Alien Fighter

The best way is with a suped up rebel destroyer. It needs all turn speed and accel. upgrades. It also needs a tractor beam and full turrets and cannons. Use you speed to catch the alien fighter. Hold it with the tractor beam and pound it with your primary weapons. The alien fighter can turn while in your tractor beam but you can still easily out manuver it.

Why are there no maroon ships?

Yes it can turn, but very slowly, just keep circuling it untill it is dead. Tractor beam iis a turret so this makes it easy.

Those who stand, will always fall.


Originally posted by cruiser:
**It's been a long time now, but I think EV had Alien Fighter Bombers as well as Alien Fighters (or was that just EVGE). Killing them would be done the same way as all small, fast ships with very high shield regeneration. The Alien Fighter Bombers are VERY dangerous to take on unless you have a full Capital ship.

One method, other than the Forklift (or Black Lightning in EVGE) is to obtain a strong ship with pretty good speed and a beam weapon that pushes the fighter away. What you do is drive toward it at the same speed that the beam is repelling the fighter. You can cut the beam occationally to allow the figher closer in case it's repelled out of damage range. If it's a EVGE Fighter Bomber, keep it at a good distance or it will thump on you. The hard part is keeping the fighter "on the line". That is, if it gets off center of the direction of travel, you will go right past it and have to start over again. It's especially hard it you're trying to capture rather that kill it because it has very little armor, so you have to stop just in time.

I know this method works because I've used it often, but it is a REAL skill thing.**

EVGE has absolutely no "Alien Fighter Bombers" (however its a neat idea though). The only alien ships EVGE adds are: Alien Battlecruiser, Alien Attack Fighter, Alien Marauder, and Alien Command Ship.

Anyway, I've found that the best way to kill an alien fighter is to purchase a big warship (Confed Cruiser, Rebel Cruiser) and give it the maximum amount of extra shielding, armor, proton cannons, and proton turrets. Get yourself a tractor beam. Go out with a bunch of escorts and attack the alien cruiser. When an alien fighter attacks you, tractor beam it. Once you have it, turn towards it and pellet the thing with your guns.

Another idea is that you outfit yourself with neutron cannons, however the alien fighter has to be closer.


The Alien Fighters is a pain in the ass. I havent figured out a good way to take em yet...

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-