plugin question... :)

Just out of interest (cos i haven't played about with the plugins option at all)...
Is it possible to use a plugin to import an existing PC to another game?
So then the player could expand on that character throughout a series of games, using the experience and items they gathered in the games they played previously.

Don't worry about explaining how (you can if you want to... but i won't understand), I was just wondering, that's all... secretly plans massive game saga 😉


"Kids aren't influenced by computer games at all... Pac man's a computer game, how many kids do you know who listen to repetetive music and take mind-altering pills?"


Originally posted by Migraine:
Just out of interest (cos i haven't played about with the plugins option at all)...
Is it possible to use a plugin to import an existing PC to another game?
So then the player could expand on that character throughout a series of games, using the experience and items they gathered in the games they played previously.

Ya know, I've had the same thought. It would be my guess that if the engine does not write to the player file with the parent game's information, and then checks it to see if it is the same before loading the player file, then it would be possible. But CGE seems to have several engine writing calls that are un-changeable and unknown to us. I would guess that this would not be possible, but I would think that only a developer would know for sure.

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I think I read somewhere that as long as the game has the same creator code the save file from another game can, somehow, be used. Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere in a Dee interview. Test this idea to see if it works.

Here's my site! There is art, music, movies, and games are on there way!

To elaborate on what Klatu said:

It is my understanding that Dee has said that a game could theoretically be made to import save files from another game if they were to both share the same creator code, but such a feature is untested, unsupported, and quite simply might not work at all. 🙂 But why not go ahead and try it?

I don't know what I'm talking about.
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