Best Ship Possible?

If you accept both the rebel and confed courier missions, neither seem to want to give you their actual strings. I did this, then looked around for ages for either sets of missions with no luck. It would be interesting to hear from people who have managed to do both sets, to see how they did it.

I choose to believe that the glass is half empty.

lol hahahaha.


The best ship in the game (You can't get it, though) is the alien cruiser.



Originally posted by RebelRunner:
**The best ship in the game (You can't get it, though) is the alien cruiser.


Definately. It has 1500 shields, giving it close to twice the shielding of the Confederation Cruiser. The Alien Fighters alone have the shielding of the Rebel Cruiser (500).

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**mizra do you not know about the alien mission strings?


I've heard about them. Don't you encounter them on both sides of the missions strings? In doing both sides, I wonder if you'd fight them twice. Interesting.......



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Definately. It has 1500 shields, giving it close to twice the shielding of the Confederation Cruiser. The Alien Fighters alone have the shielding of the Rebel Cruiser (500).


Yeah and you could sell it for free.

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!


Originally posted by Mizra:
**I completely dominated after I got the particle beam, the item which turned it all around. I gained credits by pirating argosy's with a clipper in the uninhabited system off of Atropolis. I now have a Kestrel. A Kestrel could easily beat a cruiser of any donomination could it not? I've been hitting all possible Confed Cruisers trying to capture one, and it seems impossible. Is the Kestrel the best ship you can get?


No with ResEdit you can make a ship that has 10 forklifts,8 lightnings, and 40 torpedo launchers, and sell it for free. 😄 but if you really want a ConFed ship just use ResEdit and change it's missionbit number to -1 🙂 😄 ;D :&

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!


Originally posted by RebelRunner:
The best ship in the game (You can't get it, though) is the alien cruiser.

It's great for the AI, but as for flying it yourself, I find that it's way too sluggish.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

Just take both recruitment missions at one time, then finish the first,take the next for that gov., finish the second for the other gov., etc.


Anyone know the stats or weapons of the Alien Cruiser?



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**It's great for the AI, but as for flying it yourself, I find that it's way too sluggish.


But the Alien Fighter is great.

You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...


Originally posted by Mizra:
**Anyone know the stats or weapons of the Alien Cruiser?


I't has 15000 shields and no armor.

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!

The alien mission string will allow you to purchase both rebel and confederate ships if you complete it (Or, if its not supposed to, then something went screwy in my game). Personally, I say that the best ship in the game is the Confederate Cruiser (mine has: 1shield booster, 4shiels capacitors, a layer of each of the armors, 4-5proton turrets, 2fuel tanks, all of the speed/turnig upgrades, 2missle racks, 75missles, 2torpedo launchers, 75torpedoes, a ramscope, an auto refueler, 2 javelin pods, 999javelin rockets, a Confederate Patrol Ship bay, 4Confed patrol ships, a mass expantion or so, an afterburner, and the all-mighty particle beam.) Note: I realiz the the Confed Cruiser is probly the worst ship to have javelins with, but when you set the speed way up it covers up the slowness of the cruiser.


The Alien Battle Cruiser (launched by the Mother Ship) is better than the Alien Cruiser, but either can actually destroy a Mother Ship if the MS is distracted or damaged. The Mother Ship is not actually super durable in terms of the Alien world. The Marauder is, and can't be destroyed by the Cruisers unless the Captain is really stupid. In inter-fleet battles of Alien ships (mine verses theirs) the Marauder actually played a defensive role of protecting my Mother Ship escorts from Alien Battle Cruisers from enemy Alien Battle Cruisers ... in EVGE of course.

The only weapon of an Alien Cruiser is the one beam.

My favorite way of advancing my ships in EV was to have a Rebel Cruiser with Rebel Destroyer escorts, 'cause they are easy to capture and great escorts. Capturing is greatly improved by having large escort ships, the larger the better.

How do u get an alien cruiser?

Are you people all completely mad?

The best ship in the game is the Lightning!

Err..... Well, it's my favourite, just like I like ships like the Crescent Fighter
in EVO. For me, the challenge is the fun part.

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.


Originally posted by YanD:
How do u get an alien cruiser?

By using a plugin.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**By using a plugin.


Oh man, does anyone remember the "Test pilots" on the original You could get the alien ships there.

All jocks think about is sports. All nerds think about is sex. (Non-exact quote from Revenge of the Nerds)

P.S. Get your escorts BEFORE you get your Marauder. 1) It kills too easily 2) It has a small crew and has very poor capture percentages.

The best way of getting alien Capital ships is using the Black Lightning (essentially a built-in cheat) and one of those HUGE (ugly) Orion Galaxy (?) ships... great capture ratios. The B/L was made at a perfict repleanish/power ratio to disable but not kill the Alien ships. Three shots for the Marauder and two for the Command Ship (if I remember correctly). I believe a Battle Cruiser of Cruiser would be destroyed with one shot.
