Will There Be An Uplink Forum?

There are add-ons for the PC version.

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< . . . . . >


Originally posted by WraithSniper:
**Well, sorry if the answer to my question is obvious, but will there be an Uplink forum on the Ambrosia web boards?

Of course not. Don't be ridiculous! ๐Ÿ˜„

There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.


Originally posted by mrxak:
**There are add-ons for the PC version.


None of them are terrific.

Trust is most certainly a weakness.


Originally posted by grunadulater:
None of them are terrific.

Well, um, there is the ability to, uh, create themes and skins. So, uh, the game could look a lot cooler. Oh, there's, uh... fan fiction? I mean, that sounds, um, good, right? Right?

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Originally posted by General Rak:
**Well, um, there is the ability to, uh, create themes and skins. So, uh, the game could look a lot cooler. Oh, there's, uh... fan fiction? I mean, that sounds, um, good, right? Right?


Um, no, um, how about Ambrosia makes one that, um, lets you edit the actual, um, companies and plotline.

(/overuse of um's)

Trust is most certainly a weakness.


Originally posted by grunadulater:
Um, no, um, how about Ambrosia makes one that, um, lets you edit the actual, um, companies and plotline.

(/overuse of um's)

That would, uh, be nice, but, uh, I don't think the, uh, engine, is, uh, built for, uh, that kind of, uh, uh, modification. And, uh, I wouldn't, uh, want the game release to, uh, be delayed, uh, by uh few months.


(url="http://"http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html")Don't Click Here!(/url) -- The pits of hell... | (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/marshalfak")Raw Steel Clan SoF II Homepage(/url)
"Death Waits in the Dark" - 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
Military Technology: (url="http://"http://www.army-technology.com/")Army(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ffiletop.html")Navy(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.naval-technology.com/")Navy II(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.af.mil/news/indexpages/fs_index.shtml")Air Force(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.airforce-technology.com/")Air Force II(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.hqmc.usmc.mil/factfile.nsf/7e931335d515626a8525628100676e0c?OpenView")Marine Corps(/url)
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About modifications to the PC version of uplink:

themes) You can add themes to the game. They're more specifically "skins," but they call them themes.
LANs) By adding a LAN to the game, it automatically generates the company's Internal Services Machine, Central Mainframe, Public Access Server, and others. It's not completely customizable... but you can at least have your own company with a network of computer systems.
gateways) Gateways are the computers you use. You can make more, and add them to the game to buy and work with. They can be cheat ones (200+ CPU slots), or normal ones, balanced.

Key Part in the making of Xichra's Revenge.
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Alright, hate to burst your bubble, but there is always Spam, warez and a number of other things on any major Forum, you'll see. And uhh.. Notice that there are 2 mods, THEY WORK THERE ASSES OFF, you think that slack off, HA! I can prove otherwise. Try running a major forum with "hacking" related things try to keep everything clean, you wonย’t...



Originally posted by c0d3r3d:
**Alright, hate to burst your bubble, but there is always Spam, warez and a number of other things on any major Forum, you'll see. And uhh.. Notice that there are 2 mods, THEY WORK THERE ASSES OFF, you think that slack off, HA! I can prove otherwise. Try running a major forum with "hacking" related things try to keep everything clean, you won?t...


Please don't dig up old topics...


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