I have tried using corvettes in the past, but have found that their firepower, especially when it comes to larger capitol ships, leaves something to be desired. My main problem here is probably my lack of patience ;), but even so, I think that two proton turrets doesn't give me the power I need, and I, due to my lack of multi-tasking ability, can only really use one weapon at a time. When I play strait-up EV, I currently fly a kestrel with the standard upgrades (IFF, 'burner, ramscoop, fuel, etc.), the 3 M/C/A upgrades available on Palshife, three proton turrets, and, depending on my mood, two torpedo launchers & ammo, two missile racks & ammo, the shield regen/strength upgrades and durasteel/tritanium, or some combination of the above three, excepting that I usually do not carry both missiles and torpedoes. In the past, my lightnings would sit in my bays ad infinitum, but recently I have taken to using them to kill fighters, especially in my shiny new guard kestrel in Pale :). When fighting fighters I usually single out one and make passes through the group until they're all dead or I just sit in space tapping r and holding the space button, depending on whether or not they're weak enough for me to slaughter easily. Against capitol ships I tend to use slightly more intelligent tactics. When fighting a smaller capitol ship with a faster shield regeneration speed, I tend to go in guns blazing and attempt to circle away from rocket launchers or neutron guns, which tend to scratch my pretty little paint job ;), and hope that they die first. Against groups of smaller ships, I try to single one out and use the above tactics, though I try to let my shields recharge a bit between fights. When fighting larger, more heavily armed ships with slower shield recharge rates, I have recently begun using a version of the spearhead (was it Silver Dragon that coined that phrase?), wherein I stick around in my spearhead until I think I have sustained enough damage, then I hit the afterburner and flee until I think I am healed enough to try another pass. If I have secondaries (versus large or small capitol ships), I tend to fire them after I've turned around for another pass, so they don't fly off into oblivion, or while I'm waiting for my shields to recharge. If a large capitol ship has low enough shields or is into armor, I might also use my lightnings for the last pass, as I have finally noticed the insane amounts of damage they can deal if they're not killed.

Phew! What a long post. Anyways,

Thank you for your time,

If a butterfly flaps its wings,
Leave Central America and South-East Asia immediately:
Hurricane Warning


Originally posted by Slider:
If you wouldn't mind me asking, could you please tell me how you outfit your corvette?

It varies considerably depending on what I'm doing with it. If I'm outmatched - against a capital ship or Kestrel - I circle around my target, moving in, firing, and moving out before sustaining substantial damage.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

The key to conquering the galaxy is patience, lots of patience and free time. For planets such as Earth and Ruby, it is best just to sit down in the morning and spend the entire day fighting. To take over most of the galaxy, I used a Confed Cruiser. However, when fighting planets that had lots of fighters, such as Ruby, you must have the tractor beam when using the Confed Cruiser both to dominate the planet in a reasonable amount of time and to keep your sanity intact. The Corvette and the Kestrel are both excellent for dominating planets as well. In terms of outfits, I focus on missiles for the planets with fighters and torpedoes for the ones that use Frigates or Destroyers. Six capital ship escorts are also a big help. As for dominating the galaxy not being worth the effort, I do not agree. As long as you enjoy it, how can it be a waste? Also, I like being able to see the map as a complete sea of green.


I did conquer the entire EV galaxy once, except for Sol and Ruby. I tried one hour or so, then I got a little suspicius, so I looked up the defcount in ResEdit and found it to be the max (32767), I think. Is this a bug or is my memory blurred by the shame of giving up against Earth?


Originally posted by The Clueless One:
**Is this a bug or is my memory blurred by the shame of giving up against Earth?

It's not a bug, and though I'm no doctor, I'd say your memory's fine. The purpose of giving Earth and Ruby so many defenders is because it's impossible to give them infinite defenders. Matt intended to make Earth, Ruby, and so on unconquerable. I'm sure if there was a flag in the Nova Engine for spöbs that said "* defende fleet" Matt would have it checked for those planets. Matt probably thought that the defense fleets were so huge that people would simply stop trying after a while.

Of course, with all of the editors available, people could see that there was an end to the ships. Plus some people have a lot of free time on their hands.

Of course I could be wrong.

Actually, defense count works like this:

First 3-4 digits: total number of ships in defense fleet. (-1 from first digit.)

Last digit: number of ships per wave.

So a DefCount of 32765 means 2276 ships will be launched in waves of 5.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 07-12-2001).)


Originally posted by Blackdog:
So a DefCount of 32765 means 2276 ships will be launched in waves of 5.

:eek: This explains why I lost interest in it, looks like I wasn't even half done
Anyways, Centauri worked well, anyone knows the defcount for that?

100 ships in waves of 4.


100 ships in waves of 4

easy 😉