Mass Driver

I just finished kicking Alien butt for the Rebellion, and have purchased my first Rebel Cruiser. I notice the Mass Driver is also now available. Is it worth the trouble, or is it one of those neat sounding but useless things like the Neutron Blaster?

Long live the Rebellion and all that.

--Captain Carrot

It's worthless, like the Neutron Cannon.

~Andrew M

Indeed: on the deep end of worthlessness, the Mass Driver is rivalled only by the wimpy Particle Beam. Save your hard earned credits.


if you lived here, you'd be home by now

I would disagree, in certain condtions (as with the Neutron Cannon) it can be quite usefull. It has an extremly long range, and makes an exellent 'spraying' weapon if you are low on ammo and shields. It is also very accurate. I'll admit I don't use it often, but it has come in great handy once or twice. My reccomendation would be to try it out and experiment. Everyone has a different fighting style.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

Hmmmmm, I would probably buy the mass driver. Its actually quite powerful, and it needs NO ammo. Pretty nice weapon.

P.S. The Neutron Cannon is NOT that good a weapon.


particle beam rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best close range weapon by far! beam weapons rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Neutron Cannon is NOT that good a weapon.

It is if you're pulling the Monty Python Maneuver 😄

"Let's do this!"
Titan A.E.


Originally posted by Cotton Moose:
**It is if you're pulling the Monty Python Maneuver:D

But only then. I prefer a weapon that's effective if you also, for some demented reason, happen to be standing still, or flying towards your opponent. 😛


I use 3 Massdrivers on my "Rebell Crucher" (Cruiser), kicks arse! It´s a great for Monty Python too! (long range, accurate, heavy damage and so on (actuly thats all)). Da only bad thing, I only got 15tonns og cargo space...gotta get cargo pod. -Shadow

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

I sold some of my weapons to get 4 mass drivers, it kicks arse man! You take down Frigates in 5 seconds flat, you cant tell me that aint good...

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

So how are you and constable Angua getting along Captain? (Said to the background of of growls and the mauling of many Klatchian Soldiers).

I always use it when dominating planets (wich is all I do right now). It´s great. I fly a Confederate Cruiser, named "Confederate Crucher". I have my old ship as my escort, the "Rebel Crucher", wich is a Rebel Cruiser. I worked for the rebbels, and I have good stats on all their planets, but their ships always attack me, why? Is it cuz I fly a Confederate Crusire? Dosn´t matter (but is that why?) cuz I will take over the whole gallaxy (I hope)!!!!!! MMOOOAAHHAHAHAHA!!!

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow


Originally posted by Commander Samuel Vimes:
So how are you and constable Angua getting along Captain? (Said to the background of of growls and the mauling of many Klatchian Soldiers).

I was wondering when someone would notice. We've been vacationing in Uberwald, actually...

--Captain Carrot

Yes, I don't think there are that many pratchett fans on this webboard, to tell the truth I don't think that many people here read. Then again I could be wrong.

Do not let me detain you...

Mass driver and the Neutron Blaster is the best secondary and first weapons available. Missiles are useless because they crash into the asteroids in systems in asteroid fields and they are possible to jam. Escorts are only effective if you have up to 6 or more and the repulsor beam? I cant even figure out why Ambrosia wasted their time developing this weapon.

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

I read all the time

You're unique, just like everybody else.

Those things, those things! They're all around, they hide in the corners until they see light...

the 2 best weapons in the game: torpedoes and particle beam!



Originally posted by Havelock Vetinari:
**Yes, I don't think there are that many pratchett fans on this webboard, to tell the truth I don't think that many people here read. Then again I could be wrong.

Do not let me detain you...**

Excuse ME!!! I read A LOT, and I do mean a lot. Iread every kind of book, too, so long as it is well written.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.


Originally posted by Begemotike:
**Excuse ME!!! I read A LOT, and I do mean a lot. Iread every kind of book, too, so long as it is well written.

I would imagine that those on this board who read are the ones most appreciative of plugins with interesting plotlines, backstories and worldbuilding, and those who don't read prefer the ones that give them a bunch of really big guns. Just at a guess.

--Captain Carrot

More'n likely. That's why Eye of Orion is my favorite plugin, with Frozen Heart right behind.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.