What other planets are there......


Originally posted by Rogan:
**How the hell did you get into a light freighter?

They suck, man!

I'm Trading.



Buy an Argosy, replace laserturrets with proton, add some armor and you`re in the trading/pirate business!

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:

If all three (Rebs, Confeds, AND pirates) hate you - tell me, what HAVE you been doing???


Running around and blowing up anything and everything in sight.

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...

Hear, hear! An interesting philosophy which I may adopt myself one day.

The ultimate Pokémon master!
- Corey