for those of you who think you can kill anything

Some may claim the ability to destroy an Alien Cruiser with a Defender is talent, and I have no disagreements with that statement, however, exactly what IS the point of sitting around for 15 minutes killing an Alien Cruiser with a Scoutship when you can eliminate an Alien Cruiser with an upgraded Kestrel.
Sun Tzu, ancient Chinese military philosopher, wrote in "Art of War" -"I have heard of military campaigns that were clumsy but swift, but I have never seen any military campaigns that were skilled but protracted. "
So, I ask you now to take a second look at how you spend your time playing EV, not to mention all activities in your life.
Wow, you really can learn things on the EV boards.
(ps) Homeworld is a cool game, take a look at it.

"War is like love;It always finds a way" - Brecht


Originally posted by !Simon:
**Defenders only have enough room for 3 laser cannons, though (IIRC). That's only 2 proton.


Four. They have 5 tons of free space.

And Tallgeese, there are several reasons why.

1. Good way to waste time
2. Because you can
3. So you can brag you did
4. Why not?

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

The strongest thing I can destroy in a shuttlecraft is a gunboat.

To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The strongest thing I can destroy in a shuttlecraft is a gunboat.


Thats with a missile jammer yes?
If not, then I say BS

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!

Nope no missile jammer. However, the only way I killed a gunboat is when it wasn't attacking me, and I went up behind it, and BANG! I maneuvered and made sure that I was always in back of it, and it eventually blew up.

P.S. What does "BS" mean?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

BS means Bullsh*t

Something rumbles, far away...


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Nope no missile jammer. However, the only way I killed a gunboat is when it wasn't attacking me, and I went up behind it, and BANG! I maneuvered and made sure that I was always in back of it, and it eventually blew up.

P.S. What does "BS" mean?


I don't think this goes into the Honorable Combat awards hehehe. But if it works great. Just don't do that to me k 🙂

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!

Looookk geeze I destroyed two Confed Cruisers once in the spica systam and I beat them at the same time so stop yapping that it's imposible to do something like this, cause it's posible! :mad:

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet


Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
**What is the Monty Python maneuver(sp?)? I know what Monty Python is, and I know that the move is used a lot, and that some people think that it is cheating. What is this commonly referred to move?



The Monty Python is a tactic for killing almost anything. What you do is:

() Make the opponent waste his long range weapons (Including fighters)
) Get your opponent so that he is just on the edge of your weapon range
() Match your opponent's speed as closely as possible
) Blast the sh*t out of him! He won't fire back!

This works because of a minor bug in the AI. That's why some people consider it cheating. I try to avoid using it. It makes the game too easy.

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-12-2000).)

Sorry, wraith, but you are wrong. It is possible to kill an alien cruiser with the stock defender. I tried it, to speed things up, I took away all weapons from the cruiser except its beam, because you can assume your escorts take care of the fighters, and you wait until the cruiser wastes all its projectiles on you. Then it becomes really easy, if you have the tractor beam, and much harder if you don't. Because the defender has such a high acceleration, it can hold the cruiser in one place, and won't let it spin at all. Then just keep firing the standard three laser cannons, and slowly you can bring the shields down, I stopped at 90% because I had no need to go further. which took about a minute. Without a tractor beam it is possible, just a lot harder because all your shots have to hit it, and you can't be hit or you are launched way way out.

Hopefully this will settle this debate once and for all, except probably launch a new flood of people saying they can do it... oh well 🙂



Originally posted by Chamrin:
Sorry, wraith, but you are wrong. It is possible to kill an alien cruiser with the stock defender. I tried it, to speed things up, I took away all weapons from the cruiser except its beam, because you can assume your escorts take care of the fighters, and you wait until the cruiser wastes all its projectiles on you.

One thing to keep in mind with assuming that it "wastes" all its projectiles on you: ONE SEEKER DRONE EASILY KILLS A DEFENDER. I'm not sure if it would be fast enough to keep up with you 😉 oh wait I forgot that if you're using Monty Python you can't be going any faster than your target. So, in all likeliness, one seeker drone would eventually get you. Still, I'm not doubting that this is theoretically possible..... myself, maybe I shouldn't be talking b/c I have NO skills at Monty Python.........


Well, my main mount is an upgraded Corvette. You've all heard me make big noises about how excellent a pilot I am in it.

I can destroy ANYTHING in a corvette - I even managed to shoot up an alien fighter within 5% of it's shields. (Not quite destruction, I know.)

-subject change

It is IMPOSSIBLE to hold an Alien Cruiser still with a tractor beam in a Defender. You can't POSSIBLY hold enough fuel in it to power the beam. (without cheating, that is...)

I am ElGuapo7, folks - master of piloting, tactics, and humility...

Viva Me

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**I am ElGuapo7, folks - master of piloting, tactics, and humility...

Isn't he great, folks? 😄 I'm a fan of his, and I've never even seen him play...

I myself have the piloting skills of a week-old puppy. But if the fates are kind, one fine day ASW will present us with a networkable version of EV. Then the world will thrill to competition between the likes of EIG7, Ankh Starrunner, and other flying assassins.

burn it clean

oh, that's okay, Phil, you could probably beat me...... 🙂 🙂 🙂

I like cheese