for those of you who think you can kill anything

for those of you who think you can kill an alien cruiser or confed cruiser or any other massive ship with a ship such as a defender or a shuttle your out of your mind. it is not possible because their sheilds recharge faster than you can do damage. cloaking and letting escorts do it doesnt count because your escorts are doing the killing. and attacking when they have minimal armor doest count either. P.S. i am aware a modified scoutship can kill a great many things but it cant take out these ships either without letting them waste all their weapons and using the monty python manuver(which doesnt count). so you people who claim you did are either cheating or your as* is sucking wind.
thankyou and

i am lucutis of borg
A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside

i've killed the alien cruiser with an argosy but nothing less

Captain Orne

I don't know what you're thinking about, but I can and have destroyed Confed (and Rebel) Cruisers with a Defender. The shield recharge rate on (human) capital ships is abysmal, and they can easily be defeated by a small but persistant foe. It takes maybe ten minutes or therabouts. The alien ships are another story, though. Anybody who takes one of them down in something small either used the forklift or lied. You will note that I have never claimed to be able to destroy alien ships with a Defender. But I can kill anything else in the EV universe.


(Insert Signature Here)

if you can keep a constant stream of fire (you have to have really good aim) you can easily take down an alien cruiser in anything. b/c it can't turn for $#!+, it doesn't matter what your shields are (as long as you keep away from the fighters), and the 2nd derivative of a circle points to its center (i.e. you can always keep your front end towards something if you're circling it and it's just turning trying to keep up with you). ships w/ turrets make this strategy kinda useless (the turrets can usually keep up with you), but the alien cruiser can't hit you while you're circling

p.s. i'm not pretending to have done it, i'm just saying that it is possible w/o a monty python if it is possible w/ a monty python

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

(This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 10-05-2000).)

And oddly enough, I have found the tactic of straight-at-em strafing runs to be wonderful against ships with turrets, since at high speeds the turrets almost always miss.


(Insert Signature Here)

Why is the Monty Python illegitimate?
It is merely an application of common sense.


Well...., it's sort of a bug ya know.

Yes, I don't know how low of ship you can get the AC with, but I do know that a fully loaded Kestrel takes quite awhile to get its shields down.....soooooo.....................

And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they had all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that the trees had been a bad move and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

First of all...i don't see how you can rule out the monty python maneuver...its a great stragety and if you apply it right it works. Second of all...its the fighters of the alien cruiser that have good shield regeneration...the cruiser is fairly easy as long as you keep away from its front 🙂
As far as human cruisers are concerned...they are a piece of cake...All you have to do is stock up in javelins, aviod projectiles (which i also don't see how you can say is an invalid strategy), use the monty on fighters and make high speed passes on the cruiser while blasting it with lasers or protons and javs...javelins are great for drastically improving your close up attack (which in my opinion is the only way to master one of the greatest games of all time :).


Alien Fighters are probably the most difficult ship to beat, the Alien Cruiser, as it has been said, all you have to do is stay away from its front and avoid the fighters.

Captain Orne


Originally posted by Kevin Jordan:
**Why is the Monty Python illegitimate?
It is merely an application of common sense.

Yes, this comment actually makes sense. It should be legitimate because it takes skill to pull it off. This is the way to beat it with a defender. Also having escorts which are Rebel cruisers help.

How strange... To have gone so far and to want so little.



Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Yes, this comment actually makes sense. It should be legitimate because it takes skill to pull it off. This is the way to beat it with a defender. Also having escorts which are Rebel cruisers help.


it is legitimate because EV let it be done.

Captain Orne

What is the Monty Python maneuver(sp?)? I know what Monty Python is, and I know that the move is used a lot, and that some people think that it is cheating. What is this commonly referred to move?

: 😕:

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM

Technically you can kill AC with deffender and you don't have to cicle. Grab it with tractor beam( it won't be able to turn, run or kill you) and fly away from the fighters not forgetting to fire at AC with non stop. Eventually you'll kill it. I didn't tried it in deffender but probably did it in all other ships. The only one bad thing that can happen to you is that A. fighters may get to you first 😄 :eek:



Originally posted by Slav:
**Technically you can kill AC with deffender and you don't have to cicle. Grab it with tractor beam( it won't be able to turn, run or kill you) and fly away from the fighters not forgetting to fire at AC with non stop. Eventually you'll kill it. I didn't tried it in deffender but probably did it in all other ships. The only one bad thing that can happen to you is that A. fighters may get to you first:D :eek:


If you missed wraith's post which started this topic, then let me reiterate: you can't kill an AC w/ a defender because three laser cannons aren't enough to stop its regen, unless you're using a cheater plug. I haven't tried it for myself, but it'd make more sense if you tried to counter that argument by comparing laser cannon damage w/ AC shield regen, not by talking about strategies, all of which are fairly obvious 😉


if wraith has done the calculations right, it's impossible for a defender to kill the AC (i think it is) unless with external help.

Captain Orne

It is impossible witht the stock defender. But I think 3 proton cannons are enough to keep just above its reg rate. Just takes a hell of alot longer when you think about 1 torp knocks roughly 1% of its shield. 🙂

but, I have done it only in a Scoutship with max proton cannons. Just keep on its ass or you can say bye-bye

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!

oh and it is funny how wraith says we got to get a life, yet he still posts on the board. hmmm.... something is wrong there...

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!


Originally posted by Capt. Splender:
**It is impossible witht the stock defender. But I think 3 proton cannons are enough to keep just above its reg rate. Just takes a hell of alot longer when you think about 1 torp knocks roughly 1% of its shield. 🙂

but, I have done it only in a Scoutship with max proton cannons. Just keep on its ass or you can say bye-bye


Defenders only have enough room for 3 laser cannons, though (IIRC). That's only 2 proton.


If it has enough room for 3 laser cannons than it has enough room for 2 jav. pods. 999 javelins (no mass!!) will be enogh for AC. Checked already 🙂



Originally posted by wraith:
**P.S. i am aware a modified scoutship can kill a great many things but it cant take out these ships either without letting them waste all their weapons and using the monty python manuver(which doesnt count).

You can't do a Monty Python on an alien cruiser; its fusion beam will take you out easily.

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