Good Plugins?

Does anyone know of a good plugin that's worth downloading?

Yes, there are several, although I have not played them all. Clavius... and Beyond was thoroughly enjoyable, well written, and flowed well. Recommended.


Pale. The single best plugin I have ever played.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

you should try the EV Game Expander (i dunno if that's it's current name, it changed several times). it does a lot for the game, and leaves the original stuff mostly intact


In my opinion, the greatest plugin ever created is Empire 2: Dark Horizons by Tim Isles. It's at (url="http://"") You can also find the prequel, Empire, there.


EV Player wrote:
Does anyone know of a good plugin that's worth downloading?

Empire 2: Dark Horizon.
New Horizons.
Eye of Orion

all excellent


My favorite plugins:
Final Battle
New Republic (looks cool)
EVES (again, looks cool)
EVula's 3D Targets
Black Panel
Escort Carrier

Those last three are VERY good. Hornet isn't all that bad. 🙂


For a good plug go to


I agree, Max! Your plug is very good! (In fact, the best I have ever seen)

Try Quantumire Trilogy by David. It's great. There is not much talk about it on the board (almost none), but I think it can be put in top 3 plug-ins ever made for EV.
Alsow, David is planning to reliase a sequel to Quantumire in a few weeks.



Slav wrote:
Try Quantumire Trilogy by David. It's great. There is not much talk about it on the board (almost none), but I think it can be put in top 3 plug-ins ever made for EV.

It's buggier than hell. It pukes with or without VM, I allocate 65 friggin' megs to EV, it STILL pukes.

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

Website: (url="http://"")

E-mail: (url="http://"")

Dammit EVula! What is it with you? Can't you endorse someone else's plug for a change?

Black Panel is good, I have it, and that ecard of yours is cool, but honestly, what is it that you do?

Apart from be a shameless self promoter (i still think you should change your username to that) what do you do?

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


Maridian wrote:
Apart from be a shameless self promoter (i still think you should change your username to that) what do you do?

He works for Griffin Technologies

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

Website: (url="http://"")

E-mail: (url="http://"")

To Andrew

I don't know why everybody is saying here that Quantumire is so bugged. I played this plug-in finished it and had problem only once (one mission didn't come out when it was supposed to). That's it. Well sometimes the ships graphics were messed up, but a lot of plug-ins have this problem. As for the memory, I gave it 35 Mb (I usually allocate that ammount for playing plug-ins) and it was fine.



Andrew M wrote:
**He works for Griffin Technologies

He works for Griffin technologies? I could have sworn that I read somewhere he was a 16 year old from texas. (i'm probably wrong.)

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

At the moment I'm playing 'Galactic Scourge' and enjoying it immensely 😄


My fav three plug-ins would have to be Pale, Quantumire, and Empire II. You can't download Quantumire right now, because the web page is being fixed, but you can get it off an old Macaddict disc.

"Everything's cool and

Whers this pale??


EV Ultra was an ok plug-in. Some of the best are the Star Wars plugs. Clavius and Beyond was good but a little complicated


Blizzard2 wrote:
EV Ultra was an ok plug-in. Some of the best are the Star Wars plugs. Clavius and Beyond was good but a little complicated

EV ultra had good graphics, but the plug sucked (sorry to anyone who made the plug) It is worth getting to steal the graphics though 😄

Fear is not owning a baseball bat