Hi I'm just wanting to get other peoples opinions on what the best ship and the best weapon in the game is and why. I havn't registered yet but I'm looking forward to when I do.
Hi I'm just wanting to get other peoples opinions on what the best ship and the best weapon in the game is and why. I havn't registered yet but I'm looking forward to when I do.
Best ship: Ishmian HVD -- Perfect ballence of firepower, manuverability, and shields
Best Weapon: Audemon Missle -- virtually indestructable, long range, high dammage, rapid fire rate, good speed.
Elejeetian Onas Pulse
lala i need a sig...maybe i should put random snippets of code from my "undisclosed project" down here
Elejeetian Cruiser. Best ship in its class, and capable of taking down any other ship in Ares if piloted well.
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Ship: Human HVD. Its rapid-fire capabilities are unmatched by any other ship in Ares. Oh wait, it's not in the 20 factory Ares scenarios.
Wep: Sal Gunship's Plasma Ball. It takes a good pilot to use it properly. The trails do a great deal of damage.
Disadvantage has its own advantages. - Commodore Vahrn La'harrh
Obish Escort (of course). Power of a gunship in a convenient cruiser size and speed. 8 resources, is it? (Don't you dare say any HVD is better.)
Weapon... I'd have to say that the best weapon is the Concussive Pellet Gun. It's the ships that the gaitori use that make it seem so bad, since they don't have the maneuverability to keep a target locked.
If you were to mount it on an Obish Escort in place of its PKB, it could 0wn entire fleets.
"All truths are relative, except for this one."
nah. the RapidP-K is 90% as good as the CCPellet and doesnt run out of energy in 5 seconds like certain other weapons
Originally posted by Patrick:
Ish HVD will kick Human HVD's butt any day of the week.
I agree the fullerene pulse is easier to see... otherwise it's mainly the skill of the pilot.
Ishiman gunship.
His secondary attack.
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
opinion change 9/24/02: Human society is a complex metaphor for slavery.
Elejeetian Cruiser and Onas Pulse
Cmon, 200 damage knockback and no energy use... Plus the cruiser is crazy fast with tons of health.
It's Difficult To Comprehend How Insane Some People Can Be. Especially When You're Insane.
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=60&SUBMIT;=Go")just games or death,(/url) and were all out of death!
Patrick: A good pilot would kick any HVD's tushy with a Human HVD.
Pyro: A skilled HVD pilot can defeat an Elejeetian cruiser. Match 900 range with 900 range, plus a faster fire rate.
Disadvantage has its own advantages. - Commodore Vahrn La'harrh
hmm I don't know about the ship...the coolest ship is definetely the Escort but I think the best ship is The Ish HVD.
The best weapon is the Onas Pulse gun.
If I don't see it, it's not illegal! - Homer Simpson.
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)
Eagle: If you ever came on GR I'd show ya the error of your ways...
lala i need a sig...maybe i should put random snippets of code from my "undisclosed project" down here
I am quite busy these days. But even if I did go on GR, you'd kick my butt 'cause you have more experience, and that you are a better pilot.
Disadvantage has its own advantages. - Commodore Vahrn La'harrh
Best ship: Salirian carrier
Favorite ship:Ishiman HVD
Best and favorite gun: Onas pulse cannon
Be the shoe
Women are like cats: pickey, vain, and terrified of water.
Men are like dogs: dirty, stinky, and dumb. -Me
best ship: Bazdanese(sp) Battleship
best weapon: homing pulses of the battleship.
coolest/favorite ship: Obish Escort.
Insanity has its advantages
R-Plasma is indeed the best weapon,
Patrick, you will show the error of Eagle's ways of saying that the HVD can beat any other hvd by... beating his hvd with your hvd? Or what?
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
opinion change 9/24/02: Human society is a complex metaphor for slavery.
"Best" is not quite an accurate measurement. It's only your opinion that counts.
Admiral: The homing pulses aren't autotarget. Because of the forward-firing cannon, it gives it a disadvantage in range. For best results, you have to face the enemy ship.
Also, in my opinion, its guided system's a bit wonky.
Disadvantage has its own advantages. - Commodore Vahrn La'harrh
heh, I'm so very tempted to make an elejeetian cruiser vs. Ish HVD plug. But then I'd have to...
a) get ares (again)
get hera (again)
c) Fix ares not working in osx
d) find you
Its just not worth it.
It's Difficult To Comprehend How Insane Some People Can Be. Especially When You're Insane.
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=60&SUBMIT;=Go")just games or death,(/url) and were all out of death!