What other planets are there......

I'm having trouble with my pilot. I have enough money to buy a Corvette, but, the only place on my map that you CAN buy a Corvette is Yemuro, and i'm not exactly a role model in Yemuro (i.e. They hate my guts).So what other planets are there were you can actually buy a Corvette?


(Double Post)

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com

(This message has been edited by The Catacomb (edited 11-19-2000).)

Armstrong, Stardock Alpha, Earth, Zaxted Starport and many others. Or just bribe your way on and buy it.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**Armstrong, Stardock Alpha, Earth, Zaxted Starport and many others. Or just bribe your way on and buy it.

I can't bribe it :frown: and I DO NOT like confeds! Sorry :frown:


(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 11-19-2000).)

Go to Palshife!

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet


Originally posted by Captain DeBlazio:
**Go to Palshife!

Palshife doesn't sell Corvettes.


Try Akio (what system is that in again? it's somewhere near gamera) and is one of the most technologically advanced rebel planets, and it's not very expensive. I buy most of my stuff from there, but Yemuro definately has the best shipyard. I always try to stay on their good side.



Originally posted by cable_guy:
**Try Akio (what system is that in again? it's somewhere near gamera) and is one of the most technologically advanced rebel planets, and it's not very expensive. I buy most of my stuff from there, but Yemuro definately has the best shipyard. I always try to stay on their good side.

Ok. I'll go there.


Armstrong is a Rebel planet and is on the way i nto the nebula.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com

If the Rebels or Confeds don't like you, try one of the Pirate planets. There's one out past Spica, another 5 jumps beyond Orion (Privateer's Haven), and of course down south beyond Lethe (Pirate's Cove).

If all three (Rebs, Confeds, AND pirates) hate you - tell me, what HAVE you been doing???


KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**If the Rebels or Confeds don't like you, try one of the Pirate planets. There's one out past Spica, another 5 jumps beyond Orion (Privateer's Haven), and of course down south beyond Lethe (Pirate's Cove).

If all three (Rebs, Confeds, AND pirates) hate you - tell me, what HAVE you been doing???


Thankfully, the Rebels like me.


Rebels are cool. Confeds are uncool. Long Live the Rebels. LLTR. 🙂 😉 😄 :eek: 😛


hmmm..... does Port Oread have a shipyard? if it does, it probably sells the Corvette. Except i dont think it has a shipyard. however, i stop by there and by Zaxted a lot to buy good outfits. they're both very advanced stations. Akio, im sure, has Corvettes and Kestrels, and all sorts of turrets etc. Enjoy!


Why not just use our trusty friend res-edit to make some other planet sell it. That's not exactly cheating, it's not like you'd be giving yourself one for free.

"That's my main man mayonnaise!!” - Snoop Dog as a guest on Loveline.
(url="http://"http://www.joljvik.com")The New Website!(/url) ...which isn't up yet! damn CGI!</sarcastic enjoyment>

conqure the damn planet and buy anything you want. Yemuro is one of the weakest planets on the map, but if I were you I would forget the corvett and get a Kestrel 🙂



Originally posted by Freelancer:
**conqure the damn planet and buy anything you want. Yemuro is one of the weakest planets on the map,

I'm in a light freighter.


**but if I were you I would forget the corvett and get a Kestrel:)

I only have enough money to buy a Corvette.

Thanks anyway.



(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-06-2000).)

How the hell did you get into a light freighter?

They suck, man!

"Hello how are you today Im just fine I see you are a little boy I have a little boy myself his name is Matthew I also have a cat his name is Furby he jumps up on my feet when I sit down and watch TV and i clap him on the back I like pizza and tacos and I also like coke and watching TV nice to meet you we have to do this again sometime" \--Mime whos had enough


Originally posted by Freelancer:
but if I were you I would forget the corvett and get a Kestrel:)

Nah, it's too sluggish for its own good, even WITH the engine upgrades. Believe me, i can handle most ships with either a corvette or any rebel capital ship, when a kestrel is a one-way ticket to hell.

"Suppose you were an idiot..
And suppose you were a member of Congress..
But I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain

Pirate planets don't sell corvettes, only kestrels and some light fighters.
Light freighter? What the... if you want to be a trader, then you buy an Argosy - they are well worth the money.



Originally posted by cable_guy:
**Pirate planets don't sell corvettes, only kestrels and some light fighters.
Light freighter? What the... if you want to be a trader, then you buy an Argosy - they are well worth the money.

I am trading and Light freighters have more cargo space.

