How do I get the map to remember a NPC being killed?


Originally posted by Albadar:
**Okay, I have tried RDs susgestion. 2 NPCs and 2 Globals.

Since I have been tring to get this to work for 2 days now, I have created a shortcut in main that takes me straight there. I have also added a dialog that not only tells me where I am, but the 2 globals as well. I now have two NPCs, one for each global, each is identical. Death event changed to:
drop item
or gb_This1Dead2=0
depending on the NPC.

I checked the globals before I killed one. Then after. Then killed the second one. And checked again. The globals don't change, neither one of them. If I exit the map and come back, both NPCs are still there confirming they haven't changed.

How can I make it drop an item everytime I kill one of them?

Two questions: When you say "drop item" do you mean LAUNCH item? Because this is what you want to do. When you enter this map, what checks the globals to know whether or not to place the NPCs? On entering this map, you have to have an event somewhere that reads:

If This1Dead = l, then place NPC1 at x,y - - otherwise do nothing.
If This1Dead2 = l, then place NPC2 at x2,y2 - - otherwise do nothing.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. Have you been everywhere?


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Two questions: When you say "drop item" do you mean LAUNCH item? Because this is what you want to do. When you enter this map, what checks the globals to know whether or not to place the NPCs? On entering this map, you have to have an event somewhere that reads:

If This1Dead = l, then place NPC1 at x,y - - otherwise do nothing.
If This1Dead2 = l, then place NPC2 at x2,y2 - - otherwise do nothing.


1st question: No Dro item Iwant the NPC to drop an item when it dies.
2nd question: Yes, the globals are there and seem to be working correctly (will test it for each NPC soon.). It is the the map LOCATION initailization link.
Just tested them both and they will only load the correct guy on the map.

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...


Originally posted by Albadar:
1st question: No Dro item Iwant the NPC to drop an item when it dies.

"Drop item" will not make an item fall to the ground. "Drop item" means remove it from inventory. What you want is "launch item" at actual co-ordinates (meaning the x,y of the NPC when it dies. "Launch item" will then place the item on the ground where the NPC stood just moments ago.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. Have you been everywhere?


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**"Drop item" will not make an item fall to the ground. "Drop item" means remove it from inventory. What you want is "launch item" at actual co-ordinates (meaning the x,y of the NPC when it dies. "Launch item" will then place the item on the ground where the NPC stood just moments ago.


Ok, That's fixed Thanks.

Hey that fixed it all. WOW. Thanks!!!!!! (OK Stark_Bledfast, Why should that make a difference?)

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but why can't you do the following:

  • Make 1 NPC that will be loaded twice.

  • Create a global for control, let's call it &&gb;_NPC_COUNT and don't initialize it(it has a value of NULL which has a value of 0)

  • In the local event place a conditional that checks if the value of &&gb;_NPC_COUNT is < 2. If so it adds 1 NPC.

  • In the local event following the above conditional, check if the value of &&gb;_NPC_COUNT is < 1. If so it adds 1 NPC.

(at this point if the character had just entered the map for the first time, the value of &&gb;_NPC_COUNT would be 0 and thus 2 NPCs would be loaded)

Then, in the NPC death event of the NPC:

  • Use a Change Global to add 1 to &&gb;_NPC_COUNT

  • If you want the NPC to drop an item only if it is the last one dead(ie, you already killed its twin), use a conditional to check if &&gb;_NPC_Count == 2. If so, use the Launch Item event action to place the object at the NPC's feet.

Will this do what you want?

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Originally posted by Albadar:
(OK Stark_Bledfast, Why should that make a difference?)

Why should what make a difference?

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Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**Why should what make a difference?


Okay Stark, To you. I tried that first, exactly!!!! like you have it. It wouldn't remember the death of either (the global wouldn't climb). I had the drop item in the death event. It should have been launch item (thanks RD) and it might have worked that way, But I have worked for so long on it, and it now works, I"M NOT MESSING WITH IT!!
Thanks to both of you, VERY much!

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...