Just what kind of government do the Rebels have?

Just been wondering about this... The Confederation has a sort of democracy/oligarchy (they have a Senate) but they denied Senate seats to any worlds outside the Core Worlds, it seems. Now, however, with all but the Core Worlds in the hands of the Rebellion, there are no Confed worlds w/out Senate seats (so it seems). So the Confederation, as I have said before, has a sort of democracy or oligarchy. So my question is, what kind of government runs the Rebel-controlled worlds? Is it some kind of democracy? Or is it a military government? Does anybody have an answer?
God bless,

UE Patriot


I'd say it's a miltary government but with with government at local ever but with a heavy concentration on militaary above all.



Originally posted by UE Patriot:
**Or is it a military government? Does anybody have an answer?

Well, their ships ARE red, they oppose the evils of the Confed's mercantilism, and they act together like a community...
What kind of government do you think they are? 😉

Anarchy! J/K 🙂

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet


They seem commie enough to me.

Yeah, I'd say a Socalist Democracy, or at least a very liberal government.

Confederation is definatly an Oligarcy.

I'm writing a short "techno-thriller"-style story set in the EV Universe. Confederation is an Oligarcy there (at least at the beginning). Rebellion is a Liberal Worker's State.

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

Simple their government is a rebellion.


I think their government is sort of an alliance. The Rebellion probably has a sort of council, with the president being the lead council member. The council makes descicions with the consent of the president. Each council member represents an individual world.

Just my opinion.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!


Originally posted by Chewbacaa:
**Simple their government is a rebellion.

Rebellion isn't a type of government 😛


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**I think their government is sort of an alliance. The Rebellion probably has a sort of council, with the president being the lead council member. The council makes descicions with the consent of the president. Each council member represents an individual world.

Just my opinion.


Just to expand your vocabulary, there's a term for that. It's called a Representative Democracy.

May the world never rest in peace.

Ohhhh, thanks goomeister.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

There is no such thing as one Rebellion government, anymore than there was one government for the Allies or the Axis powers during WWII. Each of the Rebel worlds has its own local governing authority. These planets obviously share resources, but otherwise they seem to go about their individual affairs. Palshife is home to the military command, true, but not any kind of overarching civil government. As Captain Carnotaur pointed out, it's an alliance. But only a military one.

This, of course, is one more reason why the Rebellion is doomed...but that's another topic. 🙂

burn it clean

The rebels operate like a guerilla, I think.

"Anyone can just go in there and kill someone, but you don`t get information from a corpse"
--SEAL motto

I think the Rebellion is some kind of military allience between its
worlds which cooperate as one body, but each with its own local government
which work as one. They seem as though there is a higher authority as well,
such as a government that rules from Palshife and directs the government
of the individual planets.

Just my thoughts.

"The optimistic punch!"



Originally posted by goomeister:
Just to expand your vocabulary, there's a term for that. It's called a Representative Democracy.

And another name for THAT is Democratic Republic. I'm fairly sure about that..

"A true patriot must always be ready to defend his country against it's government."
-Thomas Jefferson

(This message has been edited by Jormungand (edited 12-01-2000).)

I'm not sure about the rebels.. they've always striked me as a kind of republic.. maybe a constitutional republic. but the Confeds seem fairly communist, according to the intro text..


But the elite and powerful members of
the Confederation were reluctant to give
up their power after the end of the War,
and began a rule of oppression and
tyranny, aided by the powerful
Confederation Navy.

They exploited the outer colony planets
for the benefit of the wealthy Core
Worlds, stripping them of their
resources and coercing the colonists
into forced labor.

"A true patriot must always be ready to defend his country against it's government."
-Thomas Jefferson

I always thought of them as para-military style guerillas.

Sort of like the groups causing all that trouble in Indonesia last year.

But I always have liked the Confeds better...

Jon Potter
Thank you for your cooperation. Good night.


Originally posted by petorina:
**I think the Rebellion is some kind of military allience between its
worlds which cooperate as one body, but each with its own local government
which work as one. They seem as though there is a higher authority as well,
such as a government that rules from Palshife and directs the government
of the individual planets.

Just my thoughts.

"The optimistic punch!"


That seems likely to me.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Originally posted by petorina:
**I think the Rebellion is some kind of military allience between its
worlds which cooperate as one body, but each with its own local government
which work as one. They seem as though there is a higher authority as well,
such as a government that rules from Palshife and directs the government
of the individual planets.

Just my thoughts.

"The optimistic punch!"


That would be my belief. But there are two ways this could be carried out.
() Federation : In case you had any doubts, this is the form of government outlined in the US Constitution. In a federation, a central body makes all final decisions, but each of the states under this ruling body have limited autonomy.
) Confederation : Although they share the same name, the EV Confederation is probably ruled under a federation, not a con federation as the name might suggest. Confederation is the polar opposite of federation. In a confederation, all the states control their own affairs independantly, but confer to decide national matters.
From your description, I think you refer to a confederation (Military alliance says it all).

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 12-03-2000).)

I do have a feeling though that the government on Palshife would be a powerful
one, both in political and military terms and that despite appearances the
worlds of the Rebellion would be rather close-knit. However I think in terms of
influence and authority the governments of individual worlds would not be quite
as strong and would require certain help from a higher Palshife authority from time
to time. I think that the Confederation holds a real power over its worlds and
uses military threat to keep them in line! I believe that the Confederation is some
kind of dictatorship which is concealed by the fact that it had some form
of senate. Even so a think that this senate is influenced by the Confederate
military and maybe even by a powerful political authority as well. I see
the Rebellion government a much more liberal one than that of the Confederation
who seem to me to be very oppressive.But I do think that the Confederate worlds do have some degree of internal power and conrol their own affairs, as long as their actions
do not offend the Confederation's rulers and are in line with their instructions.
I think that in the Confederation failure to do what the "big guys" say could mean death
for those responsible in a Confederate world own government.

Just my thoughts.

"The Optimistic Punch!"

(This message has been edited by petorina (edited 12-10-2000).)

I think they proably have a very similar government to the Adzari(EVO).

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...