Curse of the PC!!!

Dear Macintosh Users,

I apologize for posting a message that relates to the PC, but I believe that it is necessary.

I am cursed with having a PC instead of a Mac, therefore I am unable to play any 'Ambrosia Software' that is produced. I have been a gamer for many years and have never come across a company that has produced games that did not leave anything out. My all time favroite is Escape Velocity. The only way that I am able to play this wonderful game is at a friend of mines house. Since I know that Ambrosia SW is not going to release any of its games for the PC in the near or planning future, I would like people to give me names of any games that are simular to EV. I know nothing will come close to EV, but I need something that will try and satisfy me until the day that I can buy a mac.

Thanks to all who reply constructivley!

PS: I am already expecting to recieve mail from mac users saying how much PC's suck, and I quite agree, therefore it would be a waste of your time responding in such a manner.


Sell the PC, get a mac. (url="http://"") has cheap macs if you want them. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Joshua Jackson
AKA: Jak205
AIM: Jak205 Takitman JJEDIJ

"Life is a donut, get eating" Unkown

I already posted this as a reply to another similar question. It does, however, cover most of what you need to know so I thought I'd stick it up again.

If you're using executor it's rather complicated to get it to work but it CAN be done. I've got both a PC and a Mac so I decided one day to see if I could make the jump across platforms. Before you go any farther, I must warn you that it was rather laggy and unresponsive (But Still Slightly Playable) on a Pentium Pro 200 so if your system is worse than that, I'd recomend not even trying.

The most recent version of Executor is MUCH less buggy and has a 30 day trial limit but it still suffers from the same lag.

If you're still interested, here's what you do:

Download and install Executor from (url="http://"") It's a demo, I believe, and costs a rather hefty sum to purchase the full version. I didn't use it long enough to discover any time limits but I can say that it appeared rather buggy.

Next, Download the Escape Velocity .Bin file. DO NOT try to open it in executor. We'll leave that to windows.

Go to (url="http://"") and download their freeware Aladdin Expander. It can handle just about any compression format on the face of the planet. Once you have that installed, locate the "Apps" directory in the Executor folder and once inside there, find the "Shareware" directory. Decompress the .bin file into that directory and then fire up Executor.

(Alternate Method Of The Previous Step) You can also use the copy of "Stuffit Expander" that comes with executor. Place the .bin file in the /Apps/Shareware/ directory in the executor directory and then fire up the program. Open Stuffit Expander and use the File menu to select the Expand option. Locate the .bin file and you can decode the installer.

The installer should then be in the "Shareware" directory and you'll be able to launch that inside the emulator. Wait for the install procedure to finish and then locate the game. It should work even if it's rather laggy.

Good Luck


You posted this before hey? And any one who says it is difficult must be missing at least half there brains. Also i would suggest sofmac from (url="http://"") It has a better emulator, but you need a mac rom image to use it. You can get one of these off another mac (it is illegal if the rom image is being used at the same time as the mac for some stupid reason)using a I don't know how this runs but it has got to better than executor. Besides that, all that AJ@work says is good

Fear is not owning a baseball bat

How do you dare to say "PC`s curse"?
PC is better than your Mac shlt,believe it or not. You are a bunch of good-for-nothing-Mac-losers. A$$HOLES.


windowsrules wrote:
How do you dare to say "PC`s curse"?
PC is better than your Mac shlt,believe it or not. You are a bunch of good-for-nothing-Mac-losers. A$$HOLES.

Well then, if your arrogant PC ego is so far above us lowly mac users, please take it elsewhere.

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster

Have you ever played this game before windowsrules? I have, and i am a PC user. Its one of the greatest games ever made so **** off

Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!

๐Ÿ˜• AJ, I am having a problem with loading the EV installer.
I followed the directions to the letter, but when I opened Executor and tried to run EV installer, it brought it up as a TexEd file and won't run the installer. Any advice?

Champion, did you change your signature and add what cold fusion said? Ah, yes, and well said about EV.


Another thing, windows dude: You are lucky we just got a course on not nailing people like you to a tree...


open the stuffit expander thing and use that. run exucutor in full screen mode for better results if your 30 days run out u can set the date on your computer back


tempestro wrote:
**Dear Macintosh Users,

I apologize for posting a message that relates to the PC, but I believe that it is necessary.

I am cursed with having a PC instead of a Mac, therefore I am unable to play any 'Ambrosia Software' that is produced. I have been a gamer for many years and have never come across a company that has produced games that did not leave anything out. My all time favroite is Escape Velocity. The only way that I am able to play this wonderful game is at a friend of mines house. Since I know that Ambrosia SW is not going to release any of its games for the PC in the near or planning future, I would like people to give me names of any games that are simular to EV. I know nothing will come close to EV, but I need something that will try and satisfy me until the day that I can buy a mac.

