Deleting logs...

Ah gotcha, thanks. (I usually have played a game for a year before I join the boards, so im new at this asking-questions thing hehe)

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

Do ALL servset a passive trace, or the big ones like the Academic Database (in other words, do I have to worry about deleting logs when I just start out?)

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

I'm curious - for active traces, are there ways to slow down traces besides adding more bounces?

I'll kill you.
(url="http://"")My life(/url)
Tout que je voudrais est vivre la vie que j'aime.

I'm curious - for active traces, are there ways to slow down traces besides adding more bounces? <<

Yes. You want to bounce through sites where you have an account or (even better) admin access.

You can tell the places you have accounts because their square on the map has a dashed box around it. The Uplink Bank shows up like this (hint hint hint).

Places where you have admin access are marked with a solid box (the uplink test machine for instance, though I'm not sure if that particular one buys you much time).


Tip: Deleting the logs at internic is not sufficient if you, say, transfer half a million credits from someone else's bank account to yours - as I just found out :frown:. I got caught within a minute of doing this, just after I started thinking "maybe I should delete transaction logs too...". The worst part is, I didn't even start an active trace. I thought I was safe.

Sigh, start again.

1. You should back up your agent a few times so that you don't have to restart each time.

2. You have to delete transaction logs at both the back that's sending money and the bank that's recieving money. You also have to delete regular logs.

Trust is a weakness.
Have Faith , the Revelation is coming.

OK, I just played the demo for a while, so maybe the full game differs, I don't know. I wanted to ask about gaining root (admin as they call it). So far, I have gained admin on InterNIC, Uplink Test machine and the Academic Database. All the comercial companies revoke the password as soon as I disconnect. I always have ample time to delete logs on the servers (using the v4 log deleter) and I also delete logs at the Uplink Test Server (thinking this is enough to stop a passive trace for just these minor crimes like files copying). I can't find the common denominator for whether they change the admin password or not. How do you guys gain admin access? Is the deciding factor the time which is remaining on the active trace? If you just are quick enough, you don't raise enough suspicion?

Also - I have the impression I once lost admin access just because I routed (bounced) through that system all to often. Is that possible? How do you solve this?

Do you have more routes you use and cycle between them? Is it then possible to save more then one route?

Another thing - is anyone aware of a resource of commands for the console? There is nothing on the Uplink ISS and it's really hard trying everything out on the Uplink Test Server since you have only 200s or so before they disconnect you. :frown:

I know - lot of questions. But a great game...

You don't actually have to log in to get the square box on the map - running the password cracker to completion is sufficient. You only lose your account on internal services systems and systems you bounce through if you are a little bit slow - if you're quick enough, they won't revoke your account and you can re-use it.

When you lose an account, just take a bit of time to get it back. They all give you more time on the important missions. 🙂 For a big hack, I usually spend a couple of minutes beforehand collecting lesser systems to bounce through, and then use them a few times.

Thanx for the hint, will try that. So the internal service systems always revoke the password and others don't? So I guess when you are on an ISS (with a mission for example), you bookmark all those other server in the company and hack those afterwards? Or do you search for xomething completely different in InterNIC?

How about those console commands? Anybody got some man pages? 🙂

The console commands are as following:
help : brings up list of commands
cd dir: brings up all the directories
cd ..: closes you currently opened directory
shutdown : reboots the system
exit: exits the console screen
disconnect: disconnects you from the machine


Originally posted by CompUSA:
The console commands are as following:
help : brings up list of commands
cd dir: brings up all the directories
cd ..: closes you currently opened directory
shutdown : reboots the system
exit: exits the console screen
disconnect: disconnects you from the machine

Two more ...

cd xxx: opens the xxx directory
delete: deletes all the files in the open directory.

You never really need to use cd ..
You can move between directories using the cd xxx without ever going back to the root.
