Star's End-The Raiders

Hey, I'm going to introduce the title and stats of my upcoming plugin (not preview this time, plugin) so I may as well give it it's own topic. This is Star's End's intro, also in Earth Quest.

For centuries, mankind had dreamed of reaching the stars.

At the end of the 20th century, that dream seemed closer to reality. New advances proceeded quickly, and before long, the first man had reached the moon. 100 years later, Mars was colonised. Very soon the entire Solar System appeared within our grasp. And it was.

But the laws of the universe did not permit us to go further. The faster-than-light travel dream seemed unattainable. The overpopulated citizens of Earth and the surrounding colonies starved for expansion which science could not supply, and the pent up urge for more was released.

After a war that starved the imagination of past conflicts, humankind was almost completely wiped out. 2 centuries passed before the citizens of Earth rediscovered space travel. Remembering the Great Holocaust, people lived in fear and isolation, until the theory of dimensional warp travel altered the rules of our perception, and the new age scientists cautiously left our solar system.

Soon, people spread outwards, seeding the universe with life. A great flourish in prosperity enabled the Earth-Sol Federation to reach the Edge of our arm of the galaxy, while inwards colonists coped with denser and hotter stars.

But it was not to last. The Earth-Sol Federation could not extend itself further, and a sudden economic depression deprived all the Outlying Worlds sustenance from Earth. Every year 10 colonies died out, and the ESF was a long time recovering.

The starving humans closer to the core revolted against this hydraulic despotism, at the discovery of an almost Earth-like planet to call home - Beurasaj. Human space expected another Great Holocaust, but instead received peace. So it was until the Border War.

Earth's colonies had been sinking into a state of greater and greater depression. Without the means to pay and update it's military forces, the ESFJC was overwhelmed by the Union. Many believed the end of the ESF dominion was inevitable.

But they fought back, with the revitalisation of Earth's economy and by employing the skills of the independant traders whose daring captains could fly in supplies when it was most needed. Eventually, the score was evened, and what were war-torn planets are now the Frontline Colonies. Peace has persisted for 70 years.

It was soon to end.

First of all, Star's End is not a single plugin, but several stretched out into campaigns of 15 levels apiece. I will also try to get each version to be from a different race's perspective telling the story (much like in Starcraft). The first version, The Raiders is from the ESF's perspective.

Because the Raiders deals only with humanity, it won't have altogether that many new things in it, to be exact:

•21 new ships (pirates, Union, ESF)
•New asteroid graphics
•Missiles etc...
•New sounds
•Other graphics
•15 levels (projected) I could exceed this easily.

The real purpose of this post is so you can volunteer for plugin testing duty. I'll only accept it from the first 10 or so... on the basis of secrecy and the fact that you're going to supply me with feedback.

This is totally irrelevant, but has anyone discovered the secret in Earth Quest, or played a multiplayer with it's net level?

Down with signatures!

(This message has been edited by Count Altair El Alemein (edited 03-06-2001).)

Ok, I just tried to upload it, it didn't work... :frown:

And yes, I do know how to properly compress files...even compressed, all the file sizes are over 3 megs. :rolleyes:

--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
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Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
**The real purpose of this post is so you can volunteer for plugin testing duty. I'll only accept it from the first 10 or so... on the basis of secrecy and the fact that you're going to supply me with feedback.

I'd like to volunteer to beta test.

GR Name: Patrick
To get Ares 1.2.0b6(for plugins) go to:

I'll email it just as soon as I get a few more people.

i would like to playtest it, but on another note: I would aslo like to make one of the campaigns, i have a really cool plot line that would go well with your technology and plot etc. If you would like me to expand i can email you something. But to do it id need your graphics set.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

That sounds great Pyro, but it will need to be the size and standard of the marathon saga's story before I even consider giving away my prized graphics. I spent atleast a year thinking about the ESF universe, even if it smells like a box of cheery nuts in a stale tin can.

Please email me at


marathon saga > pyros story... damn. Im working on it. I will email as soon as i have time to write it down (spring break = next week 🙂 )

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

What exactly is it about?

As soon as I find my ZIP disk, I'll mail you the story. It's more of a timeline, actually...

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

I'd like to test your plug... Ive been looking for something interesting to do and this looks like it just might be that.

"Learn about art captian,
when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"

Actually, I'll just post it on the developers forum now. (I really mean it this time :rolleyes: )

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

(This message has been edited by Talon Karrde (edited 03-14-2001).)

aw c'mon couldnt you just email me the graphics. Ill send you a preview of like the first levels, if not ill just email you thte story.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

The damnation of untold horror is here, and it is in my computer.

After quite alot of work, my copy of Tr corrupted. I am not exactly happy about this. Not only that, but my school work has taken a nasty turn and so progress has been stalled. The good news is that I've completed my storyline up to an impressive standard . I would like to tell you about it here, but it's something deaply interwoven with the development of the plugin's player and I don't want to ruin it.

These are the races/
Human: ESF/Union/Pirates
Meson{Aerion, Duthul}
Zirzacht: Nether/Monark
Armadian: Ion Legion/Unnamed Ones/Galamanus{Preknese}
Duthul: Reason/Free Duthul
Naarad: Agents of the Naarad/Free Naarad
Jaddriack: Unificationists/Free Oligarchy

I might have missed som.

All im gonna need(for graphics) for my plug is the human ships (the ones in the plug you released) and one alien race. Not neccesarly an evil one, but one thats willing to fight. ILl email you the plot as soon as i have time (today). Oh and for graphics, if you could meake some sort of shockwave explosion it would be greatly appreciated.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

I'd like to test it. My e-mail is in my info.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

rubs hands gleefully in anticipation

Excellent. I've been fishing about with Norton Utility's recover function and I've got an earlier version of the plugin. I'll email it today probably. If not, then tomorrow. Atleast by next week, and definately before the month is up.

Cool, sounds fun.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

I'm emailing it to Patrick, Pyro, and Canth. That is, if the attachments actually work properly . You will provide me with feedback, or face destruction at the hands of an angry alien god.

could you actually get on GR and come to land of the lost at some point. Is alot eaiser to discuss plugins that way. Thats what mag and all of the beta testers for war in the void do. Its alot eaiser to discuss things in actual conversation.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

I agree. On the other hand, I live in Oz and you live in the U.S. Unless you're prepared to go at circa 8:00 am then this is impossible. In fact, the time above this post will tell you, I think. Of course, even then i don't go on much.