Alien Cruiser Help

Fought against the A.C. last night with a Kestrel. The rebel destroyers didn't come with me half the time and sometimes when they did, they just concentrated on the alien fighters to no avail. I don't think I can take out the fighters with the Kestrel, even with help.

Once in about 10 battles I got the A.C. down to 8% with help from another rebel before I died. Even then, it was hard, because I had to stay almost right on top of the A.C. to avoid his gun. I was maxed on primary weapons, turrets, and used a secondary weapon the entire time. Anything else I should be doing to help E.T. meet his demise?


Forget about secondary wepaons, concentrate on guns and turrets and stay behind him, ignore the fighters. Um, that's about it. There' probably more detailed info on my site.



Sneak up behind him, and turn it on. Keep firing oyur primary weapon while you're dragging him along.

Same for the fighters.

I wouldn't even THINK about taking an AC or AF (especially AF) without a tractor beam.

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)

The Tractor beam helps immensly!!But don't even bother with the fighters bytw.

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You gotta stock up on javilines and get behind the AC, use your proton turrets and and javilines in synce, forget about the damm AF. :)It should dice em up 🙂

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Two words: confederate cruiser. Give it a tractor beam, get ehind the A.C. (difficult, but possible), ten pour all the firepower you have on it.

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

My Kestrel doesn't seem to have a tractor beam and I can't buy a Rebel Cruiser anywhere that I've seen.

Should I forget trying with the Kestrel?

Will I be able to buy a Rebel Cruiser at some point?

Jim 🆒

Wern't you lisining to me?! Javilines dammit! Javilines! And no, you can't get a Rebel Cruiser, this is the mission to get the Rebel Cruser! :mad:

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Wait, don't you know how to get a forklift? 🆒

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

The alien cruiser is easy. To kill it, you just have to get behind it. It will turn to try and get to you. Just turn circles around it while firing. You need to circle it at the same speed it turns at so that you stay behind it. The cruiser's dead in no time.

May the world never rest in peace.


Originally posted by Captain DeBlazio:
Wait, don't you know how to get a forklift?🆒

That's cheating. It detracts from the game, don't do it.



Originally posted by Captain DeBlazio:
**Wait, don't you know how to get a forklift?🆒

I hope that was a joke.

(url="http://"") Skyblade Software (/url)

Who cares if it's cheating? This person needs help without work, work, work, slave, salve, slave, slave. OOOHHH now! I think people have to cheat to live, has anyone else not cheated in their entire lives? EH? SPEAK UP!! :mad:

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Slug: The Tractor beam you can only get if you work for the REBELS. Without cheating, you can't get a Confed Crusier AND a tractor beam. Go back to the Ares Boards and stop pretending you know EV

DeBlazio: Javelins are a worthless waste of money. To kill it with those, you have to keep turning so you're directly behind it, and if it turns, you get a potentially deadly whiff of the Fusion Beam.

With a Tractor Beam, it CAN'T turn and you tell it where to go, instead of vice versa. Much less work.

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost **

Yes you can get the tractor beam and the confed cruiser for the AC, here's how:

First way:
- capture a confed cruiser
- do the astrodyne missions
- do the alien missions

Second way:
- do both the confed and rebel strings at the same time (yes, this is perfectly possible within the guidelines set by the plug)
- do the confed alien missions first (or capture a confed cruiser)
- do the other alien missions

-- Nikolaus Wegner

(This message has been edited by nwegner (edited 11-12-2000).)


Originally posted by jimschwaiger:
**Fought against the A.C. last night with a Kestrel. The rebel destroyers didn't come with me half the time and sometimes when they did, they just concentrated on the alien fighters to no avail. I don't think I can take out the fighters with the Kestrel, even with help.

Once in about 10 battles I got the A.C. down to 8% with help from another rebel before I died. Even then, it was hard, because I had to stay almost right on top of the A.C. to avoid his gun. I was maxed on primary weapons, turrets, and used a secondary weapon the entire time. Anything else I should be doing to help E.T. meet his demise?

PWD 🆒**

I killed the A.C. (on the Confederate side) by hiring lots of escorts (6 or 7 Lightnings was all the nearest Spaceport Bar had). The moment I entered battle the Lightnings let loose with all their missles, and there was some sort of ship around too, because I also saw lots of torpedoes, and Lightnings do not have torpedoes. I was too busy trying to kill the A.C to find out what the other ship was 🙂 but it should have been my Confed Cruiser escort, or a wandering Rebel destroyer. By the time I got near the A.C. the missiles had taken away half its shields, and my Lightning escorts were pounding away with their heavy rockets and cannon. All I had to do was fly in a circle around the A.C. (hold down A and forward) firing my guns and Javelins. Took maybe one minute. 200 Javelins was all I used.
The A.C. was turning to face me all the time so it ignored the Lightnings firing at it. The A.F. killed a few of the Lightnings but the damage was done. It helps a great deal to slow the game speed down. I set it to 50% for that combat. Javelins are vital. You also need 2 Javelin Pods for maximum fire rate. I had the Particle Beam but found on previous (failed) attempts that you run out of fuel to power it before doing any significant damage.

Javelins are not needed. Waste of Money. No Escorts are needed either. Another waste of money. Only Proton Bolts. And a Tractor Beam (the best things in EV are free).

But I guess the misguided who work for the confeds can't get the Tractor Beam.

Oh well.

Tractor Beam > Javelins

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost **

Wha! Wha! Mommy! Give me a break, what if you don't have a tractor beam? Dammit, I destoyed the Alien Cruiser with a Corvette. Now stop pretending you Know everything and s****p! And no, this is not a joke, for the amphibians out their. :mad:


All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet


Originally posted by Captain DeBlazio:
**Dammit, I destoyed the Alien Cruiser with a Corvette.

I beat it in a Rapier 😛

I'm just voicing my opinions.

And I'm voicing my opinions WITHOUT yelling and unnessesary smilies, unlike someone else...

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost **

Okay, listen up folks: the first pilot file I had, I destroyed the Alien Cruiser EASILY in a Corvette. It's simple enough. Here's the recipe:
->All maneuverablity upgrades
->As many guns and turrets as possible (i.e., 2 Proton Turrets and 5 proton cannons.)
->I used javelins also (two pods; they definitely helped but they are relatively expensive since if you're gonna use 'em you're gonna need 999 of them (yes, 999!!). So, if you're stripped for cash, ok, you don't have to use them but I definitely recommend them.
->You DON'T need a tractor beam, missiles, or rockets; I used torpedoes (yes I used torpedoes -- I use them at close range or long range all the time). But you don't need them. The cruisers they send with you really aren't much help so don't bother relying on them.
->Maneuverability is important. I think it might be easier in a Corvette than in a Kestrel; you might actually think about downgrading.
->Lastly, whatever you do, once you've destroyed it, DON'T LEAVE THE SYSTEM RIGHT THEN! Until it has completely exploded, EV won't see it as "dead" and your mission will be incomplete. I learned this the hard way with the Voinian Dreadnought in EVO.
Good luck.

PS: Don't cheat. The forklift is easy to get, and I can't say I haven't used it but cheating makes the game so much less satisfying...
