Where would you rather live?


Originally posted by Entropy:
**It's "Nebuchenazzer."


Actually, "Nebuchadnezzar" 😄

I`d like to live on the Space station of Love 😉

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

Don't you mean Satellite of Love? 😄

...When Soulblighter confronted the Trow, demanding their continued servitude, they replied,"Set iron to rest and choose you one from our number. Ask of his name and what he owes you."

First off, I've never seen the SOL, but if anyone has, please tell me about it. Second, I would live on Palshife, all the way. Rebels rule!

If a PC crashes in the forest, and no one hears it, did it really crash?

I would prefer to live on Earth. I love my home planet.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Earth is nice, but the Confeds have it, so I wouldn't exactly want to go there. For me, I think I would probably live on Palshife. Beautiful world, pristine oceans, majestic islands, ahhhhh.... Lovely. Palshife definitely has my vote.

P.S. To all Rebels Lovers; if you want a webboard just committed to the Rebellion, then visit The Catacomb's (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/fthecatacombfrm2")Rebel's Corner(/url) ezboard! It's a great place to discuss Rebel stuff, and it also needs more visitors!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Decisions, decisions....

For excitement, beauty and safety: Palshife

For a little less excitement: Sauron

For vacations: Dune is close to adventure, luxury and mystery

Let's see what this button does....

Diphidia! Think about it, it's a great planet. Besides, as much as I'd like to live on Capella, I would imagine that the Rebels bomb it quite often whenever they make raids, so life might not be as peaceful as some think. I also like Palshife (I am a Rebel fan), but if the Confeds ever won the war, anyone on the planet would probably get excecuted for treason, if not killed in the destruction of the planetary defenses. That is where Diphidia comes in. It is a beautiful independant planet that has not been destroyed by ecological disasters (although there was that biological waste scare).

"'Ilegal operations' are not allowed in heaven. Therefore, neither is Windows."

Well, to be honest I'd probably choose Earth or New Bavaria, but another thought that's occurred to me recently is the possibility of taking up residence on New Antigua. Antigua was the first planet I ever dominated, so I would've wiped out all the pirates/crime etc by now, leaving a just tranquil ocean world, dotted with tourist attractions, islands and endless beaches...

"...as we talked excitedly about shovels and precipitation..."

Veillord: You really must explain your sig sometime...

not drowning, waving

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 02-10-2001).)

I have 2 ideas

Earth: The confederate homeworld, and the land of the aristocrats. It's pretty much assured that if you're rich, you're gonna live here. Plus, you might get to blow up some rebel scum. 🙂

Sauron: I would live here for the solitude. People can sometimes REALLY annoy you, and I love the heat, it relaxes me.

Edit: BTW, Nebuchanezzar was a Babylonian king.

(This message has been edited by Amon Zeth (edited 02-11-2001).)

PlanetPhil, thank you for giving me the chance to explain this ... I've been wondering whether everyone just 'got' my sig and so therefore made no comment, or vice versa, but finally someone asked ...
It is a quote from 'The testing of Eric Olthwaite,' an episode in the Ripping Yarns series (by M.Palin & Terry Jones - I think). See it, if u can.

btw - how in Sol did you get such a high Karma rating? It's not fair!

"...as we talked excitedly about shovels and precipitation..."

(This message has been edited by Veillord (edited 02-12-2001).)

Of the original three options, I'd choose Palshife. In the whole galaxy, Emerald would be pretty cool, Northstar too.

If I write a letter to be put in a time capsule to be opened when time travel is possible, and if in my letter I ask for some item to be sent back in time to the point I sealed my time capsule, wouldn't that item appear just as I seal the capsule? Just a thought...