very good topic. what planets have you concered and how? concering

i think this is a good topic. i have only concered pirates cove and now they pay me 3000 a day. what have you concered and how?

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Darkness is coming...

(This message has been edited by JuddAS (edited 04-12-2000).)


mx big kestrel wrote:
**i think this is a good topic. i have only concered pirates cove and now they pay me 3000 a day. what have you concered and how?


I think you meant dominated. I have dominated all of them. How? Well it took almost fovever, but I captured six Confederation Cruisers (as escorts) with my Rebel Cruiser. Before any one says that is impossible. It's not. It does take a time time to do it though.

Darkness is coming...


mx big kestrel wrote:
**i think this is a good topic. i have only concered pirates cove and now they pay me 3000 a day. what have you concered and how?

WTF does "cocered" mean?
And how do you do it to a planet?

All that can be done in EV is to 'dominate' planets; destroy their defense fleets and force them to pay you money. The pirate planets are fairly easy to dominate, some Confed planets are really tough. I have generally given up dominating planets since fighting the defense fleets is so boring.


Sadly, my reflexes aren't fast enough to dominate planets. :frown: But they're good enough to put up a fight. I can't even dominate Levo in my Kestrel

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Andrew M wrote:
**Sadly, my reflexes aren't fast enough to dominate planets.:frown: But they're good enough to put up a fight. I can't even dominate Levo in my Kestrel


Sir, they are only defenders. You can do it.

Darkness is coming...


JuddAS wrote:
Sir, they are only defenders. You can do it.

My reflexes still suck. πŸ™‚ I have trouble killing Dreadnoughts in Igazras they're so bad.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."
Β— Unknown

Use space mines. That will do it. As you well know, they do take up a lot of space though.

Darkness is coming...


Andrew M wrote:
**My reflexes still suck.:) I have trouble killing Dreadnoughts in Igazras they're so bad.


at least you found dreadnoughts. i havent.

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

All of them, without cheating

Evil will always triamph over good... because good is dumb.

(for those that play UO, fill in chaos with evil, and order with good πŸ™‚ )


JuddAS wrote:
Use space mines. That will do it. As you well know, they do take up a lot of space though.

But those always kill me! Even in systems w/ no ships or asteroids.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


Tor_of_chaos wrote:
**All of them, without cheating


Of course with out cheating! I am not the only one who has done this.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


mx big kestrel wrote:



Andrew M wrote:

**My reflexes still suck.:) I have trouble killing Dreadnoughts in Igazras they're so bad.


at least you found dreadnoughts. i havent.


Yeah, that's because they are in EVO, not EV πŸ˜›

And you can only find them if you accept the UE missions were you have to destroy them. πŸ˜›

Play the game, learn spelling, then come back and post. Our moderators should REALLY do something about you and your ignorant ways...

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost

mx big idiot-answering your question, I have dominated all of Confed space (including Sol), all of independent space (including Lethe/Cydonia) and all of pirate space. The only reason I didn't dominate the entire damm galaxy is that I can't destroy Rebel Ships, something inside of me just won't let me.

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost

once you have completed all the missions, you already have the best ship dominating planets accomplishs nothing. The time is just too much. I spent hours conquering Council Station in EVO. Match me killing the Con. Cruiser in a suoped up scoutship and you're on.



OctoberFost wrote:


mx big kestrel wrote:



Andrew M wrote:

**My reflexes still suck.:) I have trouble killing Dreadnoughts in Igazras they're so bad.


at least you found dreadnoughts. i havent.


Yeah, that's because they are in EVO, not EV πŸ˜›

And you can only find them if you accept the UE missions were you have to destroy them. πŸ˜›

Play the game, learn spelling, then come back and post. Our moderators should REALLY do something about you and your ignorant ways...


i thought you said you wont post on this site any more, Chump!dont make me nypas(nock your punk a$$ down)m'kay?

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Mx big kestrel, OctoberFost will post whenever he wants to, and so will every other intelligent person on this board. Oh, and please read my "More about the EV community" topic on the EVO board.

OctoberFost: I would suggest ignoring him. The moderators have already said that they will start taking action if this kind of crap continues. Let's be an exclusive friendly community, not an inclusive bickering community, ok?

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345


Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'KrΓΌg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!

-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.


Originally posted by Slug:

Who cares? And why can't you use 'crap' like a normal human?

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-18-2000).)


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Who cares? And why can't you use 'crap' like a normal human?


Yeah andrew, you show that little crapper! I can say it too. Crap, crap crap.(ps, note to person who can't write crap. Who ever can't write crap is a piece of crap who stepped in a crappy crap and craped on his crap.

dont hurt the confed but board the dead