What ships used to kill the Alien Cruiserr ?


Originally posted by Night_Demon:
**I did it in a shuttle with just three laser cannons. Nothing else. Who's your daddy?


Not even the engine upgrades?
Those fighters would fry your ass.

That is, unless you happened to have 8 Rebel cruisers as escorts.


Get a Corvette or rapier with all the speed, maneuverability, and acceleration upgrades. Sell all your other mass-uning junk and get 2 torp launchers and about 120 torps. Then just circle at a safe distance and blow the ****er to smithereens. Escorts are for wusses.


In pale, Locusts and mod rebel cruisers kick ass.


I have done it in a defender with 1 laser cannon

(I forgot to mention the 6 captured rebel cruiser escorts)


"P.S. If you like lots of Alien ships to kill, try the Empress' Decree mission of Galactic Scourge--there are 10 of them."

---or, if you REALLY like to fight aliens, try standing up to the frickin tough ass last mission in EMPIRE, there's hundreds of them! with like these super alien ships, damn that's a tough battle.

in regular ev i must admit i don't think i've tried doin it in any ship other than my kestrel, which i of course soup up with mass proton turrets, fixed proton guns, torps, missiles, rockets, and javelins, and don't forget the javelins, but i also use my dandy tractor beam!

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Originally posted by Yoda:
**I have done it in a defender with 1 laser cannon

(I forgot to mention the 6 captured rebel cruiser escorts)

Same but without the escorts. Took damn near forever to do too

Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.


Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Same but without the escorts. Took damn near forever to do too


Especially considering that it's impossible to beat the regen rate w/ one laser cannon 🙂 I've done it in a corvette, and in a scoutship in a plug that gave more escorts for that mission.


who the hell cares get out of this time warp and play something recent for crist sakes

I am the SuperStar Destroyer,soon you will all feel my wrath
A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside


Originally posted by wraith:
**who the hell cares get out of this time warp and play something recent for crist sakes
<IMG SRC="http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/smile.gif" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">HAVE A NICE DAY <IMG SRC="http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/smile.gif" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">

What do you play? Doom? Jeez man, lighten up on the present stuff, or I will just have to kick your butt.....................

Go with a PC and get the latest games.

My comp is most deffinatly faster then yours wraith, so I wouldn't talk.

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!