Thanks to all who reply constructivley!

PS: I am already expecting to recieve mail from mac users saying how much PC's suck, and I quite agree, therefore it would be a waste of your time responding in such a manner.


I dont care about wasting time...PCS SUCK!!! MACS RULE!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„ I am and forever will be, a BIG mac, and ambrosia (Keep making AWESOME games guys) supporter ๐Ÿ˜„

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

May i ask what you actually have against PC's

Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!

I don't mind PC's (except for the fact that they're slow, useless piles of...) I've got friends that run on PC's and they love EV. Mac users always miss out on the good games (excluding Ambrosia software and some other select groups) and when we finally find something as great as EV/O you pompus PC users come in and try to take over.
No offence to PC users. This is a personal matter. The Mac user was almost erased from this being by Wintel (Windows/Intel) and we were a dying breed. Now with the iMac people are flocking back, not (sadly) because the Mac is far superior to the PC but because it looks cool. I'm dead against nearly everything those stupid MicroSoft hotshots do because of the way the early Windows systems were knock-offs of the MacOS. But, with a new iMac on the way (or so rumor has it) holding a superior G- something prosessor (G4 or G5) along with the great looking OS X and the Aqua Interface you'll look like you're running on computers from the time of Jesus.

Again no offence. Just a strong opinion.
And does that answer your question?


Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright


Dreadnought wrote:
**I'm dead against nearly everything those stupid MicroSoft hotshots do because of the way the early Windows systems were knock-offs of the MacOS.


Thats for the courts to decide. Although i happen to remember a certain court case against Microsoft a few years ago? I have a sneaking suspicion that Microsoft may have won that. How about it! But i think Bill Gates must have bribed the jury because it really is a rip off.
Also, do i go round on PC boards saying that people using Softwindows are ripping off PC? NO! So don't do it here. This is suppossed to be EV related on this page, but i fear this is not.
And who says people are using imacs because they look good?
I think they look crap but i would buy one because they run good.
Also Jesus could do miricles. He could make a computer that kick the pants of any mac if he wanted to, so you are really bagging mac here.

Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!

The courts are not deciding on whether or not Windows is a knock-off of Mac OS, they are deciding what to do with the company now that they have ruled it is a monopoly.

Windows is a rip-off, stolen version of Mac OS... it is also a FACT that Microsoft PAID Apple for having "some features" of Mac OS in windows. Apple would of told them to go to hell, except Microsoft already provide a lot of software support Apple could not of afforded to lose... so they had no choice but to surrender. The court is now making sure Microsoft never uses their power to do something like this, and many other "evil" things, ever again.

No one is saying that emulaters are knock-offs, we are saying that WINDOWS is a knock off of Mac OS.

Lastly, "computers from Jesus' time" is a sarcastic remark saying that the new iMacs will make PCs look 2000 years out of date. Even though I like OS X is FAAAAAR overrated and rather suckie. Especially since it only runs OS X apps and you still need OS 9 top run EV and other OS 9 apps...

Tear it down

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 03-28-2000).)


Slasher wrote:
๐Ÿ˜• AJ, I am having a problem with loading the EV installer.
I followed the directions to the letter, but when I opened Executor and tried to run EV installer, it brought it up as a TexEd file and won't run the installer. Any advice?

Did you also try using the copy of Stuffit Expander included in the executor demo? sometimes, windows assigns a text file type to any file without an extension that has been modified recently. the Escape Velocity Installer, nautrally, has no extension. Using "Stuffit expander" in executor can sometimes fix that problem.


There actually was a court case, not the one at the moment but a few years ago. I am also not that stupid to understand sarcasm.
I didn't say that emulators were knock offs, just that dreadnought was complaining that PC users were using this game and he didn't like it, and i didn't do it to mac people. Also dreadnought, you should buy softwindows (or at least the demo) You can get it at either that or it is, i can't remember which.
Also i didn't know that microsoft paid mac, but mac still did sue them that windows 3.1 or whatever was a ripoff of macos 2 or whatever the hell version it was

Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!


windowsrules wrote:
How do you dare to say "PC`s curse"?
PC is better than your Mac shlt,believe it or not. You are a bunch of good-for-nothing-Mac-losers. A$$HOLES.

Go ban yourself or I'll plant you like a tree. ๐Ÿ˜› = ย— And that has no meaning.

ย— A n d r e w ห‡ M ย—

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Buy yourself a better PC or a old iMac.
There are a few (very) good emulators but then youยดll need atleast a Pentium III 500 and emulators suck memory.
So I would prefer to buy an iMac like I did lately.
