Desperate For A Good Ship!

I know (i think)

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

Good tactics:
If you have a higher speed and shield recharge charge at them, holding the A button
down to align your ship (increases accuracy slightly). Hit the slow target, and then
move out to heal. You'll heal up faster than it does. It's advised to get them to
waste any missiles and rockets they have first.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**Well, dominick, the Kestrel really sucks. period. Work with a Souped up Corvette, or (if you've done the alien missions) the Rebel Frigate. Both these ships are more adaptable (and faster) than the Kestrel.


the sinkmaster


The upgraded kestrel compared to upgraded corvette is more complex.

If you expect to fight cruiser class ships, you want the kestrel, it mounts more guns, more torpedoes, and more shields, and is still reasonably fast. You don't need 450 speed and excellent turning to evade missiles, the kestrel's 375 speed and good turning will do fine.

Against frigate class ships, its a matter of style. The kestrel is tough enough to charge in and kill (my preferred style). The corvette does hit and run, circle around the ship, and other fancy maneuvers.

Against fighters, you want the kestrel-- send the lightnings and forget about it. A corvette pilot must actually work for the kill, and I am lazy.

On adaptability, the kestrel and corvette are not useful as anything other than light warships, but the kestrel works better against cruisers. Of course, the rebel destroyer is better than both.


The Kestrel is a damned good ship, just go to palshife, get all the ship upgrades and you are good for a long time.... And what was this about having to dodge missiles? With the upgrades, you can outrun missiles, easy as pie man. Go for it, or spend the big bucks for a better ship, like a rebel cruiser or even destroyer.

"I ate a bug once..."

I remember years ago when I first started playing Escape Velocity, the Corvette was my favorite ship. Why? Because I thought putting a Hawk Bay in the thing would protect me from anything...Boy, did I have plenty to learn. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

ok i have triede real hard to get the alien missions and quite frankly I GIVE UPi have an Ultimate attack rating i have good egg in rebel space and i have been to spica over a million times i might have gotten it what mission does it start with??

The Dark Thingy Dude
(hey i wanted it to sound evil)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**I remember years ago when I first started playing Escape Velocity, the Corvette was my favorite ship. Why? Because I thought putting a Hawk Bay in the thing would protect me from anything...Boy, did I have plenty to learn.:)


:)Uh oh, I still thought that. (Up until now) 🙂



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.


Originally posted by Mizra:
**:) Uh oh, I still thought that. (Up until now) 🙂


Heh...There's a first time for everything. 🙂 Don't use Hawks, they are a waste of space for your ship. Although if you ever need additional escorts, buy a Hawk bay for your Kestrel, and together with the Lightnings can inflict severe or fatal damage to your deadliest opponets. Otherwise, stick with other, more-important outfits. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

i have been hanging around spice SO MUCH that nowi'm an upstanding citizen in rebel space

The Dark Thingy Dude
(hey i wanted it to sound evil)

Have you done all the rest of the rebel missions? It doesn't matter what your legal and combat status is, if you haven't done two of the rebel missions (after the courier delivery) you can't start the alien string.
And I find that they like to give it to you at sirgil or palshife, but I know you can get it at any rebel spaceport bar.


you need to upgrade your kestrel properly, 'cos its the best civilian ship in the game, and if you upgrade it properly it can take out fleets of cruisers. first get all the proton turrets and cannons, then speed turn and that crap, then shield plates enhancers boosters, then all the secondaries you want, if possible. get a good fleet too. and rebel council and silver dragon.i spend 30 to 60 minutes a day! and look at my number of posts! 😄


Piont being! I read alot of the posts rigth through so I have a better understanding. Also I'm not a fast typer so it takes me a while to type a long responce!

:rolleyes:So, I have more posts than you! 😛

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 04-12-2001).)


Originally posted by Dominick:
**i have been hanging around spice SO MUCH that nowi'm an upstanding citizen in rebel space


Good, you need upstanding citizen to get the alien missions (you will only get it from a planet with a bar on which you are upstanding citizen). You may have to do other missions for the rebels as well, not sure. If you did the "Transfer confed documents" mission, then you cannot get the rebel alien mission.


If you can do the turin transformasion missions. That helps grately.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
first get all the proton turrets and cannons

I think guns are pretty pointless, knowing that I never even see my enemy before they are dead. 😄



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.


Originally posted by Mizra:
**I think guns are pretty pointless, knowing that I never even see my enemy before they are dead.:D


But you'll be sorry when the remaining ships do get through the waves of guided weapons. They (the guided weapons) are basically harmless in close duels and dogfights with swarms of fighters. Having atleast a few proton weapons are vital for keeping your ship safe from intruding, fast ships.

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
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