Tyrant or Silverfox?

Erm, okay...

As a member of the "Triad"-which is technically composed of me, Swordfish, and Katana-I've grown rather loose from the Avara community as of late, I admit.

I did check out BZFlag-it's a pretty cool game, although not as good as Avara-but the two are almost completely different. Still, there would be Avara II potential, I think.

Anyhow, I believe I'll come back to Avara and play more often, as I should-just, erm, don't expect a set of mine to be released, like, tomorrow, heh. I've gained very little progress in that sector.

-§carlet §torm

Heh. Who the hell is Manatee? Sounds like we have a Sphinx problem.

Ah... Yeah. S/he joined yesterday and seems to have doe\ne so for the express purpose of bugging us. Taz! Get over here!

I think I have actually changed my mind. I've been playing more of fox's levels, and they're good enough to be called legendary. I am in awe of how natural his landscapes feel, particularly in Emotion. When you enter a level, you don't expect it to be so absorbing and engaging towards the player, nor do you expect such beauty. He and Tyrant are definitely the best normal set makers around.

I managed to get in contact with Mondo again, he sent me a pre-beta of The Mine 2! Score! Anyway, it's obviously very far from complete but it was interesting seeing where it was going. Had some nice water effects 😉 It was especially good to see that he was alive and well.

Can someone run down a list of all the Tyrant levels they know of? I'm on a collecting spree.

This post has been edited by Cycle : 09 July 2005 - 07:04 PM

Au Contraire<--Duh
Over Yonder<--Also Duh
The Codex<--Also Also Duh
Ask Dan (Sphinx). He was around in the good old days of Avara and probably has hundreds of Tyrant's levels. He showed me a bunch, but I don't have 'em any more on account of computer problems.